Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 1202

Chapter 1202

Is it a skill for women to have children?

It's an instinct.


The captain thought, this woman is not simple, too simple. She must be a woman in the underworld. Her neat skills can not be possessed by a combat expert. It is too much.

They know them like the back of their hands, but they don't know her at all.

Although they had no malice, they worried him a little.

White soldier B said, "this breed is very rare."

He is studying the body of a small snake. It is a golden snake. The color is very beautiful. The snake is believed to be red in blood. It looks very beautiful. Xia Chenxi said, "it is very rare. We used to call it a golden one second kill. It can block the throat by blood. It is highly toxic. Basically, it is bitten. You don't have a chance to live, unless you can immediately inject serum antibody within one second."

"So powerful?"

"This kind of snake is common in desert and rare in jungle, but it's not surprising that it can be raised because of the hot climate here. It's considered as the first-class protected animal in the world."

"It's better for this animal to die." Black soldier a said, "I'm still scared.".

The captain said with a smile, "I find you know everything."

"I can't help it. I study a lot." Xia Chenxi smiles a little bit implicitly.

"Oh, which university?" A hundred soldiers asked tentatively, this is not a lot of study can explain, this is the actual combat experience, ah, practical experience, there is no such thing in books, this kind of poison can only be seen by less than ten people in a lifetime.

"Linton University."

People, "..."

Tang Yebai in the side of his wife to praise the old high, "a few doctor's degrees, a few master's degrees, absolutely a cow."

People were shocked again. Black soldier a envied, envied and hated, "where did you find such a wife?"

"She delivered it herself."

Xia Chenxi, "..."

People, "..."

General manager Tang said that he had a good fortune and didn't need to take the initiative to provoke women. All the women would send them to the door automatically. People wanted to beat his envious face.

The presence of poisonous snakes makes people have a sense of crisis. When walking in the forest, they should be more careful. There can not be only one small snake like this. Xia Chenxi said that there are usually groups of snakes in places where such small snakes appear.

He is the snake king.

It was getting light, and there was light in the forest. They sorted out their things and began to cross the forest, which was not far from the sea. The island was very big. They had to go around to the front.

It's a long way to go, and you have to climb a mountain, so that you don't know.

Seal team members are fully equipped. It's very convenient to walk in the woods. It's very difficult for her to walk in the woods when she comes on holiday. Of course, she wears beach slippers on the beach.

Tang night squatted down in front of her.

"Come up." josei

"No, you have to store your strength. I can walk by myself. Don't worry." Although not very convenient, but also not difficult to walk, nothing can be difficult to live in her.

Xia Chenxi was wearing a beach skirt, small slippers, blood stains on his legs, thorns on the instep of his feet. He was heartbroken, "my wife can't see blood in my sight, come up!"

"Night white..."

"No more!" Tang Yebai said that Xia Chenxi had no choice but to climb on his back. To tell the truth, he carried her on his back, and she was really relaxed. However, he also had a lot of burden. The road was hard to go. One person was a problem, or two people.

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