Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 1674

Chapter 1674

In the case of heavy weapons, they are important supplies to the Middle East and Africa.

In Europe and the United States, there are so many suppliers in the world, and their technology is not bad, so they haven't eaten them all the time.

If Lu Zhen wants to eat the European and American markets as well, he needs a legitimate arms company to act as a shield in front of him. There is a huge profit in taking the illegal road with the legal arms boss.

Nowadays, Yinyun company has few contracts with the military. As long as it is the contractor of some light weapons, the main contractor of Guo Defense Department is replaced by Boeing company. Lu Zhen is trying to figure out how to take these down.

This is the plan that Lu Zhen and Nolan intend to find something to do and shift their focus after breaking up, so they focus on Yinyun company.

The first step is to take their equity.

They can take advantage of the high price to purchase the shares of Yinyun. His people have 10% of the shares, which are not high or low. Many shareholders are not optimistic about Yinyun company and want to sell their shares.

But they are reluctant to give up, and they are raising prices.

Lu Zhen doesn't care. She wants to buy it in one breath.

However, the trump card in charge of finance is mu Yunsheng. In Lu Zhen's words, the king of finance is a wild goose. Mu Yunsheng is not willing to waste his money on high price purchase. He said it.

Several leading venture capital companies began to operate, illegally cracking down on Yinyun, and the stock price plummeted to 3000 feet. The retail shares were sold off one after another, floating green every day. The shareholders were so anxious that they sold their stocks one after another.

Mu Yunsheng used his own people to secretly purchase, and the money spent was two-thirds less than that in Lu Zhen's plan. Lu Zhen looked at the corner of his lips and said that he had planned to buy 9 billion shares, but his family won 3 billion yuan.

After Mu Yunsheng took it down, he also threw a sentence to him, "black sheep!"

An Xiaoyao and long Si both laughed. Lu Zhen's project never considered the issue of money. In his words, the trump card has money, so the cost is not in his consideration. Mu Yunsheng has to check every plan that needs more than 1 billion yuan, and then save costs.

Lu Zhen has long been despised by him.

After the control power was taken down, he helped a puppet up. The president changed people. It was their people. But it was not easy to take over the management right for a moment. The hundred footed were not stiff. This matter could not be urgent.

Lu Zhen came to the meeting today in the name of the president's special assistance. As for the president, Mu Yunsheng has not yet selected a good person. He will choose another person after Lu Zhen has determined the overall situation, and by the way, he will also take over the management right.

Formal control of the company. josei

After a morning meeting, Lu Zhen finished reading the main financial statements, and had a little understanding of the intricate internal relations of Yinyun. It was impossible for a day and a half to solve these problems. Lu Zhen met people with a smile for the time being and held the meeting first.

What can't be solved in one morning, but I've heard a lot of sarcasm.

He was wearing an oriental face today. He was thin and thin. When he came to the conference table, those European and American businessmen didn't pay much attention to him. Lu Zhen welcomed people with a smile. He was sincere and charming. Basically, everyone regarded him as a man's vase.

No one took him seriously.

The content of Lu Zhen's meeting today is to adjust internally and plan for the future.

They had a lot of discussion, and no one asked Lu Zhen for his opinions. Lu Zhen listened while reading the reports. All he heard was their own sarcasm. After so many years, Westerners have never looked down upon Oriental people, and they have little respect in business.

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