Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 177

Chapter 177: Problems

Irene had a piercing light in her eyes, when she heard the answer of the Vizir. It seems she already made up her mind.

Lelouch looked deeply into her eyes and spoke with rare solemnity:

"Sooner or Later, the Magic System will be implemented in the Empire."

"Academies will be created in the Atleasian Empire."

"Imperial Academies, will also see the day."

"All the knowledge of meditation and warlocks, will be there."

"If you want to further your knowledge and solve your problems by your own hands."

"Visit the Warlock Academy, that will be created in the coming years."

"I am sure you will be able to find a solution."

The Vizir stood up. He had said what he wanted to say.

After all this, Irene felt grateful for this visit, but more than ever, she felt confused.

Contrary to her expectation, the Grand Vizir didn't invite her, and didn't try to recruit her. Even Zeref was quite intrigued. He was sure this was his objective coming here

It seems that he came to her only out of pure goodwill. To clear her path, and go.

Irene felt somehow her heart beating as she watched the back of the Vizir, she finally clenched her fists and spoke:


"Why are you doing that?"

Her tone held a weak, womanly and desperate glint. She was emotional. The Plague that has been haunting her life was over.

All her existence she agonized over who she was. josei

She finally discovered who she was.

Before this day…She had no identity…She wasn't a human and she wasn't a dragon…She was simply…A monster…Like her husband once said.

No…Her identity was here…

…She was in fact…A Warlock…A Proud and Magestic Warlock!!

The meaning itself of this…Filled her with unending gratitude. She felt she couldn't let it end here…

Lelouch stopped in his tracks and spoke solemnly even coldly:

"Because it's his Majesty's will."

This words resounded with profound solemnity. Shaking the hearts of all the people present here. They seem to have an absolute meaning.

All that is happening and will happen, will go according to his Majesty's will.

To the Saiyan Emperor's will.

"I personally was against giving you this much information for nothing."

He smiled bitterly:

"He holds you quite high in his heart. You are certainly lucky."

"…And also…"

"I know you think I came her to recruit you…But the reality is that…"

Lelouch turned once again:

"Seeing your talents and abilities…The recruitment of the position you could potentially take, is far above my authority."

The both took a deep breath…'Above my authority?'

Who is above the Grand Vizir in term of authority?

Only the Imperial Family was!!! And even the majority of the Imperial Family were only above him in Status not in decision making authority!!!

That leaves only one person!!!

He smiled:


"I will say the same thing, his Majesty said to the Dark Mage."

His tone was filled with solemnity:

"We showed our goodwill. In consideration for your talent and feats."

"To join us or to stand against us…. Is up to you Irene Belsserion…."

Leaving these words, he disappeared from the imperial room.

Leaving the two mages deep in their thoughts.

Irene, had slight smile, as she carved the words of the Vizir in her skull:

"The Saiyan Emperor, huh…"

Her tone was filled with renewed interest and a trace of gratitude.

Zeref beside her, sighed deeply:

"It is quite difficult to refuse him. The Emperor."

"His way of acting is somewhat innocent, yet cunning."

"Grandiose yet childish."

Zeref smiled bitterly:

"He is easy to read, but difficult to resist."

Irene sighed:

"It seems, there is a lot to think about, in the upcoming years."

Zeref nodded:

"I have gone through the same process the last year."

"…But today, my decision is made."

"When the planned time arrives. I will join him."

He had an interested and curious smile, similar to the one he had, when he was only a researcher, trying to explore the truths of Magic.

If Irene was the first Warlock of Earthland.

Zeref was the First Real Magus of Earthland.

That's exactly why he was cursed by the Gods.

If he was given the freedom to research magic, and not his curse. Maybe the Magic System of Earthland would be completely different!!!

Maybe the battle between the Gods and Magus in the WMW could have been recreated in this Place!!!

Today he had been given a glimpse of the Peak of Magic.

Of the world of Magus, the world of truth seekers, a world where knowledge thrived above all. This world seemed to be made for someone like Zeref!!

To say that for the first time in a really long time, he was interested by something else other than his own immortality, was an understatement.

In the same way…Irene also had the scholarly aptitude, the knowledge, and the creative talent to become the Greatest Warlock to ever exist.

Zeref, had once the genius, drive and intellect to become the Greatest Magus to ever exist. Alas, circumstances made him who he was today.

But now…

…With the Backing of a Behemoth like the Atleasian Empire. It was not only a farfetched possibility but a clear certainty.

At the same time. Lelouch who was already embarking on the ship, looked deeply at the southern continent.

His eyes wanting to pry on a certain guild. His eyes heavy with complex feelings.

Where he was looking? Everyone could make his own guess!!

Kallen behind the Grand Vizir knew this expression the most. He was troubled. His eyes were in deep thought.

She sighed, as she spoke:

"Why didn't you tell her?"

"The real reason why we are helping her."

Lelouch took a deep breath. The glint in his eyes getting more and more complex.

Kallen's voice resonated once again:

"She is the Mother of an Empress, after all."

Hearing those words, the back of Lelouch arched a little more. He spoke, a little bitterness in his voice:

"Is she tho?"

Kallen, narrowed her eyes, obvious questions in her heart. Before he dropped the bomb on his confident.

"Because as it goes, neither Erza Scarlet nor Mirajane Strauss, may ever become actual Empresses."

Kallen knew that the Vizir had some things he wanted to talk about. His heart seemed to hold heavy feelings. And since, he became a Vizir he was more willing to rely on others.

The Vizir sighed to the sky as he remembered, the words of his Monarch.

The Emperor still held the same unperturbed and heavy demeanor. But something still seemed off about him.

"We will start with conquering Guilitiana, first"

"We will Let Ishgar know that we will not invade them, as long as they don't step out of line."

Lelouch at that time, remarked cheekily:

"You must look forward to meeting the Empresses your majesty."

The Emperor who was happy about planning the next conquest, suddenly had a little change in his expression. His eyes held conflicting feelings…

"That doesn't depend on me, my friend."

"Erza and Mira will grow into fine and beautiful mages."

"But they are not only my Empresses."

"They are also girls with their own story."

"…Maybe, their story doesn't have a place for this Emperor in it."

Lelouch narrowed his eyes, extremely shocked by these words, but still kept his calm:

"….Your Majesty, what are you…"

The Emperor had a nostalgic smile on.

"The days of us, traveling the world, going through adventures."

Then coldness seemed to down on his warm face:

"…Are over."

"Atleast for me."

His dark abyss eyes shinned like fine diamonds in the night.

"For the both of them, there is a lifetime of adventures ahead of them, to look forward to."

"They are free spirits…It would be a shame to lock them in this big palace."

He looked faraway, his enemies appearing before his eyes one by one.

Lelouch hearing those worlds, started to understand, the Emperor's intention:

"…Your Majesty….Don't tell me…"

"Since the beginning….You…"

Marek stared at those enemies, a defying glare on.

They were sharping their weapons, coming with plans, and scheming to hurt him and his people.

He had a wicked smile, as he looked forward to the wars ahead. Slowly, it disappeared as he responded, with a deep tone:

"…Since it's you, my friend."

"I will tell you, the deepest thoughts on my mind."

"I am not a saint; I am not a man who fights evil and reward good."

"Maybe I was this kind of kid, back then. But now."

He had a cold gaze on:

"I am able to burn the world, if it means that one of my people gets to live a second longer."

He continued to speak indifferently:

"My Love for war and carnage is embedded in all my heritages."

"…That is how I am…"

"Shahrazad, Kosem and Roygun understand that perfectly."

He had a loving gaze as he pronounced those names so dear to his heart. He then asked without actually waiting for an answer:

"…But would those two…"

"…Be able to accept that?"


Let's go already! We already close to 250 Powerstones this early in the week!!!

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Hey!! Readers!! To rack some Powerstones I came up with( copied hhh) a good idea!!

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400 Powerstones EQUAL 3 Bonus chapters(with the first two included!!)

That means that for each 100 powerstones cap this week I will add an extra chapter!!!

So please!! POWER ME UP!!!



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