Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 89

Chapter 89: little tiger ball

"Call me if you want to do anything. You haven't fully recovered yet, so don't be too tired." Mu Chen stroked Mu Yan's forehead distressedly, and said softly.

"The baby is hungry, I want to make him a cup of milk powder." Mu Yan said innocently with his eyes wide open.

"It's fine if I come, you lie down." After Mu Chen finished speaking, he quickly poured a bottle of milk powder for the baby.

In order to be able to take good care of the newborn baby, Mu Chen worked hard to learn from Lin Jiayu, and now he is a fully qualified baby daddy.

The little tiger seemed to smell the sweet milk scent, and moved its little nose vigorously, and moved its little head towards Mu Chen's direction, whimpering and chirping very cutely.

Mu Chen skillfully stuffed the bottle into the little tiger's mouth, and the little tiger immediately held the little bottle with its soft paws, lying on its back, drinking happily.

"The baby is so cute." Mu Yan looked at the little tiger and couldn't help laughing.


"You are the cutest." Mu Chen went to the bedside, and uttered sweet words casually, and Mu Chen's thin skin immediately turned red when he heard the words.

"Grandma Qiao said that you just gave birth and you can't eat too much, so I made some nutritional powder paste and side dishes, you eat some first, and I will make delicious food for you when you feel better." Chen held the bowl containing the nutritious powder, scooped up a spoonful of it, blew it cool, and brought it to Mu Yan's lips, obviously wanting to feed him himself.

Mu Yan's face was slightly red, and his heart was hot. He ate the nutritious powder paste one bite at a time. It was obviously tasteless, but he felt it was sweet.

After dinner, Mu Chen first carried the baby back to the crib in the room, and then came back to carry Mu Yan back to their room.

Before, because Mu Yan was very weak after giving birth, he stayed in the delivery room. Now that he is in better health, he carried him back to the bedroom.

"Ah Chen, bring the baby here." Mu Yan patted the place beside him, then looked at his son lying alone on the crib waving his little paw, and said.

Although Mu Chen didn't want his son to share the sleeping space between him and Mu Mu, but he always responded to Mu Yan, so he had no choice but to hug his son.

Mu Yan teased the little tiger with his fingers, stroking his little paws

He can smooth his hair, and the teased tiger cub keeps making a comfortable sound of "gurgling".

Mu Yan's attention was all on his son, and Mu Chen looked a bit apprehensive, and he could even predict that his son would distract most of his lover's attention in the future, and he felt heartbroken just thinking about it.

"Mu Mu, what do you want to eat tomorrow?" Mu Chen hugged his lover from behind, and whispered in his ear, the warm breath brushed against the other's earlobe continuously, causing the person in his arms to tremble.

"It's all okay." Mu Yan responded in a low voice, trying hard not to make strange noises, twisting his body constantly, trying to stay away from Mu Chen.

However, Mu Yan didn't know that his disturbance was even more torture for Mu Chen, and he almost couldn't help it.

"Don't move." Mu Chen's voice was low and hoarse with a hint of desire, but it was even more deceptive.

The two of them even have children, even if they are dull, Mu Yan also knows what Mu Chen's behavior means, so he was so scared that he didn't dare to move.josei

In fact, he also wanted it a little bit. After all, during pregnancy, the number of times the two had **** was very few, but the baby was still here, so he couldn't set a bad example for the baby.

Mu Chen hugged Mu Yan tightly, felt Mu Yan's warm body, familiar breath, and severely suppressed the desire in his body that was constantly moving around.

He still kept in mind what Grandma Qiao said, that Mu Mu had just given birth and was not suitable for intercourse, otherwise the root cause of the disease would easily remain.

"When you are in good health, you have to make it up to me." Mu Chen almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence, ambiguous and bewitching, and then exchanged a long and moist kiss fiercely, and then hurriedly got up to rush I took a cold shower.

Mu Yan's little face was still flushed red, and his thoughts were wandering, until he felt his son rubbing against him constantly, and then he came back to his senses.

Another week later, the little tiger's eyes have been opened, the black pupils are round and bright, his personality is very lively, he runs around in the yard all day, his energy is so strong that Mu Yan can't stand it.

If it was a human-shaped baby, it would definitely be lying obediently in the swaddle and being hugged at this moment. However, a beast-shaped baby can already run around all over the place. If it weren't for Mu Chen who could hold it down, he might have gone outside to have fun up

"Qiaoqiu, breakfast is ready." Mu Yan said to the little tiger who was having fun in the yard, holding a delicious milk paste.

Sure enough, as soon as the little tiger heard that there was something delicious, he was immediately attracted to him, and looked at Mu Yan with his round eyes. Can't resist.

The nickname of the little tiger Qiuqiu was given by Mu Yan, because when the little tiger was just born, its whole body was curled up and looked like a fluffy ball.

As for the right to name the daimyo, Mu Yan directly handed it over to Ah Chen. In his opinion, Ah Chen's knowledge is much better than his, and the name he chose must have a deeper meaning than his.

Although the little tiger is already alive and kicking and having fun all over the yard, its actual age is only one month. It still mainly eats milk powder and liquid food, and can add some minced meat and vegetables in small amounts.

"Qiaoqiu, don't be picky eaters, eat up all the green vegetables." Mu Yan put the green vegetables into Qiuqiu's exclusive small bowl, and urged.

The little tiger stared at the green vegetables in the bowl with a look of bitterness and hatred, as if staring like this, the green vegetables could disappear out of thin air.

Probably because of the beast's gene in his body, the little tiger always doesn't like vegetables, but for balanced nutrition, Mu Yan often asks him to eat them all, so every time the little tiger eats vegetables, it's like eating poison. Mu Yan couldn't close his mouth happily.

"Eat it all, daddy will take you to play in the store." Mu Yan coaxed the little tiger, offering an attractive condition.

The little tiger's eyes lit up suddenly, and then he began to swallow those vegetables with a big mouthful, his hairy face was wrinkled together, but he still didn't stop, which shows how strong his desire to go outside is.

"Eat slowly." Mu Yan touched the little tiger's soft fur, and his heart became softer.

After breakfast, Mu Yan followed his words and brought the little tiger to the snack bar.

The snack bar has become much larger than its original size, and the number of customers it can receive at one time has nearly doubled. Even so, there are still many customers outside the door who are still waiting in line or taking packages home.

As soon as Mu Yan brought the little tiger into the snack bar, he immediately became the focus of everyone's attention, and everyone greeted him warmly.

"Little boss, I haven't seen you for a long time. What did you do a while ago?"

"I didn't feel well a while ago, so I've been recuperating at home." Mu Yan explained with a smile, this was also what Chen told him before, after all, it is still a relatively novel thing in this world to be pregnant as a man.

"Is the little boss well now? Don't be too tired." The customer asked concerned.

"It's okay, thank you for your concern." Mu Yan thanked with a smile.

"Huh? This little tiger is so cute, is it raised by the little boss?

"A female customer was instantly attracted by the little tiger. Looking at the silly little tiger, she couldn't help reaching out to touch it, but unfortunately the little tiger avoided it.

Qiuqiu hides behind Dad, only revealing a round head, big round eyes looking around, it looks even cuter, and a group of women can't help but call it cute.

"Well, his name is Qiuqiu." Mu Yan picked up the ball, worried that too many customers would accidentally squeeze or step on it.

Mu Yan did not introduce to everyone that Qiuqiu is his child. Under Lin Jiayu's introduction, he also knew a lot about this planet. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, Mu Yan did not explicitly state the existence of the author.

It just so happens that the baby can't speak until it turns into a one-year-old baby, so everyone won't doubt anything.

"What a cute name, it's so cute, I want to raise one, little boss, where did you buy it?" A female customer asked.

"Hmm..." Mu Yan didn't know what to say, the thing in his arms was not bought, it was born in ten months of his hard work, it's a pity that I can't tell everyone about it.

"A Chen gave it to me." Mu Yan finally said, kicking the ball to Mu Chen.

In fact, it is true to say that, without Ah Chen, he would not be able to conceive Qiuqiu alone, so this is not a lie.

Just when the customers wanted to ask something and Mu Yan couldn't help it, Zhao Hanyuan hurried over and said, "Little Boss, Big Boss let you go."

"Okay." Mu Yan hurriedly responded, and then hurried to the back kitchen, heaving a sigh of relief.

"Little boss, you're here." Zhang Mingfei greeted him with a smile, and then continued to chop vegetables.

Because of the large size of the snack bar, Mu Chen is obviously too busy in the back kitchen, and Mu Yan needs to accompany the children often, so he decided to train five employees in the shop, and let them help support the snack bar in the future.

In fact, Mu Yan already had such an idea when he first recruited. After all, his culinary skills will definitely be spread to the outside world. Only when everyone learns how to cook can the food be truly spread.

However, at present, the selection of subjects to teach cooking skills still needs to be carefully selected, which is why they were so strict when recruiting.

Now only Zhang Mingfei and Tao Qingran came to help in the back kitchen. When they found out that they could enter the back kitchen, even the mature and stable Tao Qingran couldn't help being stunned, never expecting that he would have such a good opportunity.

You know, there are no chefs in this world. The snack bar has almost opened up a completely blank field, and it also allows everyone to see the vast future prospects of this field. Under such circumstances, who can master the chef first? Advanced technology will naturally be able to occupy a share of this market.

It's a pity that many people have tried it, but there is no way to make the taste of Mu Yan. It can be said that as long as Mu Yan does not take the initiative to leak technology, he can almost completely monopolize the market and make a lot of money. is less.

However, what is surprising is that Mu Yan plans to teach this technique to others, and has already preliminarily selected candidates. God knows how much envy, jealousy and hatred they aroused when Zhang Mingfei and Tao Qingran were selected. Even the other three waiters who came in at the same time were envious


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