Master of Beasts

Chapter 1192

Chapter 1192: Young master?

The cold voice, carried by the billowing spiritual power, spread throughout the Qingye Pavilion, and all the noisy voices disappeared cleanly at this moment.

Countless roads converged towards the location of Xiao Yang with surprised eyes.

When they saw that the person Xiao Yang cursed was the lingering edge of the Demon Spider Gate, the expressions of some people became particularly exciting.

Is this young man looking for death?

"You let me go?"

The eyes were suddenly gloomy, and Yu Leng's voice was filled with a deep chill: "I will give you a chance now to say what I just said again."

"Go away." Xiao Yang expressionless.

The magic spider gate?

If Yu An came, he would still be interested, but he was just a ninth-order spirit emperor, and he didn't even have the mood to waste his tongue.

"very good."

Nodded with a sneer, Yu Leng yelled, "Guan Shi, come out for me!"

A middle-aged man hurriedly approached.

"What's the matter with Master Yu?"

"In your site, I was scolded. Does it mean that I can kill people here without any responsibility?" Yu Ling cast a cautious glance at Xiao Yang.

"This..." Guan Shi was a little embarrassed.

Since Xiao Yang was accompanied by a maid from Qingye Shop, it shouldn't be a simple role.

But the lingering edge of the Demon Spider Gate could not be offended.

"Master Yu, what do you want." Guanshi Chen smiled.

"I'll let this maid follow me." Yu Leng pointed to Shi Yu, whose face was pale, and looked at Xiao Yang's eyes with pride and provocation.

Shi Yu, he is going to make a decision!

"no problem."

Seeing that Yu Leng's request was so simple, Guanshi Chen was slightly pleased, and immediately glanced at Shi Yu: "You go with Young Master Yu, and you must use your best to serve him well."

With slender hands clenched tightly together, Shi Yu was extremely desperate.

Is this the end of her life?

"Come here!" Yu Ling grinned grimly.

Biting his lip fiercely, Shi Yu moved slightly.

"You are standing here, with me here, no one can move you." Lightly squeezing Shi Yu's shoulders, Xiao Yang's calm voice came out, causing Shi Yu's beautiful eyes to rise sharply, and the light in it trembled.

She did not expect that Xiao Yang would come out to protect her.

Yu Leng, but the son of Yu An, the master of the Demon Spider Sect.

And she is just a humble maid!

"This gentleman, if you need a maid, I can give you another one." Guanshi Chen frowned, this young man, he doesn't know what to do.

"What do you call it?" Xiao Yang said indifferently.

"That has nothing to do with you." Guanshi Chen looked unhappy: "I'm just performing my duties. I hope I won't be embarrassed."


Xiao Yang's eyes were slightly cold, and he slowly walked towards Guanshi Chen: "Shi Yu serves me. Now that you say something, you have to give her to others in front of so many people. You think that my face is very good. Isn't it worth the money?"

"You still have a face." Yu Leng sneered in his heart.

What kind of green onion Xiao Yang counts is also worthy of the word "face" in front of him.

"You have too much nonsense." Guanshi Chen snorted coldly: "Shi Yu, I will give you three breaths time and go with Master Yu immediately, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

"What did you say?" Xiao Yang approached again.

"I will let Shi Yu go with him." Guanshi Chen sneered: "If you didn't hear clearly, I will say it again. I will let Shi Yu serve him. Do you understand?"


With a crisp sound, Xiao Yang raised the soles of his feet coldly and stepped on them suddenly. Guanshi Chen's left leg suddenly snapped in an extremely exaggerated posture.


Regardless of Guanshi Chen's screams, Xiao's soles stepped on his feet, and everyone's eyelids kept beating.

Make trouble in Qingye Pavilion.


"Ignorant guy." Leaning on the counter, Yu Leng watched this scene with a sneer, even if he didn't dare to do anything in Qingye Pavilion.

Xiao Yang's legs were severely broken.

For the most part, pay for the crime with death!


The majestic spiritual power came from the second floor, a man whizzed down, his face was fortified, not angry, he looked at Chen Guanshi with his broken legs, and said coldly: "Little brother, like this in my Qingye Pavilion. Presumptuous, don't you put me ten thousand yuan in my eyes too much."

"Then do you know what he did."

"Wan would like to hear the details."

"This guy, let the dresser of mine rain, serve other people, and this person, just now has a conflict with me, and the reason for the conflict is because of me, let me ask, is this throwing my face directly on the ground? Step on it?" Xiao Yang raised his head unhurriedly.

Ten thousand yuan's face condensed slightly.

This matter, Chen Guanshi is indeed irreconcilable.

"However, Aoba Pavilion has the rules of Aoba Pavilion..."

Just as Wan Wan wanted to say something, Shi Yu behind Xiao Yang suddenly pointed to the red moire in his sleeves. Wan Wan's face was instantly awe-inspiring.

White, blue, black, red, this is the classification of the guests of the Qingteng Chamber of Commerce.

White is the lowest and red is the highest.

Even Yu An, the master of the Demon Spider Gate, was only blue.

Xiao Yang is actually red?

"Pavilion Master Wan, this kid does not take you seriously when he is in the Qingye Pavilion. If you don't kill him, I don't know how many people will provoke your majesty in the future." Chen Guanshi said bitterly. Trying to borrow ten thousand yuan to kill Xiao Yang.

"Idiot, before you die, I will let you see with my own eyes how I have taken the maid next to you as my own." Yu Ling sneered slightly.

"Little brother, you give way first." Wan Yuan said in a deep voice.

Seeing Xiao Yang's feet move away, Guan Shi's eyes flashed with excitement: "Pavilion Master Wan, kill him, I will make him die!"


A crisp sound ~~ Guan Shi Chen's eyes suddenly stiffened, and the other Qingye Pavilion guests were also dumbfounded.

Ten thousand yuan, actually broke Guan Shi's neck!

"For... why..."

The luster in Guanshi Chen's eyes gradually dimmed, but those eyes were still open, unable to close.

Don't look down!

When he died, he didn't understand why Guan Shi Chen would kill him.

"Everyone, Chen Si has neglected his duty, relied on his own rights, and showed no respect to the guests. This is the shame of Qingye Pavilion and the disrespect to Qingteng Chamber of Commerce. Everyone who purchases goods will be exempted from 10% of the price."

Ten thousand yuan bowed to everyone.

"Pavilion Master Wan is polite."

The crowd responded in a hurry.josei

"Senior Wan...Why, why?" Yu Leng shuddered, feeling a little uncomfortable, killing Guanshi Chen because of a Xiao Yang?

"Pavilion Master Wan, help me prepare a copy of the items on the list. Shi Yu will give you how many spirit jade you need. Besides, I don't want Shi Yu to face this situation again." An empty boundary stone was stuffed into the hands of Shi Yu, who had a complicated face.

"Guan Shi Chen has eyes and no beads, so it's no wonder that he still hopes Xiongtai."

Seeing that Xiao Yang's anger was still in his heart, Wan Yuan left wittily. After learning about Xiao Yang's identity through Shi Yu, Wan Wan's scalp went numb.

That young man, it turned out to be Xiao Yang?

Chen Si, bastard, almost killed him!

"What do you want to do, I am the young master of the Demon Spider Sect." Yu Leng couldn't help straining as he saw Xiao Yang approaching, but the voice that came out was still strong.

"Young Master?"

The corner of his mouth was slightly picked, and Xiao Yang slammed it up with a punch.

"You ask your father Yu An, dare to talk to me like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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