Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 796

Chapter 796

Night is more suitable for them, more suitable for killing, more suitable for hiding. "

the comer is very powerful. If you listen to his pace and breathing rhythm, Tang Yebai can judge the level of his opponent. If he tries hard, he can't get back to the car in 20 minutes

He took a look at the clock. He had ten minutes left.

Dongfang went around the villa and didn't find anyone, especially upstairs. He turned very seriously. He was afraid that he had ignored a message. Was it really accidental that only hackers were destroying the system?

The East pondered and quickly overturned his hypothesis.

It's impossible. It's too boring. If it's once, it can be said that it's accidental. If it's twice, he doesn't believe that someone must have invaded the town, and it's for the summer dawn.

The town has always been calm and uninhabited. The computer screening and defense system is very stable in guarding the town without any accidents. The town also has its own power supply station, which has no loopholes in power failure.

There's no reason why the system was hacked twice in a row within half an hour. It can only be explained that the first time was to calculate the time, and the second time was to come really. Someone came in, but unfortunately, he didn't find anyone.

Is he gone?

The East ponders, if come to look for summer dawn, I'm afraid only Tang Yebai.

If Tang Yebai wants to let Tang Yebai die without a burial place to avenge Xueer, her spirit in heaven can rest in peace. He has never had revenge, which does not mean that Tang Yebai automatically comes to her door, and he will let Tang Yebai go.

Even if Tang Yebai is the person Xia Chenxi likes, even if Tang Yebai is the father of Xia Chenxi's son, he will not be soft hearted.

Dongfang hurried downstairs, just out of the door, found a trace of soil on the steps. He paused, thinking of the soil he saw at the door of the dawn bedroom. He had a flash of light, and he was in the morning bedroom.

Dongfang went upstairs in a hurry, only to find that the window of the morning sun bedroom was wide open. The curtain was blown by the wind and swaying gently. When the East looked at it, he saw a dark shadow, which disappeared quickly to the corner.

“**!” Oriental curse, fist hit on the windowsill, quickly downstairs, must be Tang Yebai.

Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you just break in.

OK, I'll let you come back.

East on the defense tower, two agents saw him, surprised, the East usually will not come to the defense tower, the east deep voice said, "turn on the infrared laser."


They did not say a word, immediately executed, however, the command can not be input, they turn on the laser, Xiabao received a message, secretly said bad, hurriedly locked their system.

Dongfang Nu, it seems that they are prepared to come, he let them have no return.

Dongfang took the sniper gun on one side, adjusted the scanning scope, and after turning around for a circle, he finally found that there was an off-road vehicle thousands of miles away. Dongfang squinted and saw a figure running towards the SUV.

With a cold smile from the East, it turned out to be Tang Yebai. josei

OK, I'll let you run. I'll wait for you.

Dongfang adjusted his sight and aimed at the SUV. Once Tang Yebai got on the SUV, he fired. Tang Yebai delayed a little time and ran very fast. He arrived at the SUV after two minutes.

A grim smile flits across the eastern lip. Tang Yebai is close to the SUV. If he hits the SUV, he will not die or be seriously injured. Huoyun's agent will rush to him.

There is no doubt that he will die.

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