Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 209

Chapter 209: Future Warlock

The confused eyes of the Daimyo finally widened, until….Shock began to inscribe itself on his face. He stood up frenetically….

"You two….?!!"

"Are….From the same…Family?!!"

Schneizel's eyes wandered in a corner of the room….He didn't have keen senses but even he felt….The Shock of the third party watching them!!!

Orochimaru felt a cold chill down his spine!!


'They are not allies but siblings?!!'

'One Family….Ruling Two of the Five Great Countries?!!!"

'How could this happen under the eyes of everyone?!!'

The revelation immediately put the Daimyo in a fenzy!

He stood up in horror:

"You?!....Just from where did you come from…?!!"

Cornelia laughed in a domineering way:

"Didn't I just ask you the same question?"

Schneizel who watched the trembling Daimyo took a piece of paper, from his robe, and reassured:

"You are a smart man and have good potential, I think it a shame for you to be 'replaced'…Daimyo-sama…"

"So I will not take too much of your time, and I don't want to see you lose everything…"

He approached the Daimyo and put it the paper in his hand, he whispered:

"Read it now and burn it."

The Daimyo with a sense of dread took the paper…As he put his eyes on it, his dreadful eyes turned in a look of complete horror and disbelief!!!

He looked up as he gasped for breath, in his eyes everything became suddenly clear!!

The Vessel, the foreign clothes, the endless confidence!!!


And he understood….As he looked those monsters in human skin standing in front of him.

That the moment he saw this information….He would either have to die or join them!!!

The two stood up as they looked down from above.

The distance between their gaze was only a meter or so….But after he understood the information here…and understood their 'real identity'….

He felt like he was looking up at ancient behemoths!!!

And their Shade seemed to cover the whole Shinobi World!!!

Orochimaru saw the happenings here, he took a deep breath, as all his concentration was on the piece of paper.

He already felt an incredible sense of dread from the moment he saw those two. Especially the blond man.

He felt….Like a much more dangerous version…Of Danzo.

Needless to say, the meeting here was about much more than a simple commercial cooperation!!!

He narrowed his serpentine eyes!!

'Maybe what written in this paper is something that concerns the future of the whole Shinobi World!!'

'No…If I could read what in this paper….'

…His eyes were burning with desire!!

'Everything that has been out of my grasp since that day…'

….He mobilized his Chakra preparing to make his move, his eyes on the mysterious paper!!

'Maybe I could know it all!!!'

He immediately jumped up, at blinding speed!!!

The Ninja from the Uzushio were immediately taken by surprise!!


The two Vizirs kept a calm gaze through the whole ordeal….

The Paper was principally bait. For the young snake to come out.

The young Jounin who saw their deep gazes and their small smiles, felt a chill down his spine!!

Immediately he made a decision!!

'I should retreat!!!'

Why didn't he realiz it earlier?

If they were as dangerous as he thought them to be…How could this people not see through him!!?

He then checked his surroundings?!

'Where is the root?!'

He immediately realized!!

'It is a trap!!!'

Cornelia who saw through his intention spoke playfully:

"Too late, little lamb."

Suddenly!!! He felt a terrible murderous aura englobe him all!!!

The Murderous aura made the whole people present here, apart from the Vizirs, tremble with fear!

If it was unleashed to it maximum it could shake this whole planet shake!!

Orochimaru who was it's target, felt immense dread!!! No…Dread wasn't enough to qualify it. He felt as if he was in the terrifying jaws of death.

Only a bite from eternal damnation….

'Just what kind of….'

He suddenly felt a cold fair hand against his neck. The Hand was beautiful, like a woman's, but the voice a little roque:

"Move and die."

Orochimaru felt a deep sense of powerlines in his heart! Immediately bitterness and anger grew in his heart!


It was just like the last time with the Third and his team, that time they met that mysterious person.

'If only I could….'

As he swallowed his greed in his heart, he stopped in his tracks.

The Daimyo and the Shinobi of the Uzushio village, were still sweating buckets.

The Shinobi were trembling and crouching in the ground and weeping like a little kids in front of the Apocalypse!!

It actually told a lot of Orochimaru powerful mental will for him to still be holding something other despair in front of the aura of a Solar System Powerhouse.

Not to say…A Zoldyck Solar System Powerhouse. To dare covet and envy such power…

How greedy was his heart?!

The Two Vizirs couldn't help but praise.

Schneizel calmly looked at them:

"Daimyo-sama, I believe we showed our sincerity."

"You have 3 hours to make a decision. I hope you make one in the interest of everyone present here."

He then sighed as if incredibly aggrieved:

"Sadly, we can't accompany you any longer."

His blue eyes landed on the young orochimaru:

"It seems we have to take care of some matters."

He then looked up and asked:

"Kalluto…Please Retreat. It is not of manners to scare our hosts."

Immediately, Kalluto nodded:

"Yes…Your Highness."

And he immediately disappeared.

Schneizel bowed politely:

"Sorry…He is still young, so he commit some mistakes. I will have a talk with him back home."

He then turned around heading for the exit.

"I will be waiting in the Avalon."

His eyes landed afterwards on the youngster:

"Your name is Orochimaru, right?"

The youngster looked up and smiled sneakily:

"So you do know my name after all. Mister Bigshot."

Schneizel narrowed his eyes, he could see the wit deep in his cunning reptilian pupils.

"Follow me."

As they got away from the rest. Schneizel turned his head as he smiled lightly:

"I find it rather curious."

"Hokage-sama must have told you to not take unnecessary risks."

"And you are not the type to do so anyway to begin with."

"Yet, you still took it."

He laughed and spoke teasingly:

"I couldn't help but admire…"

"Does your love for the leaf run that deep?"


Orochimaru straightened up on his wobbly legs and his hoarse voice sounded:

"You set up such beautiful bait and even got rid of the root for me…"

"It would have been impolite to not take it."

In the dark Kalluto sneered:

'He is lying as easily as he breaths…. How shameless…'

On the contrary…Cornelia laughed out:

"What an interesting little guy…"

"With this kind of character, he really might find his place between 'the other monsters' back home."

Schneizel only smiled faintly, he finally took something out of his hand and threw it at the youngster.

The youngster was stunned for a moment….before he took the book.

The book seemed ancient and ethereal…And as he touched it, something deep inside Orochiamru seemed to react to it.

The Letters there seemed from a foreign langage…but as he poured his mental power into it.

Their meaning became clear:

'Kemoyin Pupil.'

Schneizel smiled:

"There is no restriction on the acolyte level."

"So I will give you this part."

"I hope you are not stupid enough to give it to your Sensei."

Schneizel smirked:

"Take it as a gift celebrating our meeting today."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and as he looked at the book, it became more and more mysterious in his eyes. It looked ethereal and incomparable to any techniques he saw.

More than anything he felt an incomparable sense of intimacy just from touching this book.

As if this was meant for him to practice.

Seeing the ecstasy on his face, Schneizel kept his faint smile:

"I will present myself."

Orochimaru looked up and spoke indifferently:

"I already know who you are…"

"Water Daimyo."

Schneizel kept his cursory smile:

"That title is only for 'them'."

Orochimaru had a shrewd light in his eyes:

"Who do you mean by 'them'?"

Schneizel responded patiently:

"'Them' means the rest of the world."

"For you…"

"I am Schneizel El Britania, Third Vizir of the Empire."

Orochimaru smiled cunningly, his hoarse again speaking up:

"What makes you think I won't reveal anything to the leaf?"

"I am still a Shinobi of the Leaf. My Sensei is the Third Kage. Do you think I would hide some information for some stranger?"

Schneizel titled his head:

"Nothing makes me think that way…"

"Actually it doesn't matter much whether you report what happened here or not."

"Sooner or Later…What's bound to happen will happen."

"The gears of change are in full steam."

He then left behind the final words:


"The Emperor is looking forward to meeting you…."

Orochimaru opened his eyes widely, as a silhouette reappeared in his mind.

"Once Again."

Leaving the young shinobi in daze, Schneizel left to the Avalon.

"I hope you will measure up to his expectations once the time comes."

As he watched the two leaving, finally the façade of Orochimaru disappeared. His body started trembling, and his breath became frenzied.

Sweat gathered on his forehead, as he started panting heavily on the ground.

All the happenings here had long exceeded his tolerance level.

His eyes flashed distress and greed:

'This power….'

He still remembered the powerful sense of death Kalluto gave him.

'How could anyone be so powerful?'

He then remembered the Blond Vizir.

He had a bitter smile on:

"Third Vizir of the Empire."

He remembered his cursory smile, and his cold and indifferent blue eyes staring down at him. He obviously possessed no Chakra or other energy…If it is the case then he is hiding it really well.

But standing in front of him made him feel naked. Like he could see through any toughs, he could possibly have. The whole conversation he seemed to be leading him on.

He never felt like this before even when Shinobi outclassing him by eons, interrogated him.

'No…Those eyes…'

He remembered them once again, noble blue eyes…. Suddenly his hoarse voice started laughing slowly….


'They weren't looking at false me.'

'They were simply looking at the Real me.'

Since when did he feel this way…

'He already knows who I am. What kind of person I could become.'

His hands tightened their grab on this book. As h looked at it…He narrowed his sharp eyes:

'What do I do now?'

Back at the Avalon.

Cornelia sat down at the same table as Schneizel.

"Isn't it too soon….To give him the Kemoyin Pupil, now?"

Schneizel sighed…

"Maybe…But I think it should be done now."

"He obviously can't possess it's bloodline by now."

"But think about it. He probably needs a long time before joining us."

"By the time wouldn't it be a little late for him to start practicing magic?" josei

"If he is at least a 3rd Ranked Acolyte by the time he joined us."

"It would make all of our jobs easier….After all…"

"Him and his other peers doesn't have the same starting point."

Cornelia sighed:

"You are right…Be it Zeref, Elfman, Mavis or….the other Warlock clan leader, Irene Belsserion….They are experts in magic."

Schneizel had a scheming glint in his eyes:

"Even in terms of talents that youngster doesn't loose to either one of them. I thought I could do him a favor."

Cornelia sneered in his face:

"Don't think I don't know what you are doing…."

"The reason you are rushing this…is evident…"

"You have some complains about the new Magus Order."

Schneizel smiled lightly:

"Don't you have it too?"

"Isn't this why…you let me do it anyway?"

Above all the Avalon he looked at the cloudy sky:

"The New Magus Order….is way too soft…."

"And you know that…"

"The Fairy Tail is much more forgiving than the other words…."

"Even Zeref lacks crucial decisiveness."

"We need other kind of people there."

"Real Magi."

He then sipped his wine:

"Anyway it not like I disobeyed his Majesty's orders. He already communicated his intentions with us. It is my job to make it happen."

Cornelia narrowed his eyes as she looked a last time at the land of Whirlpools:

"I wonder what will he do…"

She smiled lightly:

"And for how long could he resist…."

"The temptation of his true self."

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