Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 179

Chapter 179: The Fate of the Dynasts

"Cherish them dearly, and let me marry all of you!!"


Lelouch's mind wandered, as he finally responded to Kallen:

"I don't know what the future holds. All I know, is that the Emperor, will not come to them willingly."

"If they still want to be with his Majesty. They will need to make a choice."

Lelouch narrowed his eyes. Indeed…Only the future and the advance of time could really show how each of those girls will evolve.

And could indicate if the Emperor will be ready to open his heart once again.

'The Emperor, he is maturing way too quickly.'

Even the Vizir was deeply surprised.

This was a man who was once, jealous of Ikuse Tobio simply because he attracted women too easily.

Now he was calmly considering the prospect of a woman he loved with another man.

But this was normal.

In these 4 Months, the Emperor experienced Thousands years of ruling and experience. He attained awakening more than twice.

Became a Legendary Super Saiyan, then became a Sage. His power and insight are growing day after day.

He led wars, he schemed, he was a brother figure, he was a father figure. He was a husband.

He experienced love and heartbreak both. It could be said that he lived a thousand lifetimes worth of trouble.

And more than anything, the ancestral temperament of his Dynasty was taking over his whole personality. This was an unstoppable phenomena. That the Emperor actually welcomed.

After all…As much as legacy is concerned those of the Saiyan Race and of the Vega Dynasty were on the same pedestal. If the violent and unstable character of the Saiyan Race was accepted by him, then the Vega Dynasty character need to be accepted by him as well.

He wasn't some lone cultivator or some shounen protagonist….Fighting from the bottom against the world…He was an inheritor, a dynast….His heritages were a part of who his…And his blood was something he took pride in.

He was the Saiyan Emperor, but before that, he was the descendant of the Glorious Vega Dynasty.

Something that filled him with endless vainglory.

The Marek Vega who once descended on the DxD World, was someone who was once, an incapable little prince, and a talented ordinary man ascending to the throne.

He had only known failure from both his lives. So even if he was strong, even if he was smart.

He had lacked wisdom. But more than anything else…

He has not attained the mindset of a powerful being, who reigns upon Universes.

The Mindset who looks over existence and only sees the broader picture.

That mindest, that only a powerful being reigning and deciding of the fate of Universes could have.

As he is now….

For him…Jellal was simply a tool. A tool that could offer Erza a shot at happiness.

And another path for her.

As simple as that.

Of course, He will not hold any good feelings for the guy. But for him to feel jealousy…

From that guy…A puny insects who worships Zeref, a Future Subject of his, as his god.

Wouldn't he be too narrow-minded? They are not even on the same plane of existence. Let alone, jealousy.

Even them being mentioned in the same sentence would be preposterous.

But for Lelouch, this wasn't the case. For him, although he could understand the Emperor thought process, he couldn't accept it.

No. He simply won't!!

The Emperor was not only the Emperor, he was also a person, Marek Vega…He was also his most precious friend and his most intimate confident…

He knew it…The Emperor deserved to live in peace with his family…

But he knew it too, as he spoke to the last Emperor, Marek's father…

'In the past…'

'….There isn't a record of an Emperor who didn't face the heart wrenching pain of this curse…'

'….The Dark Kindness…'

'…Rendered the Emperors and the Empires powerful…But the more powerful the Emperor was…'

'…The Lonelier he will become…'

'…And the more heartbreak he will suffer…'

This was the Fate of the Vega Dynasty. This is why… josei

Even more….!!

For him, the mage known as Jellal is an enemy. And if he gets too close to the Empress. He will eliminate him, himself!!

And so does Madara!! His frustration from earlier was also stemming from this!!

Even if he didn't have this conversation, he understood his brother's thought process. And this was definitely something he would do!!

He sighed…Lelouch was already sensing the headache coming his way.

'This decision of the Emperor could even create conflicts with the Mother Empress and the Elder Empress Kosem.'

'She may even try to exercise her rights as the Mother Empress.'

He sighed, feeling some goosebumps on his skin:

'I was barely able to hold the Mother Empress in place, when Princess Linealla showed her true colors.'

'…And the character of the Elder Empress Kosem, is famous in the whole Empire.'

'…There isn't a soul in the Empire who doesn't know of her fiery temper.'

He took a deep breath:

'While Empress Shahrazad and Empress Roygun's love is a kind, supporting one.'

'The Mother Empress who traditionally has the duty of monitoring all the other Empresses.'

'…And the Elder Empress Kosem, both hold an extremely voracious and overprotective love for the Emperor.'

There were some things the Emperor couldn't see. But for the rest of the Council they were as clear as day.

'If Elder Empress Kosem was here, Princess Linealla would be dead or at least her life will be in danger.'

This was a mutual conclusion reached by the whole council, after thorough investigation. And this was for her own blood sister…Both had the same father and mother…

If Erza and Mira somehow chose to confront the Emperor, it will be a challenge to even guarantee their safety.

The Mother Empress could be even more scheming than him and Schneizel.

And the Elder Empress's power level is unknown, but it is sure that Erza and Mira wouldn't be able to stand a second before her.

'That would be another topic, if they were unknown, but they already have been recognized as Empresses by the Imperial court.'

'All the noble Families such as Zoldyck, Li Britania and Uchiha, see them as such.'

'It's impossible to take that title away, unless they have committed a grave crime.'

'But if we try to frame those girls, the Emperor will be dissatisfied.'

'…And he would see right through it. There was no way Empress Erza and Empress Mira would do something heinous to begin with.'

All kind of thoughts were passing through the Vizir's head.

'They are still young for now, their absence of the Imperial Harem is somehow justified.'

'…But this will become a problem, later on.'

'…Until, then, this problem needs to be resolved without the knowledge of neither the Elder or the Mother Empresses.'

He had a sharp glint in his eyes:

'…And more importantly…Before Princess Linaella get a hold of this information.'

'And very early on, sigh…'

Lelouch felt that his head was about to implode.

'I may need to ask Schneizel for advice, in dealing with the inner workings of the court.'

'After all I didn't grow up in Pendragon.'


AAAAGHH We were so close!!! to 400 only short of 6 Powerstones!!!

But since we were so close!! I will release a Bonus Chapter the next days!!


Let's got to the top!!


Hey!! Readers!! To rack some Powerstones I came up with( copied hhh) a good idea!!

Let's set some goal reward system!!!

200 Powerstones EQUAL 1 Bonus Chapter!! CHECKK!!!

300 Powerstones EQUAL 2 Bonus Chaptere( with the first one included, ofc.) CHECK!!!

500 Powerstones EQUAL 3 Bonus chapters(with the first two included!!)

That means that for each 100 powerstones cap this week I will add an extra chapter!!!

So please!! POWER ME UP!!!



I also set up a Patron account, so that I don't get burned out as easily as last time.

There is up to 15 Chapters of advanced chapters there!!

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I had this idea while writing my work!! I hope you will like it!!

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