Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 1481

Chapter 1481

They don't trust Nolan, even if Nolan has time to witness it.

Two generals of the station came to interrogate him in person, and the video recording was closed. One was a general and the other was a major general. Both of them were powerful and powerful. Nolan was interrogated for a day, and people were tired.

Let them investigate, and if they find no evidence of guilt, they dare not convict him.

"Major Nolan, you are an excellent officer. I believe your father will also be proud of you. You should not ruin your career for a terrorist. This is a wrong decision and you will regret it in the future." The lieutenant general said, "your father and I used to be colleagues. We've experienced the Vietnam war together. I know what kind of person he is. You are his son. You inherit his character. You can't do such a ridiculous thing."

Nolan said lightly, "I don't know what you're talking about, and I don't understand what you mean. I went to prison to track down the affairs of members of Parliament's family. Other things have nothing to do with me."

"When Lu Zhen was robbed, I had almost arrived in n city and had no time to participate in this matter."

"If you really want to blame me, I can't help it." Nolan light said, more calm than he, as long as bite a word, he doesn't know what, they also have no way.

The major general said, "we all know what relationship you have with Lu Zhen. You have repeatedly violated military regulations for his return to the jungle regardless of danger. Major, you should be very clear in your mind that only by handing him over can you be cleared of your crime."

Nolan said faintly, "I'm not for Lu Zhen to return to the jungle. I don't know why Lu Zhen was chased by them. I chase red lions just to catch them and never let them harm us again."

"It turns out that I was right. On the contrary, the red lion that you caught back would be rescued. This is even more ridiculous."

Neither of the generals looked very good.

The lieutenant general said, "major Nolan is eloquent, and black can be white. In any case, your actions do harm to national security. If we send you to the military court, you will know what charges you will have."

Nolan said, "you can take me to the military court. I also want to see what charges you can make for me, who stopped them in this terrorist attack, and who saved the whole city."

"Who came to Mexico to arrest them and who protected the nuclear bomb? The public have eyes. I don't believe that you can cover the sky with one hand."

Each system has different factions and different forces are checking and balancing each other. Nolan also has. As long as there is no evidence, he will never be here for more than 48 hours. He also wants to return to Lu Zhen. josei

The two generals knew that he had a hard temper, but they didn't expect to eat hard and soft. The lieutenant general said, "major Nolan, we are all working for the country. Since you say you are innocent, you should tell us all the information you know. Where is their headquarters and where is Lu Zhen? As long as you tell us, the rest is our business, and it has nothing to do with you. "

Nolan sneered in his heart.

This is of no use to him.

Tell them that building will be blown up.

I don't know how many people will die.

"I don't know where their headquarters are. I do have a good relationship with Lu Zhen"

he said

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