Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 181

Chapter 181: Dice roll

This way…There wasn't a single Shinobi World War that wasn't started by the Daimyo's first. josei

And ended by their will also.

The Populations either benefit or die tragically.

But those who never come back from it winners are the Shinobi.

Now, the time for this tools to be used again seemed to draw near.

The reports of the different, elders showed an extremely ominous changes in leaderships of the different countries.

Power in those lands had changed hands.

Behind him, having grimmer faces than ever his companions of everyday, spoke one after another.

Utatane and Koharu spoke as always with the same voice:

"Our contacts in the Nobility of the Wind and the Water are completely cut."

"We don't what happening there, but all people who held power in those two countries, are completely-"

"They are dead."

A Bandaged man appeared; his face so bitter that it seemed he just puked litters of blood before making it here.

"I already some of my root to survey the area."

"Blood was spalttered over."

"Headless corpses…"

Danzo narrowed his eyes:

"This is Shinobi Work."

The Three opened their eyes in surprise:

"Danzo…What do you say…How could someone there dare to defile nobles…"

"It doesn't matter, if some would dare or not. The Fact is…That it was done."

"And brilliantly so."

Danzo narrowed his eyes

"If they had to do such things, they would have the time to hide their work too."

He narrowed his eyes as he looked as the silent Hokage:

"Hiruzen…That means they chose to do so."

He took a deep breath, a glint of apprehension in his eyes:

"And wanted to confirm our suspicions."

Sarutobi hearing the words of his Companion, knew how serious the situation was:

"In the case, why did they uproot, the agents of the root…"

Danzo sighed:

"You don't understand."

He clenched his fists:

"It is not about their intentions here Hiruzen. It's about the endgame results."

"And what they obtained, is something we've been proud of for years."

"Information Control."

Hiruzen narrowed his eyers, as he smoked on his pipe. Danzo continued:

"This is a demonstration of power. The message is clear."

"From now on…It's them who get's to tell them what to know and what's not."

"I don't know how they did it. Hiruzen."

"But the only thing I could tell you is…"

"After the Root agents we lost in the Wind and Water."

"We went from gods of foresight, to blind and deaf."

The two cancellers clenched their fists in frustration.

The Two upcoming Wars were fought by the Land of Fire.

In Such big scale 5 Nations Battle Royale, there was never no clear winner nor loser.

The Battle is for benefits, and ends when each Daimyo sees that his horse has run his run.

In other worlds, it ends when each Daimyo finds that he lost too much, or won enough.

A New World Order installs itself then. Until after 20 or 10 years, the evolution of the different nations threatens this same established order

In that case, all the 5 Daimyo once again take out the World Map, take the dice and roll it to see how much they can win this time.

In this Two upcoming World Wars, The Land of Fire is not always the country that wins the most, but it's never the one that loses the most.

In this way, it never lost it's First Place in the World Order.

And the first reason, is foresight.

Danzo may not be popular but his big ego is built on very important foundations.

Information gathering, opinion manipulation, strategic assassinations.

With Danzo in the rains

The Root with Konoha, is able to somehow accelerate or slow down, the arrival of upcoming wars.

By Understanding the characters of each new Daimyo, influencing their advisors, and even manipulating some events in their favour.

With this…

There wasn't a war, that arrived where Konoha was unprepared.

By the time, the war was there. Geniuses and Heroes were always on Konoha side.

So when the roll is coming, it's always tipping in their ways.

Such things, that made Danzo act all high and mighty in the village were maybe, once again some great feats for someone, who spend his days throwing knifes at trees and spiting air at leaves, his whole career.

But for the Actual Vizirs it was basic knowledge. Britania always acted that way.

And the Atleasian Empire by delaying their war with the Saharos and the rest of the Primordial Realm was doing the same thing.

On a much more complicated board.

The Real challenge is not to make it then when the time comes, the dice's roll tips in your way…

No…The Real Play is to make so the Dice only have one number in all it's sides!!!

Yours and YOURS ALONE!!!

The two were clearly playing different games altogether!


The Third Kage knew the gravity of such development. The Third Kazekage, was extremely capable, but was slowed down by the weakness of his own Daimyo.

The Third Mizukage was just incapable, but had an extremely powerful village.

But as far as they could tell. The Leadership in both countries had changed at the same time, in the same sudden fashion.

But the worst of all.

Is that it seems that the two Shinobi Villages didn't even intervene to stop that from happening. No…The reality is….

This scenario was too scary.

Danzo narrowed his eyes:

"I knew what you are thinking about Hiruzen."

"I agree."

"This must even be a coup."

The Two Elders were immediately frightened:

"Coup…?!! You mean?!! The Daimyo?!! They wouldn't dare?!!"

Hiruzen took a deep breath:

"It's not all."

The Elders narrowed their eyes.

"The Fire Daimyo just send me an SS-class mission."

"The New Water Daimyo and The Whirlpool Daimyo will meet shortly."

"The Mission is to find out the reason for such a move."

Utatane spoke mildly:

"We can contact the Uzumaki Clan, so they could cooperate."

Danzo smirked:

"Do you really think they will leak information of their Daimyo just because, we have an alliance? Don't be too naïve."

He turned around:

"Let me do it Hiruzen."

"This is Danzo work and you know it."

The Third Kage pulled on his pipe, and nodded slightly as he puffed the smoke out.

"It's on your hands."

"Prioritize your safety."

"We can't lose you, my old friend."

Danzo narrowed his eyes for a while, before departing.


Here I am back!!! my friends!!! After a somewhat long hiatus!!

Sadly....No matter how much I love writing I can't escape from exams!!

I will try to compensate by publishing a Chapter once we gather 50 ¨Powerstones this week!!


Hey!! Readers!! To rack some Powerstones I came up with( copied hhh) a good idea!!

Let's set some goal reward system!!!

200 Powerstones EQUAL 1 Bonus Chapter!! CHECKK!!!

300 Powerstones EQUAL 2 Bonus Chaptere( with the first one included, ofc.) CHECK!!!

400 Powerstones EQUAL 3 Bonus chapters(with the first two included!!)

That means that for each 100 powerstones cap this week I will add an extra chapter!!!

So please!! POWER ME UP!!!



I also set up a Patron account, so that I don't get burned out as easily as last time.

There is up to 15 Chapters of advanced chapters there!!

My discord is available too!! Let's interact more!! I know my readers have some great opinions to share:

I had this idea while writing my work!! I hope you will like it!!

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