Morning, the Heir

Chapter 48 - Why Do You Always Blush?

Chapter 48 - Why Do You Always Blush?

Chapter 48: Why Do You Always Blush?
Translator: 安贝-Peggyan and Ruriko
At dusk, Lin Xiaomi helped Grandmother out to breathe some fresh air and then have dinner at the canteen before taking a walk.

Grandmother looked more spirited since Lin Xiaomi got here and didn’t feel sick.

The sanatorium was located near mountains and by rivers, so its environment was terrific, and ordinary people couldn’t afford its high expenditure.

This was also why Lin Xiaomi endured all the insults without protests in the Lin Family. As long as Grandmother led a comfortable life, Lin Xiaomi felt satisfied.

The sun was sloping, and the grass looked like a green carpet.

Grandmother fondly stroked Lin’s head and asked softly, “Have you been treated badly in the Lin Family?”

Lin Xiaomi said shaking her head, “No, grandma. I’ve told you many times I’ve moved out of the Lin family and lived outside alone. So how do they make me suffer? Besides, isn’t there my mom?”

Grandmother said with her lips’ corners curled slightly, “If your mother cares about you, I won’t try my best to live longer to chaperone you. Moon, I’m worried about you the most.”

With her eyes turning red, Lin Xiaomi held Grandmother’s hand and said, “Grandma, I can’t let you say those words. You must live to a ripe old age. I can’t live without you.”

Grandmother smiled gently, stroked Lin’s eyes with her callused hands, and said to Leng Yihuang with a smile, “See, she’s like a kid and is about to weep after saying those to me.”josei

Sitting silently beside them, Leng Yihuang watched them all the time and said with a smile upon hearing this, “That’s right. She is still a kid and will weep from time to time.”

Lin Xiaomi glared at him and said, “Don’t slander me. When have I cried from time to time?”

“You haven’t? Didn’t you cry yesterday?”

“You bullied me.”

“How did I bully you?”

“You…” Lin Xiaomi was pissed at him. How did he bully her? Should she tell Grandmother he kissed her against her will and thereby scared her to cry?

Lin Xiaomi glared at him furiously with a blushed face but spoke nothing, which made Leng Yihuang smile conceitedly.

Grandmother fondly watched their faces and quietly listened to their quarrel.

After a while, Grandmother said to Lin Xiaomi, “Moon, you go back and fetch a blanket for me. It’s getting cold.”

Hearing this, Lin Xiaomi stood up instantly and said, “How about we going back?”

Grandmother said shaking her head, “I still wanna sit here for a while.”

“OK.” Lin Xiaomi turned around and ran toward the building.

When she vanished into the building, Leng Yihuang obediently walked forward and sat beside the feet of Grandmother just like Lin Xiaomi and asked with a smile, “Grandma, do you got something to tell me?”

“Yes.” Grandmother nodded. She still watched where Lin Xiaomi went and said, “Do you like my Moon?”

He nodded his head without any hesitation.

“My Moon has suffered from a hard lot. She lost her father as a kid, and her mother is alive but cares little about her. I’m too old to take care of her. She didn’t say, but I know she must have suffered a lot in the Lin family.”

As Grandmother recalled the old memories, her aged eyes turned red, too. “I can see you’re a good kid. Can you promise me to take good care of Moon? Don’t let her be bullied again and suffer again.”

Hearing this, he turned serious and nodded solemnly.

He hesitated for an instant and held Grandmother’s callused hands. “Grandma, you can rest assured. I’ll take care of her.”

Although he didn’t say more, Grandmother knew that he was uncommon. Based on the experience for so many years, she was a good judge of men and knew he was responsible.

Since he made a promise to her, he would try his best to honor it.

She said with a relieved smile, “Then I can set my mind at rest.”

As Lin Xiaomi came back and saw him intimately around Grandmother, she was pissed off and pushed him aside.

Leng Yihuang wasn’t angry at her and stood up to have a tour here, leaving time for the two to talk to each other in private.

Grandmother patted Lin’s hands and said with a chuckle, “I think Lin Hai is good. You have to treasure him and don’t bully him.”

Lin Xiaomi felt unhappy upon hearing this and said with her lips pouted, “Grandma, I never bullied him. It’s he who bullies me all the time!”

“I haven’t seen Lin Hai bully you. He loves you, so how could he bully you! I don’t buy it.”

Lin Xiaomi was almost chocked by her saliva.

“Grandma, you can see he likes me?”

“Of course I can. The people I’ve seen are more than the food you’ve eaten. I know this from each moment he sees you. He’s considerate. The moment I see him, I know he’ll treat you well. It’s right that you’re with him.”

Lin Xiaomi couldn’t help murmuring. He liked her? How could he like her? He liked bullying her!

What he said to Grandmother unexpectedly made Grandmother say good words for him!

Lin Xiaomi unhappily pouted.

Grandmother patted Lin Xiaomi on her mouth. “Your pouted mouth can hang an oil bottle. You silly girl, do you hear me? Lin Hai has promised me he’ll take care of you and not make you suffer. As long as you two have a good life, I can rest assured.”

“He promises you?”

“Yes, he’s promised me.”

Lin Xiaomi and Leng Yihuang couldn’t stay at the sanatorium at night, so they went to a five-star hotel about 100 meters away from here.

Lin Xiaomi got her heart ached upon seeing the prices and chose a standard room.

Having finished the shower, she sat on the bed in a daze and thought that Grandmother looked older this time.

Leng Yihuang stepped out of the bathroom and saw her sitting on the bed with her arms around her legs like a deserted animal.

She looked a little sad.

Having thought of something, he walked up to her, sat beside her, and said softly while blowing on her ears, “Moon?”

Like being electrocuted, she shivered and looked at him in surprise.

Why did he walk without making any noises?

Additionally, he called her Moon in a deep and melodious baritone at such a tranquil night, which was very different from when he called her “Lin Xiaomi” at usual times.

She got her face blushed. “You can’t call me like that.”

“Why?” He approached her unkindly, which made her suddenly shrink her neck backward.

As he lifted his body, he respectively placed his arms on the sides of her with a wicked smile, leaving him completely enveloping her and adding some charm to his handsome face.

“Why are you always blushed?” He fixed his profound eyes on her pink cheeks and plump rosy lips and murmured, “What should I do? Each time you’re blushed, I want to take a bite of it to see if it’s ripe?”

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