Looking Over at the Guy Across the Way

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Who led you astray, my little slag man?

Chapter 8: Who led you astray, my little slag man?

That night, the two stayed up very late. Chen Xiao’s forehead was the most serious wound, needing a few stitches and, because the grit needed to be cleaned out first, and he was in constant pain throughout. Gu MengYang sat on the edge of the bed, staring at him, his heart was also also twisted up and perturbed and he kept muttering “no pain, no pain,” making the little nurse on the side cover her mouth and laugh.

“Who’s calling it painful!”

Gu MengYang didn’t respond to him, turning around and asking the doctor, “Doctor, he won’t be left with a scar on his head, right?!”

“How can such a big gash not leave a scar? But it won’t affect the looks too much.”

Gu MengYang’s face hazed over again. josei

“Hey! I’m a big boy and I’m not afraid of a scar! Don’t you worry about it……” Chen Xiao argued with a red face.

Gu MengYang looked at him with a little bit of a wronged expression, obviously inclined to ignore him, which made Chen Xiao embarrassed. It wasn’t good to talk in front of other people so he poked him with a finger. For the two of them to be arguing was really awkward. The doctor also hid a laugh.

“You two brothers have a really good relationship.”

Gu MengYang, with a red-face, made a soft “mhm” sound, almost making Chen Xiao glare again.

After the head wound was taken care of, Gu MengYang insisted on Chen Xiao having a full body examination done also. Chen Xiao didn’t agree, didn’t he just get kicked twice, so what? The other’s face immediately went cold and hard and he grabbed him and dragged him into the ward. Helpless, Chen Xiao could only say yes, thinking, this change of face was too fast, wasn’t it?

Luckily, there was nothing wrong and he could be discharged. Though his green and purple belly was swollen severely and there was some bruising on his arms and legs too, his internal organs weren’t damaged. Though Gu MengYang giving him a look like he was going to die the next day really gave him some goosebumps.

When they got back to Gu MengYang’s house, it was almost 10 o’clock. He warmed up the dishes he had cooked before so that the two men could eat. Chen Xiao wore a bitter expression on his face, though his heart was actually blossoming beautifully, look, isn’t this the same as two people eating dinner together?

Gu MengYang didn’t dare to offer him soy sauce dishes to eat, for fear that his scar would be pigmented. He also didn’t dare to let him move after he finished his meal, making him sit on the couch, acting like a kind-hearted Buddha in the kitchen.

(t/n: there’s an old wives’ tale that eating soy sauce after a serious wound/surgery will make the scar darker from the pigmentation)

Chen Xiao was a little amused and happy. Because his viewpoint towards the other man was different, he would guess at every thought behind every move of the other side. What’s he thinking, why’s he doing this, what the hell does he think of me? Gu MengYang’s concern for him this time made him unable to stop thinking about nonsense, do you think a regular friend could be so obsessed with someone?! Well, this guy did…… He happily fantasized for a while and then felt it was pretty boring, because it was just his own self-indulgence.

Gu MengYang packed everything up, sending Chen Xiao back to his house while carrying pillows and bedding in his hands.


“I’ll sleep in your room tonight to take care of you.”


Chen Xiao gulped, his heart starting racing with “thump thump thump.” Why did he have the hunch that he was going to do something perverted tonight…..this must be a dream!

Gu MengYang took out a big container of ointment before bed, saying he was going to treat Chen Xiao. Looking at Chen Xiao’s bruised belly, he frowned and furrowed his brow. Why wasn’t I by his side at that time? If the other side had been larger or more vicious, Chen Xiao could have been…..

At such a thought, he felt a cold chill run down his spine. He couldn’t think about it anymore. If Chen Xiao disappeared from this world, there would no longer be such a person on his doorstep, everyday eating together, watching TV together, leaving for work together…… His chest felt stuffy and, as if by instinct reacting to that fear, the hand that was rubbing the belly couldn’t help but suddenly use more force.


Chen Xiao screamed, pulling him back from his thoughts. He quickly apologized, massaging his stomach more gently.

This too-slow massage made Chen Xiao a little itchy and he wiggled a few times. Seeing that Gu MengYang had no response, he kicked him with his foot: “Hey, hey, you’ve rubbed the tummy enough, go to a different place.”

Gu MengYang dulled nodded, putting some ointment on his hand and starting to rub the bruise on his foot. Chen Xiao was only wearing a pair of beach shorts. When his foot was in Gu MengYang’s lap, the man could glance up and see all the way down to the end, grey underwear…… He seemed startled and hurriedly shifted his gaze. He couldn’t help the burst of heat on his face and he no longer dared to look at Chen Xiao’s sparse leg hair.

Chen Xiao was probably naturally gifted at relationships. His skin was also a little whiter because he had a less athletic disposition. The shining whiteness stabbed painfully at Gu MengYang’s eyes. With a swipe, he listened to Chen Xiao give a comfortable sigh, but when it reached his ear, he heard it as a moan. Even if it wasn’t real, he couldn’t keep his mouth from going dry.

Chen Xiao felt comfortable at first but the more this continued, the worse it got. The other’s hands were soft and slow, not as if they were applying medicine. The rough hands were on his knees, grinding in circles over and over again. They drifted straight up his thigh several times, why did he think it was……so erotic?!

Unexpectly, Gu MengYang wasn’t too bad, and, as soon as he thought about it, there was a surge of blood. He glanced up again and saw Gu MengYang was staring straight at his thighs with a flushed face, so his lower body uncontrollably swelled up.

Little slag man, where are you looking!! Have you never seen a thigh?!! Chen Xiao growled in his heart, as he tried to keep his voice steady: “Alright, alright, don’t coat it.”

Gu MengYang raised his head in a bit of confusion, saying: “It’s not coated yet.”

You’re not applying it well! Half the ointment’s gone, wasting money, ah!

So he simply said: “Your stroking is making me hard!”

Gu MengYang cried out “ah” and released his hands. He didn’t even dare to look at him. Just when Chen Xiao was going to explain it was just a joke, he settled down a little bit. He slowly stretched out his hand, after hovering it in mid-air for a moment, as if he had become determined to press down on his lower body.

“It, it’s really hard……”

Chen Xiao barely kept from jumping, what the hell is this! Benefits after an injury?! He wanted to struggle but he couldn’t bear it, so he twisted symbolically a few times with a flushed face, but he couldn’t move comfortably. He even pushed up and thrust urgently against the other’s hand.

Gu MengYang rubbed the fabric of his shorts for a while, feeling the hot stiffness under the palm of his hand. His heart rate jumped and he couldn’t help fiddling with the edges of the shorts, putting his hand inside. Just as his hand touched Chen Xiao’s member, the other shuddered as if he was burned, making a soft cat-like moan. The nasally sound scratched and teased at his heart, so he used his other hand to pull the shorts down, leaving them caught halfway down his butt. He wrapped his hand around those two balls and squeezed them.

“Ah –” Chen Xiao’s breath starting coming quickly. When he looked, the man’s eyes were a little dazed, his mouth was slightly half-open. It just made a person want……made a person want to press a kiss down…… Gu Meng Yang was surprised, would he think of the same thing if he were all alone? He hurriedly threw those messy, bad thoughts out of his head, concentrating on dealing with Chen Xiao’s “little brother.” He couldn’t be more familiar with a man’s physiology, but he had never wanted to use his own hands to make another man orgasm. Chen Xiao had shattered his principles over and over again, even giving him the urge to make the other person feel very good.

Chen Xiao was disgruntled by Gu MengYang’s distraction, lifting up his butt and thrusting twice. Immediately, the other side twisted the base of his thigh and he didn’t know if it hurt or if he liked it. A little more fluid came out of the top of his shaft. He leveled a wronged look at Gu MengYang as he frowned, clearly communicating ‘you’re the one who seduced me first and you’ve been distracted, do I have to remind you that this is too unethical!’

Gu MengYang ignored his mournful stare, rubbing some of the wet fluid from the tip with his hands and pushing his palm in front of Chen Xiao’s eyes. Chen Xiao’s face was a little too thick to stand this, he twisted his head to avoid looking at it, his ears red down to his neck. So he used this fluid as lubrication and started stroking slowly. When Chen Xiao’s breathing sped up, he slowed down and waited until Chen Xiao couldn’t help twisting his waist and then he began to stroke quickly. The transparent fluid flowing out of the mouth of the tip had long since drenched his hand, making a subtle, wet sound when it was stroked.

Chen Xiao finally couldn’t help but beg for mercy, grabbing Gu MengYang’s hand and thrusting it up and down indiscriminately: “Ah…..yes, come on, hurry up, a little faster, wuuu…..”

Gu MengYang was also breathless, hardening from hearing his groans so that he ached from the constriction of his pants. So he stopped teasing Chen Xiao, his whole hand fiercely stroking up and down. His thumb rubbed quickly at the tip and ground down. The other hand was stroking at his perineum and the base of his thighs.

The man beneath him soon screamed and then released all over his hands.

“Ah……..little slag man, you’ve followed a bad example……” Chen Xiao felt like he was flying in the clouds, so comfortable he could float off, speaking from his heart without thinking.

Gu MengYang heard this nickname and was shocked at first, then chuckled. He wiped the come off his finger on Chen Xiao’s lips a bit: “Ah, so what about this?”

“……” Chen Xiao gasped, glaring angrily at Gu MengYang. He then gave a “hmph” of disdain, stretching out the tip of his tongue and licking it, just to see Gu MengYang’s breath go shaky. He proudly pressed his heel against that obvious bulge down below. “Hey, do you want me to help you too?”

“…..no, I’ll handle it myself……” Gu MengYang whispered in his ear, softly and heatedly. He walked to the toilet in an awkward way, a little afraid of not being able to control himself. He had almost just straight up pounced on him just now. After two steps, he paused again, saying: “Next, next time, you help me……”

Who, who’s going to help you! Wait a minute……there’s a n-n-next time…..?

Chen Xiao covered his face and rolled around on the bed, finally burying himself in the blanket, revealing two red butt cheeks.

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