Lord of the Truth

Chapter 532 Realization

Chapter 532 Realization

Eating to gain power... This is not a new concept at all, as this is the best way for beasts to quickly increase their strength level as well!

The various beasts do not have an Energy Gathering Center like those of intelligent races. The different intelligent races cultivate techniques to absorb energy, create solid foundations that may contain impurities, study laws, and all that complicated stuff... But the beasts are in a way different situation. What they have instead of all this is A solid crystal that changes its location from one beast to another. This crystal is the source of the beast's power, and the beast's power depends on several factors, including the size of the crystal and the purity of the energy in it!

This is also why the beasts do not have to enter into seclusions for years in meditation about the universe. Depending on the species and the strength of that beast's ancestors, each beast is born with a crystal that contains a heavenly law given to them by nature, and its body works to absorb energy from the atmosphere and deliver it to the energy crystal automatically as well. As for the method of accelerating the enlargement of the size of the crystal and filtering it of the impurities, this is easier. This happens by eating other crystals!josei

Eating meat for the beasts is only a way to fill their hungry stomachs and give them the energy to move like other creatures, but their main goal is always to eat other beasts' crystals, eat some high quality herps, or to swallow the energy gathering center of intelligent creatures!

Even after Robin came to Planet Greenland, he saw the beasts attacking and greedily eating the buds. Although the buds do not have an energy crystal or an energy gathering center, their unique bodies, which are saturated with energy, also constitute excellent food for them!

Beasts have only one thing on their mind, which is to eat, and of course, this will only happen through killing... A lot of killing.

Robin has lived among the beasts for more than a hundred years and understands them well, or at least this applies to relatively weaker beasts... Most of these beasts would attack each other on sight without fear or taking risks into consideration! According to their primitive thinking, random killing is the only way they can quickly increase their strength and protect themselves from being the next meal for another beast!

Even after Robin appeared and took complete control over the area around the cave, the beasts there continued to attack him for decades until they finally began to understand the meaning of fear. In fact, even after decades, the beasts were still trying to sneak into the cave while he was sleeping in order to make a meal out of him!

Thinking about it, the demons aren't that different...

In terms of the pure killing drive, they do not lose to the beasts, and Robin tested this repeatedly on Planet Jura when he made rules not to hunt innocent humans, but many demons ignored his orders anyway and turned the Ancestral Continent into hell anyway. Even after Billy captured a number of outlaws and publicly executed them, the rest of the demons did not stop and continued hunting in secret until they were sent to the Central Continent!

The only difference in behavior between the Demons and the Beasts is that demons only eat intelligent races with *ancient blood lineage*, according to what they say.

"Hmm?" Robin thought of something at this point

'The Demons don't hunt their own kind like the beasts do. Is it possible that they don't have that ancient blood lineage? I don't think those things feel compassion and respect and that they wouldn't eat their kind out of love, they shouldn't be gaining any new power by eating their own, but does that mean they are not considered one of the intelligent races?' Robin furrowed his eyebrows tightly, 'But what is the ancient blood lineage they speak of in the first place? Do they refer to the regular energy molecules? In the end, it is the only factor common to all intelligent creatures.'

Robin shook his head when he thought of this, when testing the drop of blood, the demon blood only absorbed the drop of his pure blood and completely ignored the regular energy molecules and actually forced them to fly away.

"The descendants of the ancient blood... The descendants of the ancient blood... Although I still need time to study the regular and variable energy molecules in order to fully understand them, there is a conclusion that we can draw immediately, which is that the patterns formed by the energy when it passes through the regular and variable energy particles cause changes in the body and character, but it is not the original, this can be easily observed in human blood, which does not contain variable molecules at all..."

"...The patterns that the energy threads form when they pass through regular and variable energy molecules are important in determining the properties of species, but they are not irreplaceable. In theory, if we replaced the variable molecules in the blood container of the Nihari Giants with the variable molecules in the blood container of Dwarves, a Nihari Giant would turn into a Dwarf and vice versa. But if we completely remove the variable molecules, these patterns will disappear and the blood will contain only regular energy molecules, that is, it will turn into human blood."

"You mean..?" Jabba didn't know whether his master was talking to him or muttering to himself so he remained silent, but at this point, he couldn't help himself and intervened.

"What do I mean, this is a good question... I mean that if you wear a dark green uniform armor that focuses only on protection and holds a scepter that helps speed up the transformation of ordinary energy into life energy, then everyone in the army will think that you are one of the forces from the Holy Tree Continent, but if you wear the golden full body armor that gives you tremendous defensive and offensive capabilities, everyone will doubt that you are a member of the Burton family or that you are some rising genius. However, if you throw all your armor on the ground and stand naked, you will lose a large part of your strength, but you will still be Jabba..." Robin returned to muttering with clear enthusiasm, "Although it is a far-fetched analogy, and I know it, allow me to liken these variable molecules and the patterns they create to the armors, meaning that the variable molecules and the patterns they form are not the basic building unit of a living organism, but rather it can be said that they are closer to the final touches to determine the characteristics of different species and their strengths and weaknesses."

Jabba scratched his head slightly, "But the variable molecules are not like armor, and removing them from the body is not an easy matter. In your opinion, if this was your field of study and wanted to know what would happen if you eliminated those variable molecules, What do you think is the best way to destroy them?"

Robin responded slowly, pointing repeatedly toward the bowl in front of him, "Of course, I know that it is not like armor. This is just an approach, and I know that the analogy is actually a bit far-fetched as the variable molecules are not like armor that can be put on and taken off whenever you want. I had to increase my visual penetration power thousands of times until I could see it, I even started to feel some headaches while using my eyes this way! Who knows how many variable molecules there are in a single drop of blood? Maybe tens of millions? ...Billions? You say what would happen if we tried to destroy them? This is extremely difficult. Who would dare to destroy themselves? Even if those molecules were something foreign and even without it the body would still function normally, it is still an integrated device that is hiding in the depths of the body..."

"But if we assume for the sake of investigation what would happen if we removed those variable molecules safely and over long periods of time, then... Hmm, I cannot say definitively what would happen to the body of an intelligent creature when those variable molecules are removed from it, but without the presence of those patterns that come with it, Then in my opinion, there are two ways: either the person loses the advantages that the patterns give him and turns into a human through a long-term process, or his body will not be able to keep up with the rapid internal changes that have occurred in it and will be exposed to immediate collapse. Therefore, in theory, changing energy particles are - ---"

While Robin was speaking, he suddenly stopped and looked at Jabba with eyes filled with shock, "Is this what happened in your case?!"

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