Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 1205

Chapter 1205

They ate some compressed biscuits and filled their stomachs. Two soldiers stood guard in the tree. The others sat down around a tree. The forest was rustling and could not hear the rest. So they waited until sunset. "

as soon as the sun sets, the sky sinks.

The atmosphere in the woods gradually changed. The light was still there. The day was long here. After sunset, it was still dark for a period of time. They took advantage of the fact that it was not dark and went to the edge of the woods.

When you get to the edge, it's almost dark, and the incandescent lights are on. It's very frequent to roll back and forth on the airport side. You have to be very flexible to get through the impact of this incandescent lamp.

At the edge of the woods, you can almost feel the road. If you want to cross the helicopter side, you must first cross a barrier wall. The barrier wall was not difficult in the past. As long as it was specially trained by the army, it used to be very simple.

The key is what to do after the past?

The incandescent lamp is dangerously rocking back and forth.

Even if we can avoid these two obstacles, what about the patrol on the helicopter side? This is the main force of the air force. There are a lot of people on patrol. Now it is the fugitives who control the island. They know the strength of the helicopter in this battle.

Therefore, the defense will be more strict.

As they expected, from the telescope, they saw that there were more people patrolling, most of them pirates. Although the fugitives controlled the island, they were short of manpower and could not control all the places.

The pirates were forced to obey them.

Now they are on the same boat, and their disobedience is death.

So they have to be obedient.

The large number of people on patrol means that their risk is increased. The Colonel has studied the patrol team, and there are 20 people in total. That means that they have to solve three people by one person in three minutes. josei

It's absolutely difficult because you can't use a gun, you can only use boxing.

Xia Chenxi asked, "can you use bows and arrows?"

The white soldier A.B. and the Colonel will meet, but the black soldier will not. Xia Chenxi spent an hour with materials to make several pairs of bows and arrows, and asked them to test the accuracy. Except for the colonel, the other two men were not allowed to.

Xia Chenxi destroyed the bows and arrows, only two left, one to the colonel.

"I can take care of the seven people on the periphery in three minutes, and you can assign the rest." Summer morning light light says, bow head with military dagger to cut wood arrow.

Seven people?

People are very surprised, this woman's fierce beyond their expectations, she can solve seven people at once?

Except Tang Yebai, no one believed it. Of course, Xia Chenxi took the people from the periphery. The Colonel believed her absolutely. So he assigned tasks. The Colonel could solve three people, which means that they only need two people for each person, and there is enough time for them, as long as there is no accident.

There are not a few people who can drive helicopters here. Almost all of them can. Xia Chenxi and Tang Yebai don't rush to fly helicopters. Xia Chenxi doesn't say that she can't help it. If she gets on the plane, she has to drive her own helicopter.

Because they are her enemies, not her comrades in arms.

She didn't believe them.

And they don't believe in their technology.

For a tech stream, she only believes in herself.

This is her pride.

Just in case, Xia Chenxi cut 15 wooden arrows and gave them to the colonel. They all took them with them. The personnel were assigned. Everyone quickly

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