Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 211

Chapter 211: Story of a little tree.

On the other side of the continent!!

Magic Empire of Klatos!!

A woman named 'the Grand Priestess'….opened her serpentine eyes, in it a kind and motherly light was present she spoke to the void:

"I am all ears…."

On other side of the Contient!! Sword Sect!!

A little fiery fairy; flew into the air, a solemn and desolate air around her, she was gnashing her teeth…

"Did we really fall that far after Yashin?"

Her eyes were still on this little inconspicuous territory, her attention on an old man Light Years away from her!!

The old man….

"On this same land…"

"A very long time, grew a little sapling…."

"In the embrace of the earth and under the love of the land, he grew rapidly, until as time passed by.."

"He had gone from sapling to young little tree…"

"Only the little tree, who is loved by the Sky and cherished by the earth already began flowering…."

"Indeed…The little sapling was a flower three…."

"It's flowers were white and red, and they had a sparkling feeling to them, like little red gems…"

The old man spoke slowly and lovingly as if to enjoy every process along the way, his eyes then sparkled with a hint of reverence….

"One day…While this little three was growing it could feel the little swift steps of a maiden…"

"This woman, seemed to be blessed by the World, even more than the little tree…No…Comparing them would be absurd."

"While the little three seemed like a youth being smothered by the world…"

He spoke with a trace of fanaticism in his eyes…

"The fairy's, every step's sounded like she was commanding the Heaven."

"The sky seemed to want to bend until it could kiss her feet, the earth seemed to want to grow arms so it could hug her tight."

"Her presence didn't make the world retreat, but wallow in the simple ecstasy of serving her."

"Every time she would want to take a fruit, the old billion years tall trees would bend their Light Years trunks so her little arms could reach it."

"In front of it, the growing tree was only a little herb."

"Her laugh resounded the grand forest, and it seemed to provoke the happiness of the world, the bliss of the heavens, and the love of the sun."

"When…Suddenly….The little tree sensed the little steps of the fairy stop in front it."

"The little tree didn't even dare move. It was a seedling and it knew nothing."

Yet, the fairy who ran through the whole endless forest, only stoped in front of the tree…

Her fiery red sparkling eyes, lingered on it's beautiful flowers….She stayed there for a long time. Under it's gaze the little tree felt blessed….And felt loved….

Finally….She reached out and took a red and white flower….And put it on the side of her hair….

She spoke casually, yet with enough appreciation….Words that changed it's fate forever….

'What beautiful flowers…I hope you grow up safely.'

She said those words and left."

The old man shut his eyes, and wallowed as if reviving these moments of complete bliss.

On the other side, the Priestress…. sighed deeply….without speaking another word.

On the side of the sword sect, the little fairy, had a profound gaze, a hint of nostalgia in her eyes:

'So it was the little tree from back then...'

The Old man reopened his eyes once again….

"Immediately after that, as if coerced by causality, the heaven and the earth, began to charge towards the tree, serving it as if it was it's own ancestor."

"It would give it wisdom, it would give it power, it would give it beauty…"

"Because he was favored by that fairy….He became the centerpiece of the whole forest…Some tree even gave up their lifeforce for him."

"The little tree then grew more and more, looking forward to meeting the fairy once again!

It would have met it's expectations, and it would serve here with all it's life."

"Unknowingly, the little tree who already became an unpreceded behemoth in the forest, became the biggest worshipper of the fairy.

And as he grew up….and his wisdom and senses grew, he began to realize who the fairy was…"

A look of pride and reverence appeared on the old man's gree eyes:

"She was the Empress of the Empire where the little tree grew."

"Her dynasty ruled the world so long, that Heaven and Earth were her loyal subordinates!!!"

Then a look of pain and agony appeared on the old man's face:

"He also heard that the Empress have entered a long slumber, epochs ago."

"The last time, she run in this forest, was her last moments before she slumbered…"

"As he realized this, the tree mourned for millions of years…"

"Time passed, and the Empire continued to prosper."

"Since the fairy was the Empress..."

"The Tree saw the Empire as it's own home."

"So it continued to look after it…Of course as the tree grew more and more powerful…it realized that the Empire never needed his protection."

"The Monsters hiding in the dark and laughing in the light were enough for it to prosper for endless epochs."

"Nonetheless…It could also feel that as time passed, those monsters from that fare gone era were only going into slumber one by one."

"In that time..."

"Universal Gods who were said to be slaughtered until their blood became so cheap it was used to paint the walls of every house."

"Infinite Angels whose feathers was used like those farm animals."

"And powerful species who could only be used as mules for those with exotic tastes in the Empire"

"Began to reappear in the world here and there."

"Until…The Empire reached an all time low of weakness…"

"Neverthless…It was not something that could be taken casually by any species or other hidden dynasty in the world."

"But as time passed….And the tree strength grew even mightier…"

"He could feel that some fearsome existence were resurrecting themselves from the endless void."

"…The Empire was going to face an unprecedented crisis."

"It was then that he was born…"

The old man's voice became shaky….And his tone became softer and filled with love and worship….

The fanatism and devotion in his eyes became even stronger:

"The Heavens roared, and the earth danced, the stars twinkled, and the sun shivered."

"The gods screamed in horror and the Angels wept in desolation!!"

"The demons ran for their lives and the beasts bent their legs!!"

"The Heir of the new Era, the Rightful Emperor of the World…."

"…was born once again…"

The old man was laughing as if reviving the happiness of that moment. The People listening here seemed to see that moment through his words and endless excitement could be seen through their faces!!

"The Tree was the happiest of all…!"

" It had selfishly squandered the opportunity to serve the Empress."

"It finally had a chance of redeeming itself!"

"It was ready! Even if it was asked to forfeit it life it would have done it in a heartbeat!!"

"Unknown to it….This birth, didn't solve the problems of the Empire but only accelerated the plans of it's enemies."

"It would never allow the Emperor of the World to grow!!"

"It would destroy it's throne before he had the chance to ascend."

"However even that needed time. The Empire wasn't that easy to cross."

"The tree spent the coming years in bliss…." josei

"The reason was that…"

"The little prince seemed to be attracted to the Forest…and at three of age, it made a trip to it's servant's abode."

"The litte prince immediately made it's way to the tree and look at it the same way…The fairy looked at it."

"It touched it's flowers and took one and put it on his chest."

"Gradually it became able to communicate with it."

"It favored the tree and spent all it's free time with it."

"The tree listened to the prince words, and discussed with it at length."

"The little prince was born with peerless wisdom and endless grace."

" At 3 of age, he was as knowledgeable as his father. At 4, he already surpassed him."

"At 5, he was already governing the Empire, as a regent prince…"

"At 7…Under his blessing powerhouses one after the other began appearing under his rule, a new golden age was upon us!!"

"At 10, he already fought endless wars and traveled through the world!! His army would intimidate the gods and would laugh in the face of the Multiverse!!"

"Every time, he would come back and tell his stories, and the tree would yearn for glory at the battlefield."

"Wanting to lay it's live for it's cause!!"

A helpless smile appeared on the old man's face:

"But everytime….

The prince would repeat the same words:

'…You heart have always been old…'

'I am too young…So I do need someone like you by my side, waiting for me.'

'You are a powerful and mysterious tree holding fort for us young guys!'

The young prince…then would say:

'I promise you…That you will get your chance at glory.'

His dashing smile that invoked the jealousy of the sun would reappear:

'Believe me.'

The old man sighed deeply….


"One day…He came to this old tree…."

"And he suddenly began digging with his little hands."

"He said to the tree 'Old friend….Help me digging…'.

"The prince wasn't even using a shovel, he was alone, and he didn't even use his real strength, he only used the power of the infant he was."

"Dirt appeared on his fair and youthful face, but he was only laughing…As if relishing in the childhood he never had."

"He dug and dug, and I helped him, the earth opened it's guts for him, the sky soothed his fatigue and each tree drilled the ground with him."

Tears threatening to fall from his old eyes, his voice became shaky:

"I tried to persuade him…told him that I could overturn the earth with one move for him. He stubbornly refused."

" 'This is something I need to feel it with my own hands.' "

" 'I need to feel the pain, the joy, the excitement of it all, old friend.' "

"Imperial light could be see pouring from his eyes. This was an order. And the tree couldn't do anything about it."

"After, days and months…We were finally finished….A giant space underneath the forest was opened up. The space was so big it could hold a giant city in it."

"Finally.The tree assembled it's guts to ask. 'Your Majesty what's is it for?'"

"The youth who was riddled with dirt smiled brightly, his eyes brimming with endless affection:

" 'It's for my treasure.' "

"I burried it here. Old Friend."

"Could you please guard this place for me?"

"The tree was taken aback; it has not seen anything buried there! But immediately it made an oath."

"Hearing that, the prince laughed heroically in the air."

"His gaze softened…."

The voice of the old man become shaky once again….He was already half crying…

"This is our farewell. He said."

"His tone became powerful, and haughty, inducing Imperial Majesty."

"He had a long cruel smile in his lips as he said:

"The Titanus made it back here."

"They assembled every other species and dynasty in the Primordial Realm under their banner."

"They want to destroy my Vega Dynasty and uproot it from the Primordial Realm."

He laughed out loud. But the tree was trembling.:

"Your Majesty you are still too young."

The 12 year old child laughed more and more, his cute dimples make him even more charming.

"Indeed…If I destroy them wouldn't I get to brag in front of the 5 other slumbering bastards?"

The old man sighed deeply:

"In front of the greatest attack on the Vega Dynasty, the accumulations of Billions years of careful schemes and manipulations…."

"That 12 year old…What did he feel?"

"Fear? There was none…."

"There was only one feeling…"

".Excitement, excitement for war!!!"

The old man seemed like pious believer and a raging fanatic! His gaze seemed to turn soft, as he looked at the ground, he left these words:

"Guard this place…"

"Suddenly!! A Powerful aura grew on the child…The tree looked as such spectacle with horror:"

"Your Majesty you are too young to ignite your Imperium. If you do that…"

"Immediately the little back of the prince, grew taller until it gave birth to a powerful body able to shake the whole Primordial Realm !!!"

"The Whole Word seemed to sense the birth of such power!!!"

"But the tree couldn't bring itself to be happy."

Tears poured out of the old man face….As if he could relive the sight the lifeforce of the New Emperor being consumed:

"He was devouring his potential."

"For the Empire….For the People and for the Future that prin-No...The Emperor never hesitated for a second!!"

A Laugh resounded through the Primordial War, Bloodthirsty and Vengeful!!

Like a Cataclysm was about to be unleashed on existence!! As the Power of the Imperium grew to unprecedented heights!!

"Let's go to war, shall we?"

The tree screamed one last time:

"Your Majes-!"

"Old friend…"

"He didn't turn but the tree could see a faint smile:

"No words are necessary."

"Just watch me and sing my praise until my successor is born!!"


"His laugh resounded through dimensions and struck fear in his enemies from afar!!!

Only laughter was left as he made his way out!"

There was now snot and tears on his face, one could see how much this person meant to him:

"He was a great prince….And for the little time he ascended, he was great Emperor…"

"He was the best."

"The man I served, and the man I am serving to this day."

"The last Great Monarch, his Majesty, Yashin Vega."

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