Lord of the Truth

Chapter 587 The situation at the Land of Death

Chapter 587 The situation at the Land of Death

Chapter 587 The situation at the Land of Death

Robin looked maliciously at Jabba and laughed, "No need to think too much, this has nothing to do with you. If I didn't sell the wood, I was going to sell some golden weapons anyway, The treasury needs to be filled and the market in the City of Hope is now full of space rings and talismans, We have to sell something new to attract customers you know.."

"...I really want to believe that you no longer see them as enemies, and that is why you are sending them weapons, but this isn't the case, isn't it?" Jabba grasped his knee tighter

"Haha, they are neither enemies nor allies, just a good choice to establish trade with, Where else can we find a consistent market that wants to buy anything we sell and their currency is the energy pearls that are not found anywhere else?" Robin waved with a laugh

Jabba looked down, "...I wish it was only like that. Master, I didn't want to talk to you about this as I understand how you feel about my home planet, but... even though you keep me in the dark at this point, I always keep my eyes on what happens in Planet Nihari and I have some guesses... Hate crimes against the Giants are increasing all over the planet in an upward curve, and it does not seem that they will subside soon, and the revolutions of the other races are continuing and even inflaming more... And now you want to sell them weapons, not only to the sect but throughout the planet as well? Don't you...don't you see that sending this type of weapon would be like throwing fuel on fire? If the situation continues as it is, will there be any local residents left in Planet Nihari at all after 15 years?"

"Oh, you seem to know a lot about what is happening there. Do you know why these revolutions and the hate crimes took place against the Giants? Speak and let Alexander listen and express his opinion, Maybe I can benefit from what you two have to say." Robin smiled gently

"...Alright, I will start with the Sect: There have been rumors recently spreading within the Nihari Union Sect that the Giants conspired against you, the human Third Heaven's Chosen, and expelled you from the Sect in a humiliating manner because they do not want the lower races to ever shine, and that the elders of the clan stood by and watched without saying anything, and some of them even helped the Giants do what they did... This rumor spread like wildfire among the residents of the City of Hope who love you overwhelmingly and went out in a massive protest demanding to see you again, but they did not find you."

Jabba raised his eyes to look at the smiling Robin, "Hate crimes against the Giants began from that day and accelerated fast until they were completely expelled from the City of Hope, and after that, they were expelled from the rest of the cities of the Sect. Anyone who tried to enter one of those cities was killed immediately. Even with this, the anger of the masses did not subside and they attacked the headquarters of their Elders and high leaders of the Sect targeted their families, and killed a number of them because they helped the Giants get rid of you, so they became traitors in their eyes, even most of the Sect army declared disobedience, and quite a few squads of the army went out to re-form terrorist groups and went to target the cities of the Giants for revenge."

Then he continued, "If the leaders of the Giants tribes had not sworn allegiance to the Sect, and had the Sect Elders not also been targeted by the angry crowds, a real extermination war would have broken out between the races in the eastern region of Nihari, Furthermore, currently the Sect is divided, as a large number of Elders and their families have gone to seek refuge within the Giant tribes, leaving the sect cities behind them full of angry crowds. Now the giant tribes have returned to have clear borders and a strong army to protect them from possible attacks from the Sect's people, whose numbers are currently estimated at tens or even hundreds of millions! As for the Elders who remained inside the cities they announced they were on the side of the people and they revere and respect the Third Heaven's Chosen and that they would listen to you if you decided to come back, among them the human Orzun."

Then he looked into his teacher's eyes, "If Your Excellency spoke to the Burton family merchants and asked them about the treatment they are receiving there currently, you would find a unified answer, which is that they are treated like kings, and every time they go there everyone begs them to intercede with you so that you can return to the sect, and they will do what you want this time without even discussion even If this resulted in the death of all of them, some of them also begged the merchants to take them on their way back to meet you, but they flatly refused... Information like this is impossible for the Shadow Swords not to convey to you, so why don't you go back and rule them, only you can calm the situation restore the balance, and make the sect become even stronger! ...But instead, you want to send more weapons to inflame the situation even more?"

*Tak* *Tak* Robin raised one eyebrow, "That sounds nice, but let me clarify something... You yourself led the sect's armies to crush and subjugate all the tribes of the Nihari Giants in the Eastern Region until only about 7 or 5 tribes remained and they all swore allegiance, right? They are supposed to be without any personal property or even be able to make a decision without referring to the sect, which of course is represented by the Senate. I literally made them slaves to the sect's Senate... Now let's see what's going on there, They created new borders for themselves and formed new armies. The region The East, which used to extend between dozens of giant tribes, is now in the hands of a handful of them? Doesn't this mean that each tribe controls ten times its original lands, while the sect returns to be trapped in the land of death? And of course, the new Giants' armies contain most of my innovations and techniques as since these honorable elders live among them, they will definitely leak everything to the giants so that they can protect them better, hehe."

Robin laughed angrily and leaned his back on the seat, "The sect elders from the lower races took their families and fled towards the Giant Tribes, taking advantage of the fact that the leaders of those tribes had sworn allegiance to the Senate, meaning that each Giant Tribe now has a few elders who can be considered their own mini-Senate, and at the same time, they can ignore the decisions of that mini-Senate because it is not a decision of a majority of the full Senate. These elders now live like cattle among the Giants, like clowns without any authority, and the only thing keeping them alive is that the leaders of those tribes cannot kill them. Isn't that wonderful? I took away everything from the giants of Nihari and I handed it over to those *elders* but they kicked the blessing and returned everything to the giants again, and even in double form, in exchange for them protecting them from their pitiful families, Isn't that lovely?" josei

Then he pointed towards Jabba, "According to what you said, the entire eastern region has returned to chaos now. The clan is no longer as it was before and has become merely scattered cities in the Land of Death without any real authority over the eastern region or even over themselves. You say I should return, return to them to do what exactly? To reunite the eastern region that I already united before? How will this benefit me in any sense? I prefer to stay here and continue on my own path, the link between me and the sect is over and I see no reason to return now."

"Let ME continue on your way! I swear to you that I will do my best to complete the body cultivation system, but you need to go back to unite the Eastern Region under your banner again, only you can do it!" Jabba stood up and shouted excitedly

Robin let out a sarcastic laugh, "Sit down... You think I'll be so free because you're going to build a new body cultivation system? Don't forget that I still have to find a way to transfer the energy for the internal energy system Emperors, or at least find a reliable way to counter the enemy Emperors, sorry, but you didn't think I would put all my eggs in one basket, right? I'm afraid I'll be as busy as you, my dear disciple, or even some more. I might need a large portion of the profits from the sold wood to fund my research as well, hehe."

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