Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 232

Chapter 232: Magus and Two Knights

Marek nodded slightly, before he took Morpheus in his capsule:

"I will bring it back to you, later…"

"Morpheus still need some works so it could respond to my Empire's needs."

Bulma sighed:

"I hope you deliver the information quickly."

"Using the Library, and with the data I could get from earth, I could develop it further."

"But even that has a limit."

A Portal opened up:

As the Emperor and his two made their way out…

Lelouch nodded:

"Congratulations, your majesty…I know you wanted to recruit Bulma for a long time."

The Emperor nodded silently.

Schneizel had a snarky smile on:

"Indeed….Today was the perfect time to get her on board."

"…We get to take her under the Empire….But more importantly…."

He spoke as if he could see the intention of the Emperor:

"We get her children."

Marek titled his head:

'As expected, he saw right through it.'

This why he loved having Schneizel. While Lelouch is a genius on his own right, he is temperament tend to be more upright.

It is only when he is challenged or when he feels the need for it. That he unleashed a nature more vicious, than even Schneizel.

On the other side…Schneizel temperament is naturally eviler, he thinks sneakily in natural way and all the time.

This is why he saw through his intentions. Lelouch naturally understood it:

"Trunks and Bulla, huh…"

"Indeed…In certain ways, they could be considered more 'strategic' than Bulma herself."

Marek answered:

"I can't say for Bulla. But I know that Trunks must grow in the Atleasian Empire."

"He inherited his dad's talent as a Super Saiyan but more importantly he inherited his mother's genius as a scientist."

Schneizel nodded:

"While he is a little less talented than both them, in their respective fields."

"His polyvalent nature makes him an irreplaceable centerpiece in any war."

"A Military Engineer who could also fight in the front line is invaluable."

Lelouch agreed too:

"Technical support will get more and more primordial…The Higher our technological prowess will advance."

"Trunks is intelligent, kind and have a good will. We will accumulate a lot of knowledge…Someone who could take it all, and use it on the battlefield is indeed, irreplaceable."

Marek finally made a step into the portal, as he spoke once again:

"Indeed…But we still don't know how the Trunks, of this timeline will turn out."

"Maybe we need to plan something for the 'Zamasu' incident, after all."

The two only smiled lightly without responding.

There was still a year for 'that' to happen. By then, maybe we won't even need a 'Trunks'.

After all…The Library is here.

And with it…as Lelouch said.

'Even a frog can become a Paragon of wisdom.'

There a lot of geniuses ready to take this mantle.

Lelouch had thoughts on his own:

'For example, a little blond haired senju princess…May be an even better choice….'

When the Emperor made his step back into his Throne Room, he spoke to the shadows lurking:

"Elio…Convene all my court here. It's been a while since I saw them."

"Also…Erect an isolating barrier around the Empire. Let's not reveal our cards yet."

A hooded silhouette flew through the room.

He used the capsule and threw it…

In it a Super Computer appeared in the throne room.

He gave the order:

"Morpheus. Restart the time flow."

"Yes, your majesty."

The Emperor sat back leisurely on his throne. Apparent excitement in his eyes.

He looked at the screen. Where the Three subjects appeared simultaneously.

They were in Asgard at the boundary of creation. The three of them held a solemn expression….

Braham was the most enthralled. Finally…He is finally going to use his masterpiece!!

A Powerful Mana surged within him, and within the world as all of it was poured in one direction!!

A Shadow engulfed the whole world!!

But looking up!! One could see it was a gigantic Magical Circle!!

A Gigantic Magical circle was constructed!!!

Braham became pale, but one could see his delight!!

As he screamed his lungs!!


The world began to shake as it's more important foundation began to shake!!!

And the same time, at the center of the circle began to turn faint!!

In the Primordial Realm!!

A Gigantic Magical Circle appeared above the Imperial Capital!!!

As a humongous amount of Mana was gathered!!!

If a barrier wasn't erected, this power alone would have alerted all the nearby continents!!

The Generals all looked up. Riboku smiled bitterly:

"It seems another freak is born."

Ezio by his side drinking tea, acknowledged:

"Perfect. The More freaks there are the better."

"And him being a Magus is a plus."

All over the country…All the powerhouses were alarmed, as they looked at the astronomical amount of power being gathered!!

Marek eyes showed delight:

'As expected…This power…Braham you already have the power of Galactic level Powerhouse at birth!!'

Indeed!! Braham is a man who had already solved 300000 Flaws of the Library. It may not seem like much. But this flaws weren't only relative to the world of Satisfy. josei

They concerned all existence!!

Immediately from thin air…What seemed like three souls began forging….

A Moment, as if turning illusory to real, three silhouette contained absurd amount of power appeared in the air!!


A Prideful and arrogant laugh resounded through the air!!


It sounded powerful and full of viciousness!!





His thunderous voice resounded through the void and entered the head of the populace like thunder in their head!!

In the Imperial Garden, the Empresses and the Mother Empress showed a small smile. Roygun smiled brightly:

"It seems his majesty is already back to work…"

Shahrazad nodded. The Mother Empress only narrowed her eyes lightly:

"It seems, the era of magic will blossom under the blessing my lion."

The reaction of the three was extremely calm. But…The Green haired knight was scared out of her wits!!

"What kind of magic power is this?!!"

She could the unleashed power of the man in her skin, as if he was breathing just next her!

"This is definitely beyond my liege, and on the level of those who call themselves 'gods' on the Lower Primordial Realm."

"The Sword God's power shouldn't surpass this."

Since she felt the rage of Altair, last time she never encountered such a power aura !

The Matriarch of the Vega Clan smiled mildly:

"Indeed…The Library of the Imperial Path, didn't disappoint."

"For a being to spawn into existence at such a power level."

The Fairy narrowed her eyes:

"Not bad…"

But her eyes, weren't on the laughing magus, but on the powerful silhouettes by his side.

"Those eyes…She already made them evolve in such a direction."

The two didn't mind his arrogant words…

If a servant of the Imperium wasn't arrogant? Who would be?

The three immediately looked over, Mercedes was the first to spot the Throne Room!! Immediately her indifferent complexion brightened:

"Your Majesty!!"

The Other two immediately followed!

In front of the Emperor….

Three kneeling silhouettes appeared!!

They all spoke in unison:

"Braham/Mercedes/Piaro greet your majesty!"

Excitement and even emotion could be heard in those words. How long did they wait and longed for this moment! Only them could know!!

Marek smiled brightly, his mood eased, as he laughed:

"Good! Good! You didn't disappoint this Emperor."

"Raise your head, so I could get a good look at you."

The voice was unmistakable. Endless Majesty, and endless benevolence.

When they heard the voice that always seemed so faraway, seem close. Mercedes nearly broke into tears.

The three raised their head!

When they saw the silhouette standing aloofly on the throne. All had the same though in their head!!



Even if they prepared themselves beforehand, they couldn't actually clearly sense it. Until now!!

The aura hiding in the depth of the silhouette was insurmountable.

The Second though was…


The Emperor in their mind was at least a middle aged man. But the person, seemed to be a young adult of nearly 20 of age.

He possessed endless majesty….His posture and demaneor was that of a being who looked down existence.

Yet in his eyes, one could the feel the warmth of a ruler had for his people.

Piaro sighed deeply:

'So this what it looks like….'

'….A Real Emperor, that is….'

Mercedes was a little dazed. The Emperor was a mentor figure even higher then Piaro and Asmophel in her eyes. She never thought he would be so young.

She couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but she soon regained her composure. As only the delighted of serving her ruler remained.

'Finally!! I can be a knight!!'

The Emperor's complexion was bright, and his mood was uplifted, at last:


When he heard his name, even the prideful magician, shuddered for a moment:

"You are indeed, the first and most powerful magus of my Empire."

"…And I hope you will guide my Empire in the ways of magic."

He had a solemn glint in his eyes:

"For now…I confer you, the sigil of 'Truth'. And so shall the name of your seat be as the first Imperial Magus."

Braham felt the care, his Emperor put behind the name, and he acknowledge with emotion:

"I will show your majesty, the power of magic in the Empire."

His eyes moved and soon they found Piaro, he smirked:

"It seems you still made it her, you cheeky bastard."

Piaro showed a calm smile:

"I thought your majesty would surely feel lonely without my company."

The Emperor sneered, before he revealed a long smile:

"You did a good job, Piaro."

"You Shall be my Second Knight. Piaro, the Blade of Life!!"

Piaro acknowledge as he bowed his head:

"I will strive to be worthy of the title."

Finally, the eyes of the Emperor revealed affection. It was the same kind he revealed when looking at the members of the Brotherhood:


Mercedes kept kneeling.

"Yes, your majesty."

The Emperor spoke with a bright smile:

"You Shall be my Third Knight….Mercedes, the Eye of the truth."

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