Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 471

Chapter 471

Xiao Qi is the only one who can reveal this to Jiang Hui.

Only Xiao Qi can do it.

Huoyun has a very advanced intelligence network.

The relationship between Xia Chenxi and Xiao Qi is countless. Yunyi thinks that telling Xia Chenxi to alert her to Xiao Qi is very beneficial to Tang Yebai.

When will you wait if you don't take the opportunity to step on your rival?

"Where does it hurt?"

Tang Yebai laughed and called a goblin. He couldn't see the serious injury. "Miss Xia, you are so gentle to me for the first time. I'm really I'm not used to it. "

Xia Chenxi said with a smile, "you stab yourself every day, I will be very gentle to you every day."

Yunyi chuckles. This girl is also the best.

Tang Yebai is used to her fierce, "bitter meat plan works?"

"Very effective, remember to poke into the heart, the most effective."

"Remember." Tang Ye's white ruffian angrily leaned on her, "when I make you angry, I'll use bitter meat tactics. You should remember to eat this set, otherwise I'll be wronged."

No one expected that this sentence would become a prophecy in the future.

Xia Chenxi encircles him. Tang Yebai is really hurt and can't go to the hospital. I hope the medical conditions of Tangmen headquarters are better. josei

She saw that he was too tired to tell him about old Tang and Xia Baobao. Lin ran was checking, and he knew that he was worried, and he would wait for him to bandage the wound.

Several people returned to Tangmen.

The exclusive doctor is waiting. Fortunately, Tang Yebai is strong enough to stand the baton and fist. He looks in a mess. He has not hurt his muscles and bones. He is all skin injuries. He will be fine after a period of cultivation.

During his dressing, Xia Chenxi couldn't bear to go to the information room to find Lin ran.

"How's it going?"

"The scope has been narrowed down. In the area of Taohua town in the Southern District, I have sent people there, and now I am narrowing the scope." Lin ran said that he is very efficient, which is his strong point.

The general location has been found. More than ten agents are on standby in the Southern District. As long as there is a more specific location, people can be saved.

The sun set and the night came.

Xia Chenxi's heart, also heavy.

"Lin ran, you have to find a way quickly. I'm always worried. I'm afraid something will happen to my baby." Xia Chenxi said softly.

Suddenly, he heard a sharp voice behind him, "what's going to happen to baby?"

Xia Chenxi turns around and sees a bandage of Tang Yebai standing behind her.

"Tang Yebai..."

Taohua Town, Southern District.

Summer baby is kicked to wake up, Tang laozheng kicks his small short leg, summer baby moves a body, anyway is tied, cannot move.

"Awake?" Old Tang asked.

Summer baby er a, squint eyes, his schoolbag fell not far away, old Tang was also tied, hands and feet are bound. They were in a shabby hut with a jungle outside the window.

There was a bad smell around.

"Who bound us?" She asked.

"I don't know. I just woke up." Old Tang didn't know where it hurt. He hissed. Xia Baobao saw that there was a bruise on his forehead and blood came out. Fortunately, it was not serious

He never thought that one day he would be kidnapped with old Tang.


Lao Tzu and s city must be incompatible. How long did he come back and be kidnapped again.

"Boy, are you hurt?"

She shook her head and asked, "what about you?"

"Nonsense, don't you see my headache?"

Summer baby, " I knew I wouldn't ask you. "

Temper is really bad, at least also be kidnapped together, give a little good facial expression not OK? Maybe I'll save you.

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