Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 208

Chapter 208: Shade and Light

Capital of Whirlpool….

Daimyo Residence….

Two Men and a Woman was sitting on a luxurious table, dinning and wining with commodities out of this world.

Britannia' red was poured generously, while polite laughter took over the room.

A Man wearing a Daimyo attire, was laughing kindly, as he was absorbed in the commodities of his visitors.

He spoke with the same effeminate arrogance known to the Daiymo of this world:

"Mister Schneizel….There is no doubt…I have received your sincerity…"

He narrowed his eyes, looking at the Blond handsome man, with clear eyes and a dashing gentle smile on. He couldn't help but feel envy in his heart.

He didn't know why…And he certainly wouldn't pry further. But this man….Suddenly Became the Daiymo of the Water.

The Water and Whirlpool are on the same maritime area, so…It is a little easier for him to pry some information.

He already knew…Of the subtle changes going on in the country…

Not only the Daiymo had changed…But Kiri has a New Mizukage…It was a real change in the Leadership of the Country.

He didn't know who the Fushia Haired beauty was….But he knew she wasn't by any meaning easy.

Still in front of these two mysterious people who only expressed good will for him…It was difficult for him to reject them…

No…Seeing his current situation…He couldn't afford to be picky…

The other nobles didn't know it…

Even the Uzumaki Clan was still in denial about it. But their country was in grave danger

Schneizel sighed:

"Daimyo of the Whirlpools…It is a beautiful land that you have here…."

"Beautiful scenery of water and forests…It's a little bit like a fairy tale…"

He spoke as he drank his wine, he then smiled mildly:

"The only thing that seems to be out of place…"

"….Seems to be the burning sun…"

The Daimyo immediately had a stifled smile as he seemed to understand the underlying meaning of the Blond Man.

"If I am correct…Aren't you more of a shade man yourself….?"

Cornelia by the side laughed unbridled:

"Indeed he must find all that 'light' unbearable."

Schneizel had a dispirited expression on his face:

"What a shame…The Shade seem to have left your territory completely…Daimyo-sama…"

The Daiymo had a deep glint in his eyes as he responded:

"You sure have a discerning eye…As expected of the Daimyo of the Water…"

Schneizel smiled:

"Your country is on a really dangerous territory…"

"The Whirpool and Uzushiogakure have flourished under the shade of the two Colossus know as Konoha and Fire Country…"

"But those days are coming to an end…."

The Daimyo then sighed…

There are different reasons to the current issue. The first and the Foremost is the happenings of the First Shinobi World War.

After the Fight at the Valley of the End…

Senju Hashirama seemed to be nearing the end of his lifespan.

The Usage of the Mokuton and his injuries from the fights seemed to demand too much from his body.

But…More importantly…It became evident from Hashirama's laissez faire attitude…That even in the eventuality of a full-blown conflict…And even in the eventuality of the defeat of all the Countries would still have a way out.

After all, didn't even their most hated ennemies, the Uchiha find a way out?

Knowing that….The First Shinobi World War broke out!!

The First Shinobi World War had it's ups and downs….And at first…The Little Whirlpool country seemed only a backward isolated country not even worth destroying in the grand scheme of things…

However, as the conflict was getting fiercer and fiercer….Konoha and the Fire required the help of the Whirlpool country.

This was when all the issues started….

The Uzumaki head and the Current Daimyo had differing opinions.

The Daimyo of a weak country was much more resourceful and cautious then the Daimyo of a great one.

In this world only the Five great countries could afford to not worry about complete obliteration!!!

As for the weaker countries, they are like weeds in the wind, they are easily destroyed and easily rebuilt.

Even Orochimaru would eventually build a village of his own…

The same could be said of their Daimyos.

And if there was something the Daimyo of the Whirlpool knew deeply after surviving the Warring States Period was that the best way to get obliterated was to stand out.

On the other hand….

The Uzumaki clan…The Head clan of Uzushio…had a blood relationship with the Senju Clan….And had a totally different view.

Hashirama had a weird charisma to him that was difficult to resist…And the Uzumaki Clan Head was also one of his victims. And more than anything he was married to Mito Uzumaki.

The result was…That the Daimyo refused but the village wanted to go help their blood allies!!!

The Daimyo was categorical….He wouldn't allow the Uzumaki Clan to roam the Battlefield and bring disaster upon his country!!!

He wouldn't provide warfunds and would even delegate his missions to other villages cutting the life line of his own village…

The Daimyo knew the prowess…Of this clan…Their real powers wouldn't pale in comparison with the Uchiha and Senju clans…

He was even sure of it!!! The real reason the Uzumaki clan are known more for their seals…than for their humongous physique or their endless chakra…Is because he decided to keep them out of the battlefield and only delegated mission in weak countries!!!

Unwilling…The Village Head could only head his orders….But…

What he didn't see coming was what happened next…. Riddled with frustration…The Uzamaki clan instead of laying low…Decided to sell all their seals to Konoha!!!

Actually some even disobeyed and entered the battlefield.

Of course he made sanctions….

But…his meagre funds, were completely replaced by the Fire Daimyo's

Even if the Daiymo had a certain level of authority, he couldn't possibly intervene in the private dealings of a Shinobi clan and he couldn't forcibly stop the village either.

For this move…Konoha was grateful, so grateful they decided to adorn their symbol on their backs…Especially the Senju Clan…

But the Daimyo of Fire…Him will never forget…That…in their times of need…Their close allies of the Whirlpool decided to abandon them!!

The First Shinobi World War ended…

…And the Seals of the Uzumaki Clan that wreaked havoc on the world became known through the Five Great Countries!!!


The Senju Clan that seemed that will continue to grow endlessly suddenly declined until only Mito Uzumaki and two of her grandchildren remained!!

The Second followed the First in the grave not long after!!

And the Tobirama Team took over the Leaf!!

The Tobirama Team who didn't belong to any powerful clan in particular.

But the Daimyo of Fire never forgot his grudge!!

The relationship between the two, already thinned in a never seen before form.

The Daiymo was at his wits end…

…Be it him or the Uzumaki Clan both their actions brought disaster.

As Schneizel said…

The Uzumaki clan brought the light of fame to this land.

And the Daimyo lost the Shade of the Fire Country!!

At this point, the only thing keeping everything at bay…is Mito Uzumaki and her successor's presence in the country

When Mito reaches her limits and demands a new Jinchuriki!! The Moment the child reaches Konoha

The Country will be doomed!!

The Five other Countries will never tolerate the existence of a Sixth Force that could influence the world Wars to such a degree!!

Oblivious…The Uzumaki Clan still think that Konoha would help them!!!

That the Senju-less brimming with Uchiha Konoha, will come save them!!!

The Third who inherited Tobirama and Hashirama's will may move. He may even disobey the fire Daimyo. The issue is here…

Was that young Sarutobi who never have gone to war as a Kage until now capable of moving the Uchiha and Hyuuga clan for an ally of the Senju clan?

And is Sarutobi decisive enough to ignore all the other vultures…Danzo, Utatane and Koharu who already view the Uzumaki as a second Uchiha clan?

There is not only one issue…It's never one reason that leads to the demise of a country.

There are numerous issues…Numerous contradictions, numerous schemes and profits…

That will lead to the obliteration of the whole Country. Some little some big accumulates over time…

The two Nobles in front of him seem to already know of the situation….

He smiled lightly:

"You know…They already starting the preparations…."

Schneizel spoke with lamentations:

"The Shinobi World already suffered so much….Yet the different villages are only thinking about destruction…Sigh…"

"The Mizukage already received an offer from the Rock and the Thunder…."

"The Kazekage and the other Kages too…"

The Daimyo felt a chill running down his spine!

Cornelia spoke with an extremely calm tone:

"The Moment….Mito reaches her limit….is the moment they will make their move…"

The Daimyo narrowed his eyes:

"I already know that…Please tell me something I do not know…"

Schneizel laughed….

"Indeed…I can't afford to waste Daimyo-sama's precious time…"

Cornelia also had a wide grin:


"Here is something you don't know…."

"We are here to lend you a hand…"

"The Wind and The Water country have no intention of destroying the Whirlpool…Not for now anyway…."

The Daimyo had a cautious look on his face:


"Wait…The Lady here…"

"Yes…I am Cornelia….The Daimyo of the Wind…"

Orochimaru was immediately startled! He was keeping up with the conversation and he already understood that this wasn't about building some port:

"The Wind too?"

"This is getting dangerous…"

The Daimyo narrowed his eyes:

"You should understand…"

"Your deal sound too good to be true."

Cornelia smirked:

"What other choice do you have?"

Schneizel on the other side had a comprehensive look on his face: josei

"I understand your position….But think of this too…Why would I lie to you?"

"Why would I need to scheme against you…When you could be easily crushed, in the next years…"

Schneizel savored his wine before continuing…

"I said you lost your shade…."

"You didn't contradict me…"

The Daimyo had some bitterness in his eyes…

"I am sure you think it is the Uzumaki clan's fault…"

"But it is yours too…"

"Being too cautious…is also a bad trait…."

"If you have enough potential and don't exploit it…Then you are only waiting for decline and destruction…"

"The Uzumaki Clan's potential rivaled the Senju, the Uchiha and Hyuuga clan…Yet it was wasted by you…."

"Do not mistake your dreams for reality…In the Game of Wars…There is no such thing as 'laying-low'…"

"Either you survive by trampling others, or you slowly wither with time."

The Daimyo sighed deeply….The eyes of the Vizir were profound with a tinge of evil in his eyes, that was barely noticeable….

It could be said that since the Emperor began it's slumber…The Supreme Council finally felt the pressure of the Astaroth Continent.

The Different wars between the states were even more complex than when he was the First Minister in Britania….And some truths became even more evident!!

He sighed:

"You made a mistake the last time and you lost your shade…."

"I am here to bring you a much….much bigger shade to rely on…."

The Daimyo took a deep breath:

"Do you mean the Water Country's?"

Cornelia laughed at this answer….

"Daimyo of the Whirlpool…."

Her eyes were shinning with a strange light….

"…From where do you think my brother and me came from?"

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