Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 180

Chapter 180: The State of Konoha

Shinobi World, Konoha.

The Beautiful and sunny village, had quite the scary luster in the night.

Ominous glints, here and there. And gentle steps, barely noticeable even by experienced Shinobi, making their way, to the Hokage Building.

It's seems, that a state of urgency have been instated in the village.

In the Hokage Building, Sarutobi Hiruzen, at the prime of his youth, was smoking his pipe, with a dark glint in his eyes.

Since, that snowy night, he had an ominous premonition.

Like something deeply unnatural was happening behind the scenes.

And it didn't take long, for it to confirm itself. Shinobi World was unlike the other worlds.

Here conspiracies and schemes could be smelled from a mile coming. And in this generation of Kage who was hardened by the previous wars, especially.

Maybe the Shinobi will go softer in the future, but it wasn't the case today.

The Ninja Villages of today all harbored, fear and greed toward one another. They kept a keen eye over the others situation. Anytime a village will show the slightes sign of weakness, they will be immediately destroyed.

Do not be fooled. The Fact that there is no World War, doesn't mean it was a time of peace.

Or…The Peace was only for what represented 'the World' in the eyes of those who wrote history books.

Aka…The 5 Great Villages.

It means it was a war, when none of the 5 Villages personal security were in peril.

It doesn't mean, that destruction and bloodshed didn't roam the rest of the world.

That's is why…An organization such as the Root was of great importance. Even if he was against his methods, as the Hokage, there were some things he had to delegate.

It was something he learned from Tobirama Senju. If as the Hokage, he needed to be the light, someone needed to shoulder the darkness.

Of course such a way of rule, would only learn the scoff off the Political Monsters sitting at the council.

Tobirama indeed, did some disgusting moves as a Hokage, but he atleast had the presence of mind to never share power. And he also had the presence of mind to never let his brother share it. Even with a monster such Madara.

Actually, even the Indigenous, who ruled the Mountains, known as Raikage had this presence of mind.

But for a Monkey who only knew how to fight since he was old enough to speak, we could give him a passing grade.

He was young, not nearly as powerful as he is now. The Weakest Kage to ever hold this position. In an age where the Uchiha were looking after it like tasty meat.

So he ruled with his caste. The Tobirama Team. Over the leaf.

Now…he was strong enough…Actually, he became even stronger than Tobirama and only shy of the almighty power of the Shodai.

But could the beast who had the tasty meat of power, in it's jaw, ever let it go.

Utatane and Homura already held too much political influence. Be it within the village or outside of it, with the different Daiymo Clans.

The links they forged alone, with Foreign Daiymos brought 30 percent of the Leaf income.

If they were deposed of power, those Daiymo would lose their foothold in the village and immediately turn to other villages.

Danzo Homura, held the root in the palm of his hands, it's uses in times of war is absolutely vital.

And the fact, that they were simple masks, without any clear sign of identity made it easier.

Hiruzen was a softhearted person, yet he was also a person of shaky conviction.

He wasn't a complete snake like Tobirama.

Nor he was a complete Hero like Hashirama was.

He was truthfully and simply a man who couldn't commit to a single philosophy.

So he needed someone to be a Monster for him. Like Danzo Shimura

And he needed someone to be a Hero for him. Like the Sannin and much later Minato Namikaze.

So he delegated power, bit by bit.

Until in Konoha, the Four of them, the Esteemed Elders and the Hokage were untouchable.

Those Four weren't the strongest, but reigned the longest. There were obvious reasons for this.

Weakness, was in a way also a strength. It makes you more cautious than ever, and able to foretell numerous steps ahead.

The System was good enough for him. He was not a natural power hog.

So the Village was running smoothly.

And if he wasn't the one who isn't responsible for making 'sensible' decisions, that all the better.

This the state of Konoha under the Third. The Third wasn't an evil boss, actually he is a saint if he was compared to our beloved Emperor.

War was inevitable in the world of Shinobi. After all, Shinobi village's worked for the Daimyo and the Land of Fire.

It was never a problem of wanting peace or not, but the issue is that from the beginning till the end the issue of war and peace wasn't in the hands of the Kage to begin with.

Or not in their hands alone.

Take it like that…If a Kage wants to declare war he can do it alone.

But in case the Daimyo intervenes and pays for the war preparations to the village. More times than not, the village will head their words.

Actually, there is a history of Kage creating conflicts with countries where their Daiymo held their interest, just to get a payday.

And in the other way around. If a country declare war on another.

The Kage are to, respond to their call. Or they will be hard economic sanctions, on the village.

Imagine the whole Land of Fire Nobility is the one to outsources the Missions not only of the whole Land of Fire Population, but also those of some villageless neighboring countries to the Leaf.

Without these missions, how could the Shinobi live. How could they strive?

Actually only the Greatest Clans have accumulated some wealth.

And even if they wanted to loot other countries, how could they do that without war funds?

Zabuza was right when he said:

'Shinobi are only tools.'

The Leverage the Population held over the Shinobi was extreme.

This way…There wasn't a single Shinobi World War that wasn't started by the Daimyo's first.


Hey!! Readers!! To rack some Powerstones I came up with( copied hhh) a good idea!!

Let's set some goal reward system!!!

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500 Powerstones EQUAL 3 Bonus chapters(with the first two included!!)

That means that for each 100 powerstones cap this week I will add an extra chapter!!!

So please!! POWER ME UP!!!



I also set up a Patron account, so that I don't get burned out as easily as last time.

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