Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 234

Chapter 234: Selam and Sophia

Marek's eyes softened when he saw who entered. He immediately disappeared from the throne.

He smiled brightly, as he bowed and put her hand on his forehead:


Of course, the only person in existence who could put her hand on the forehead of the Emperor, is the Mother Empress.

Mercedes and rest hearing the words of the Emperor, immediately knelt in silence.

"My Lion."

The Voice spoke calmly but with with unmistakable majesty, she cupped his face with her hands:

"For how many more years do you plan to make me worry like that?"

Marek expression became a little helpless:

"You would have to bear with me. Mother."

Devran didn't dwell on the matter for too long:

"Well…I know that anything I say won't change your mind."

"I came here for another matter, my lion."

Marek eyes narrowed; his dear mother never came to visit him by herself.

It was always the contrary. After all, this was how filial piety worked.

Devran smiled a little:

"Do not worry… This definitely good news."

Marek narrowed his eyes as he asked:

"What is it, Mother?"

Devran continued:

"It's a present…"

She took his hands in hers:

"A Present from your Eldest Sister."

Marek's complexion brightened:


Devran nodded:

"It seems than in the Sword Sect, Kosem has already created a force of her own."

"She sent some of her men, to assist you in your rule."

Marek had an affectionate smile on:

"As expected of her."

Devran continued:

"And she even sent an important piece…."

Marek narrowed his eyes:

"Oh…I see…"

He immediately understood his mother's intention. He was also curious about why she would insist on presenting her by herself.

Marek disappeared before reappearing on his throne. He waited until his mother took her place by his side.

He, then, gave the order to his guards:

"Summon them."

A Moment later….

The Gates of the Imperial Room opened up once again. Devran who took place by her son's side., had a complex gaze in her obsidian eyes.

And the Vizirs and the knights all stood at the periphery.

Especially…The Vizirs were curious about this person. After all…The Importance the Mother Empress gave her was evident.

The Gates opened up…And Elga who has been looking forward to meeting this Emperor, felt a powerful sense of dread.

It was not the kind of dread one gets from a death situation. But dread one gets when facing a superior being.

Finally she step out and entered the Imperial Room. Behind her, her men who are healed from their previous injury.

The Previous disdain, they had all vanishing into nonexistence.

In the last week…They heard of the way the Emperor Marek Vega, was worshipped and loved.

It was uncanny….

The Devastated country that they thought they would find….was nowhere to be seen.

It was prosperous place. And the worse is that it was on the boundary of extinction just 2 months prior. The Emperor is described as an Ultimate being, who look down on the rest of the continent.

But the more striking…Is that the awe and love for the Emperor only get's more powerful the higher one is in the hierarchy of the Empire.

Even those invincible Generals when interrogated about the Emperor only responded:

"Strength wise…He would need nothing more than a glare for all the Astaroth Continent to vanish form existence…"

The Vizirs would respond:

"He is invincible. Be it in character or in charisma."

And it never felt like flattery or exaggeration.

Elga nerve tightened:


From all the present here….The one who was the most shook was their leader Elga.

Because she saw it…The Fanatic glint that those people….It was the same eyes her mother had, once.

All her life…

Her Mother never loved her father…The Emperor of the Lan Empire. Since her tender youth…She knew it.

As she grew on her own, she could see the disgust she held for her father more clearly. Unlike the other concubines, she never fought for his favor…But it was her Father who always kept pestering her.

It seemed that the only reason she ever laid with him, was to give birth to her daughter.

Her Mother never held any love for their country. And made the most horrible atrocities for 'her goal'.

She and Devran Vega….Were truly the more ruthless and cold women she ever encountered. Involuntarily she was implicated. josei

In her mind…As her mother said:

'The Lan Empire wasn't their country…'

She sighed:

'Let's see the result of all of this….'

Some words resounded in her mind:

'My sweet little girl…You will know it…When you see it….'

'The Monarch you are destined to serve….'

The disciples of the Sword Sect entered in the Imperial Room!!

Elga made her first step, and looked up….

Immediately, she felt all her bloodline boil with indefectible longing. Her sense became numb and her eyes were wide open like big yellow oranges.

Something in her body seemed to instinctively awaken…

She took a deep breath.

As she felt the Imperial Aura that her liege would never reach in her life exuding from the Emperor casually.

The Sword Sect disciples who followed felt an inscrutable power from the Monarch.

They felt like ants in front of a Primordial Giant!!

Immediately all of them cursed in their mind!!

'How the hell is that 'a trash prince'!!!'

'I want to see who began this rumor so that I can go skin him alive!!'

Immediately they knelt!! Without even a single thought in their mind!!

All the dissatisfaction they had for Kosem's Choice was washed way, like a spring breeze!!

In front of the behemoth standing in front of them.

Whose every move felt like it could end the whole Primordial Realm!!! Their liege would be lucky if she was his Emperess!!

Elga also knelt in the same fashion, her heart beating wildly.

In her mind, the last words of her mother resounded like drums!!

'The Emperor of the World!!'

This is the only thing she could think of!!

But in the same time, she felt a mystical feeling welling up inside her. Her heart and her whole body was experimenting an inexplicable joy. She felt a mysterious ecstasy in her veins.

As she looked up, she could find the Emperor sitting on his throne, as if looking down on existence.

His eyes clear, his every move gracious and ferocious at the same time. His every move, his very existence….Meant majesty!!!

Immediately almost at the same time….They spoke!

"Your majesty!!"

But the Emperor who was the object of their wonder had an even more astonished gaze, as his eyes lingered on Elga.

Elga felt graced as if in the Embrace of the sun.

Even herself couldn't comprehend what is happening to her.

But Marek who was on the throne disappeared and reappeared in front of the girl. He put his fingers on her chin. Elga felt her whole body shiver as if she was touched by the feathers of an angel.

Her face responded, to his call without needing him to speak.

She looked up. Immediately, she was lost in her cosmic eyes…His eyes seemed to have mix of nostalgia and confusion….

'How beautiful….'

This must be the most beautiful eyes she has ever seen!!

Yet the Emperor kept looking at her in the eyes, as he spoke words that stunned everyone present:

"Selma? Is that you?"

The Words of the Emperor….Only two people could understand them.

Lelouch who knew about the Emperor's other half….And…Devran who didn't seem surprised by the development.

She only sighed in her mind:

'Indeed…The resemblance is uncanny….'

Elga felt the hand of the Emperor on her face, looked at his warm eyes, his longing voice.

At this time, even if she knew in her heart, she wasn't Selma. She wanted to be her.

Lelouch narrowed her eyes. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. Selma the mysterious woman who accompanied the first half of the Emperor in Earth, and finally sent him on his way here.

The Person who knew the First half of the Emperor better than himself….

Lelouch attention was now directed to the Mother Empress.

'As expected….'

Finally the answer came from behind the Emperor :

"She is not Selma but her daughter, Elga."

The Emperor looked at his Mother's sad expression:

"Selma is already in slumber as we speak."

The Emperor's attention stopped at the word 'slumber' before he sighed deeply. Realization downed on his face:

"I see…."

Then he remembered….When he first awakened….The Person who recognized him first…

'It was you, Mother…'

On the head of the Empire, he heard the words of the Grand Priestess:

"The History of the Vega Dynasty is not only the History of the Grand Monarchs…

Sure…It is only the Grand Monarch who shine the brightest in the world…."

"But in time of darkness…The ones who make sure the Dynasty carries on. Are always the Empresses, the princesses and the women of the dynasty…."

"The Princess, the Empresses who keep suffering in the dark…"

"The Birth of each Grand Monarch is never easy…Behind it are always unending suffering and plight…."

Marek heard the words of the priestess as he looked at the distressed and sad look on his Mother.

His eyes lingered once more on the woman who seemed to be a copy of Selma in green.

Her words lingering in her mind.

"Your shrewdness could topple countries, your wisdom could make old monsters redden with shame, your talent could make geniuses hate themselves. Tarek, I believe there is no one in the world who knows that more than me."

He finally let go of her chin. And it was if Elga was deprived of the sun and the moon.

He sighed deeply, he came by his mother's side, took her in his arms and spoke kindly in her ear:

"I hope one day, you could tell me…your story and Selma's…."

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