Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 1642

Chapter 1642

Sean wasn't in the command post again and didn't know what was going on.

After the accident, many people taboo Mo Shen, a major general was dismissed, several school officials disappeared, this matter has become a secret.

Later, general Ge Mu died, saying that he was afraid of committing suicide, and no one believed it.

Coincidentally, before she died, Mrs. Grimm called Sophia's mother. However, before the matter was clarified, she heard gunshots. At that time, the Ministry of transportation said it was an accident.

Sophia's mother clearly said she heard the gunshot.

It's just that the incident at that time was too complicated and involved so many people that Sophia's family was almost involved. Later, it ended because there was no evidence.

Sean's father was not reconciled to death. He failed to be ordinary for the Ge Mu family.

Sophia murmured to herself, "why does he know about this?"

Nolan was still young at that time and was not very impressed by the incident.

As a child, Nolan followed his mother, a diplomat, all the time in cilian, rarely in the United States.

"Why do you know about it?" General Haller asked in a panic, his body stretched to a chord and his face was extremely ugly. He was glad that he had turned off the monitor and that no one outside had heard of it.

Lu Zhen said with a smile, "Admiral Halle, there is an old saying in China, which says that cutting grass does not remove roots, and spring wind blows again. You must have forgotten that before my mother was given the surname of Ge mu, her surname was Lu."

Lieutenant general Sean didn't understand it for a while. When he did, he almost broke the glass. Even Nolan, who was listening with no expression on his side, narrowed his eyes.

At the trump card side, people look at each other in a daze.

"Who's going to tell me what's going on?" Long Si was stunned. "What does Lu Zhen look like in the U.S

An Xiaoyao thinks of Lu Zhen's cold eyes when he sees a video decoded in summer, which is colder than he has ever seen before.

"You are..." Admiral Haler was almost out of breath.

General Ge Mu has a son and a daughter, the eldest daughter is 12 years old, and the son is five years old. When they killed Ge Mu and his wife, they immediately went to ge Mu's house, only to find their daughter. At that time, they killed Rachel Ge Mu and searched all over the house, but his son Ellen Ge Mu could not be found.

Lu Zhen legs, but can not forget that scene in his mind, the five-star general with people came to his home. The elder sister realized the danger and hid him in the secret room of the study. Through the pinhole camera on the wall, he saw the man holding a gun, killing his sister and destroying his body.

He was only five years old at that time. He was so excited that he forgot everything. He was so unlucky that he ran into the hands of human traffickers who claimed to be his family, and he followed them.

The man was taken to the Middle East and fell into the hands of his adoptive father.

After being humiliated and tortured, he was finally taken to spy island by the master and began a new life.

His mother immigrated to the United States since he was a child. He was born in Hong Kong. His father is a RM hybrid. His Western blood is much less. In addition, he looks like his mother, so he looks very Oriental.

He has not been able to remember that year's events, until he was 10 years old, injured in training, even think of that memory. josei

"Admiral Haller, didn't you expect that?" Lu Zhen looked at admiral Hal's liver colored face with a smile, "let me work for the government, aren't you crazy? When Xiaosheng left the United States, he made an oath. In this life, I and the United States are inseparable. "

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