Mushoku Tensei

Volume 20 5 — Fort Karon

Volume 20 5 — Fort Karon

Volume 20 Chapter 5 - Fort Karon

Part 1

The day after the audience.

I left preparations for departure to Zanoba and came back to the inn.

I meet up with Roxy.

Roxy was waiting in our room, armed to the teeth.

She seemed to be stiff and rushed up to me as soon as I entered.

"Was it alright? I was worried because there was no contact but…"

"Yeah, nothing happened."

Because she had not had breakfast yet, we ate on the first floor of the inn while I told her about the contents of the audience:

The possibility that Pax is an apostle of Hitogami is low.

That it is difficult to discern the intent of Hitogami.

That the king of Kingdom of Dragon King is suspicious.

I told her everything along with my worries.


While making a difficult face, her soup spoon clicking against her bowl, Roxy listened to my story.

"Honestly, my head isn't working very well right now due to lack of sleep…"


You can see bags beneath her eyes, and her overall movements are dull.

It would be wrong to think of it as an all nighter, after all we had kept moving the entire day before.

Even an adventurer will become tired if they remain at attention for so long.

"There was no fight. Prince Pax was rational. The name Hitogami did not come up. Thus, I wasn't able to determine anything."

Roxy could not think of anything either, but maybe my explanation was lacking.

"If there was not going to be a fight I should have went as well."

"Why you?"

"I may have been able to figure something out if I could have heard it with my own ears."

Ah, there might have been something like that.

During the audience I was thinking only of Hitogami's possible traps and the Death God.

Over the course of events there may have been something outside of my expectations which I missed.

Another head with different expectations may have been necessary.

That head may have been Roxy's.

Well, there is nothing I can do about what's already past.

"… Somewhere there will be a trap created by Hitogami."

"Hmmm, could it be that the trap is only in Orsted's imagination, and there is nothing?"

"We should assume the worst and move accordingly. It may be that, right now, there is an invisible noose drawing around our family."

The fact that Lara, who has become the savior, cried like that has made me nervous.

For now there is no sign of Hitogami, but we might just be missing it.

It could be anything.

"Well, it was a careless remark."

Roxy lowered her head apologetically.

"If Pax summoned us here to spring a trap, then he won't announce anything, I think he's hiding something."

"For example…?"

"For example, this morning Ginger-san brought me some information."


Although I haven't seen Ginger, she must be moving behind the scenes.

"Her report says that 500 soldiers are at Fort Karon."


If only a number is told, I won't understand if that's too little or a lot.

By her way of speaking it sounds like that isn't much.

"The enemy force seems to number nearly 5000."

That's horrible.

If there is a difference of 10 times, there doesn't seem to be a chance of victory.

"Did you hear about that?"

"… No."

I didn't hear about that at all, I was only told to go.

"Ginger also told me this:

Prince Pax is keeping the forces protecting Fort Karon to a minimum,

The rumor is that in the background mercenaries are gathering for an ambush.

Did you hear anything about the strategy?"

"… No."

I had not heard any of that.

But, yeah, it would be possible to throw away Fort Karon.

On the outside he could be welcoming Zanoba, but his intention could be to use him and then throw him away.

While Zanoba holds the enemy at bay with his life, he would be able to consolidate his fighting force.

If I suppose that Pax thinks of Zanoba as a liability, then that would be killing two birds with one stone.

"In addition it could be that getting Rudy was the intention all along."

"Why do you say that?"

"I have never been to war myself, but I have read an account of a single Saint class magician who was able to hold off 1000 soldiers by themself."

Is there such a record?

A warrior worth a thousand men.

I had not really thought about the scale of Saint class magic.

"I am King ranked, Rudy is the equivalent of emperor rank. If it's the two of us, we should be able to hold a fort for a considerable amount of time."


It might be difficult to annihilate a 5,000 strong force.

If it's me, though, and I come at the entire force with the intention of killing them…

But even just being there, the other side should know about it.

Information that a King and Emperor class magician are present should leak out somehow.

It would be the height of foolishness to just plunge into such a well defended fortress.

Or possibly, if an attack came…

Out of those 5000 soldiers there may be a considerable number of magicians.

If it is a full assault by such magicians, even someone Saint ranked could be overwhelmed and destroyed no matter how much more powerful they are.

No, in an all or nothing battle it would only take one good blow to be disabled.

"However there is a limit to magical power. Eventually you'll become exhausted."

I can't imagine running out of magic power myself, but while fighting fatigue will accumulate.

Magic power is also not infinite, it will decrease by the amount you use.

"If the Death God is sent to us when we are exhausted from battle… possibly that could be his aim. Do you think it seems like that kind of trap?"

"Ah, it's certainly possible."


Roxy raised her spoon between her fingers: the pose of a teacher.

"There are only three apostles?"


"The king of Kingdom of Dragon King making Pax king feels kind of forced. At this point it's kind of hard to tell whether an enemy attack is coming, isn't it? Rudy, who do you believe the apostles should be?"

Who would I make as the apostles…

Ah, the enemy nation!

Shirone is kind of like a vassal state to the KDK.

There would be a risk involved when invading.

A dissenting opinion should appear in the country.

An apostle would be needed to push past that.

Perhaps a member of the royal family from the enemy country…

No, maybe someone like a general.

"While getting advice from Hitogami, bringing us to ruin reliably in a pincer attack with the Death God… surely."

Thanks to Roxy's insight, my thoughts were coming together.

There are two people with a high possibility of being Hitogami's apostles.

One is the king of Kingdom of Dragon King.

The other person should be an outstanding person from the group attacking Fort Karon.

As to the third person, I wonder who it could be?

In the Asura kingdom it was… Luke's turn.

To be honest, this casts some doubt onto Zanoba.

However from the talk yesterday he did not feel like an apostle.

Then there is Ginger.

Given their organization in the Asura Kingdom, the Death God is suspicious.

Or there is the possibility that it is the Princess who was beside Pax.

Until now Hitogami has not attacked with more then two pawns.

That is to say, if there are only two people this time then the other one is possibly moving towards the next goal in another location.

In other words, there is likely no third apostle here.

There are numerous possibilities.

The third apostle cannot be determined yet.

However the general identities of two apostles have been solidified.

Roxy is once again reliable.

"For argument's sake, what will you do if going to Fort Karon becomes like climbing into the lion's mouth?"

"Well… for now I think it's important that we don't speculate too heavily about the other party."

"I strongly believe we should not go to Fort Karon."

But Zanoba is raring to go already.

He'll go even if we stay.

He'll go even by himself.

But Pax is sending Zanoba to a location with a mere 500 troops, with that knowledge I could try to persuade him.

Pax you are trying to kill Zanoba… You are heartless enough to say, [Even if you don't want to, go there even if you die.]

It is that you are going to use him and throw him away.

That reason alone will not stop Zanoba.

Zanoba will just set out with, [It is my duty to protect my country.]

In that case, if someone said to retreat during an enemy attack he would not just nod his head and listen.

Wait… If somehow the enemy is 5000, might that satisfy Zanoba?

While Fort Karon is holding out against the enemy Pax can gather more forces.

In other words, while Fort Karon is protected the country is stable.

I wonder if they are just pretending to defend the country.

"… We'll go to Fort Karon to save Zanoba."

"I understand."

"The problem is, there is still a trap."

Roxy made a bitter face when I said that.

For the time being I had better bring Mk-1.

I wonder if it is possible to beat it head on…

"Well there is some time before we go to Fort Karon. We can consider various things."

"Yes, Sensei."

Then, around the time we were finishing our conversation, a horse drawn carriage arrived carrying Zanoba.

Part 2

Zanoba did not change his expression even after hearing about only having 500 soldiers.

Rather he just happy nodded with a, [Oh, is that the case.]

His attitude was indifferent.

Suddenly I realized, this guy maybe doesn't consider the difference in strength between himself and his opponents.

"Listen to this Zanoba, [If the difference is 10 times then it's a siege. If it's 5 times it's an attack. Once it is doubled there is a difference. If there is an enemy, then fight well. If there is an attack, then escape. If there is a siege then avoid it.] When you get right down to it a fight with a large difference in numbers is disadvantageous."

The place is a fort, but if the strength difference is 10 times it will be difficult to endure.

After my roundabout explanation Zanoba just tilted his head and gave a blank stare.

"How do we know that in this case it is disadvantageous?"

"How can you take a difference of 10 fold lightly? It's 10 times more."

"Seriously Shisho, can you not think of a way in which we are not outnumbered 10 fold?"

Somehow not 10 times…

Is this guy serious?

Can he not even do basic arithmetic?

"We have 500, doesn't the opponent have 5000? Ten times 500 is 5000. Are you feeling okay?"

"Fumu… Shisho, I wonder if you are testing me?"

Zanabo sighed and let out a laughed.

It's the kind of laughter that a fool might make.

All the while he had a tense face.

"Look at it this way, Shisho:"

Then he began to explain.

"In that calculation Roxy-dono and Shishou are not included.

It is said that a Saint ranked magician can be equal to 1000 soldiers in the right situation.

I view the forces we have here as at least worth 2500 soldiers.

Considering Roxy-dono is king rank and Shisho is Emperor, I imagine that it is closer to 3000 or more.

Convention says that it should take forces in excess of 3 times an occupying force to storm a castle.

Fort Karon is an ideal place to defend in this manner.

Therefore the enemy will require more troops.

Additionally Shisho has a surplus when it comes to aggregate magical power."

" …… "

I was speechless.

The answer I got back exceeded my expectations.

This guy, I mean, it was really unexpected.

"T-that was surprisingly detailed Zanoba-kun."

"Ever since early childhood I was forced to study military tactics for when I would become a leader within the country."

He had been kept alive in order to protect the country.

Just for this time he had been allowed to remain on the payroll.

That's exactly the case.

And unless you just want him to mindlessly rampage across the battlefield then you better teach him well things that will increase his judgment.

"This is Shisho's first battle… but please don't worry. In the past, just for a little, I have entered the field. As long as there is Shisho and Roxy-dono, the enemy will not enter the fortress."

He's brimming with confidence.

I wonder if it's really alright.

I don't feel like it is.

Still, it's best under the present conditions not to go to Fort Karon.

I'll try to persuade him, just a bit.

"But Pax was going to place you at that fort without, at the very least, knowing about Roxy."

"Well I would still go."

"If it's about my tremendous aggregate magical power, then Pax should not know of it."

"Shisho, what are you trying to say?"

I took my time with the preface, but I'll get right to the conclusion.

I'll just be frank.

"You don't feel like you are being thrown away?"

" …… "

Zanoba made a face like a dove shot with a bb-gun.

But to Zanoba any gun would be like a bb-gun, huh.

"Pax surely might not feel bitter towards you anymore, but he may still expect you to die."

"… Well, that could be."

Zanoba waits for me to speak while scratching his cheek.

"Is there really a need to follow this order?"

Zanoba sighed and let out a laugh.

It's an expression that asks, [Just what are you trying to say?]

"In war, there are times when someone must be sacrificed. Soldiers must become the first casualty, but also sometimes the royal family bares this burden. There may be a time when I must die."

"But is it necessary to clean up after Pax? He killed the rest of the royal family. Do you really have an obligation to him after that?"

"What is important is the serious matter before us, not past blunders. Doesn't Shisho often say the same?"

It's the normal Zanoba, but if you look close he seems to be a little uneasy.

Outside the window mercenaries mingle alongside the regular merchants.

It's also normal out there, but if you look closely it's a little uneasy.

Zanoba has said he is going.

To go to war with other countries is his duty.

In that case, that Pax is king, or the relationship between Zanoba and Pax, those things don't matter.

… As I thought, right now persuasion is impossible.

"I get it, It was wrong of me to say that."

"No, I understand that Shisho is just showing his concern for me."

"If we are going to Fort Karon, then, because I am an amateur, I will follow your orders. Feel free to say anything."

For the sake of Zanoba that had to be said.

"Ah thank you! If Shisho is there then it's very reassuring."


We'll go and hold the northern Fort Karon for the time being.

By doing that Pax will be able to consolidate his strength. Also the enemy might not even attack.

Over time the country will stabilize.

The country's defense will be bolstered, Zanoba can protect his homeland, the result should be satisfactory.

The rest is Pax and DRK job.


From the current situation where Shirone is a vassal state of Kingdom of Dragon King, how will Pax turn it into a Republic?


No, Orsted says that is a story that won't happen for 30 years.

Also some other incident is likely to happen between now and then.

If he turns out to be an apostle then the king of Kingdom of Dragon King will certainly meet his death in the near future.

It isn't necessary to put everything in order all at once.

After we bring Zanoba back home, I'll have to consult Orsted about it again.

『I'll bring Zanoba back alive.』

That's the reason I'm here this time.

I will not forget this.

Part 3

Three members head towards the fort: Roxy, Zanoba, and myself.

Ginger remains at the capitol.

When she heard that Zanoba was going to the fort she seemed troubled a bit, but she had decided to remain and continue to collect intelligence.

It seems certain there is something she is anxious about.

With an earnest request, she entrusted the rest to the prince.

At any rate, we are only three people.

This is, you would say a departure for the front, no a farewell escort, not even that but maybe unique reinforcements. josei

One of Shirone's soldiers is driving the carriage, but he is formal and distant.

It seems like Pax plans to make Zanoba a sacrificial pawn after all.

As for the Magic Armor Mk-I, just like Zanoba's dolls, it has been disassembled so that we could transport the parts separately.

It will arrive after us.

The transportation in this world is sloppy unlike the shipping industry in modern Japan.

The magic armor's destination is the same as mine, but…

Something could still happen in the meantime.

I'm worried about that.

The only part of the Mk-I that we have with us is it's large gatling gun.

I'm so worried that I have even considered equipping it.

I remembered that during my fight with Orsted I became half dead by running through all my magical power.

As much as possible I need to preserve my magic for the Magic Armor.

In any case, our departure was underway.

Part 4

There was no large road leading to the battlefield.

We rode along in a horse drawn carriage earnestly moving forward down a small road like the footpath between rice fields.

As we head north we move from small towns, to farming villages, and then sometimes we end up camping.

" … "

Along the way I began to think about other things, not just Hitogami.

Because of everything I'm now going to war.

As soon as I thought that, anxiety reared its ugly head.

My body became stiff.


After coming to this world I still only have just some experience with killing other people.

However… war.

There is an unspeakable fear from that word.

To kill or be killed.

Just from the idea of war there is fear.

Or rather… I pray for victory.

Because of the explanation the other day, I now know there is likely to be battle.

I'm going to war for the first time.

I'm anxious.

"Shisho look. There is a group of adventurers, but I wonder what they plan to do lugging all of their heavy equipment way out here."

Despite my unease, Zanoba seemed to be having fun.

Every time he discovers something he comes to me, smiling, to report it.

His cheerfulness is amazing.

So much so, you would not believe that he is headed to war right now.

"That is a party set out to explore labyrinths. There are not a lot of labyrinths around here, but plenty can be found out away from towns. A party that is serious about doing labyrinths, those kinds of people will move the last stretch out from their location on foot."

Roxy is calm too.

Zanoba is cheerful as usual.

I am going to war for the first time timidly.

"Oh, Roxy-dono is indeed knowledgeable."

"At one time I also dived into a labyrinth in this area."

I'm the only one that's blue.

I wonder how these two people are so composed.

Somehow only I seem be missing the materials to have a peace of mind.

For them, I wonder what those materials are.

Perhaps my anxiety does not show on the surface.

"Come to think of it, it was because Roxy-dono completed a labyrinth on her own that she was asked to become the court magician of our country."

"Yes, that's a nostalgic story."

"You never hear of someone challenging a labyrinth alone, that is not an ordinary feat. I had thought that it is, of course, only natural of Shisho's shisho, but why did you do something so excessive?"

"Eh? I mean let's see, that is a search for, it is something beautiful… It was an error caused by a youth's passion."

"Ho, I wonder if you discovered what you were searching for ?"

"It was not found at that time, but at a later date I finally got my hands on it."

From under her hat Roxy looked at me with sparkles in her eyes.

Ah, it's that kind of story.

Roxy went into the labyrinth looking for a lover, or something.

"I see, this blue haired genius magician entered a labyrinth in search of a husband."

"Please don't clearly say such embarrassing things."

"Isn't it great? Since before Shisho has entered school he has been yearning for Roxy-dono."

"Is that true? Would he be in a loving relationship with Sylphy if it were?"

"No, it is true. At first I wasn't aware that Roxy-dono was his shisho."

Zanoba and Roxy have fun recounting an old story.

If it is like usual times this might be where Zanoba's jealousy would show.

At this time I have become accustom to it.

"Well the Rudy back then and I… Rudy? What's wrong?"

I became aware of Roxy looking straight at me.

Her face is close.

I thought about trying to kiss her, but I didn't.

"Hey, Zanoba I think you are having quite a bit of fun considering we are going to war."

"HAHAHA, I am a man too! My heart will dance when I am preparing to enter a duel with my life on the line."


I'm uneasy.

Part 5

Nine days pass.

Fort Karon was a more splendid fort than I had imagined.

Its appearance, when viewed from a distance, was of a small sized stone fortress.

It was a kind of place you could see anywhere, with a somewhat undependable atmosphere.

However its location was excellent.

It was constructed on a delta between the mouths of two rivers.

Indeed, the famous Sunomata overnight Castle was built in a place like this.

In addition there is a forest spread before the river.

Coming in and out of the Shirone kingdom through this forest is simple enough, but leading an army through it would be difficult.

In this world, especially, demons will be lurking in the forests.

While held in place fighting demons, before too long more will come down the other side of the path and flank you.

There is nothing you can do about it.

That guy who called this place a strong position was correct.

Once I got a better look I realized it was more imposing than I had initially thought. Something like a trebuchet was installed on the roof of a watchtower.

Because I heard that only 500 people were lodged here I had assumed it would be rather small, but it was a respectable size.

However the number of soldiers moving around was few and their countenance was gloomy.

After hearing of the overwhelming enemy, their spirits probably plummeted.

"Shisho, Roxy-dono, this way."

We were led over by Zanoba where we inquired about the officer who is currently responsible for the fort.

We found the commanding officer in a place that looked like a strategy meeting room. Him and some vice captains were huddled over some maps with their heads together.

"Who is it?"

"It is the third Prince of the Shirone kingdom: Zanoba Shirone."

" … ! "

When we entered they all looked over at us with blank suspicion, but the moment Zanoba gave his name they dropped down on one knee.

"Shirone Knight, Garrick Babiliti, Karon Fortress Defense Corps captain."

"Yes, thank you for your work until now. I think a message was sent by the king but… "

"Yes Sir, I received it just the other day."

"If possible let's speak quickly. I will take over command of this fortress starting tomorrow, is that clear?"

"…Yes Sir."

I could sense a slight bit of dissatisfaction from Garrick.

Rather than being bothered by being removed from the top, is he troubled over whether to give command to this guy here?

I wonder if he has been proud to be in charge of this fort until now.

Once we join together with these guys, we don't want to leave any questions about discord under the surface.

"That said, It has been a long time since this one has stood on the battlefield. Therefore, to that end, I will put myself into an aid-like position and rely on Garrick when it comes to real world problems. Will that suffice?"

"Yes Sir!"

And, before I said anything, Zanoba followed through.

Yeah, it's best to leave such matters to a veteran.

"Well then, without any delay, Garrick, I want to raise the troops' morale. Please gather all the troops in this fort."

"Yes, sir!"

On Zanoba's orders we prepared to greet the remaining soldiers in the fort.

An hour later.

Before a dais which was set up for appearances outside the fort, an army of armored figures totaling nearly 400 were lined up.

On top of the fortress were 50 people, part of the watch.

The remaining 50 troops were occupied outside the fort with reconnaissance or as part of the transportation corps.

The soldiers in formation are all strong brazen looking guys with tough faces.

Everyone appears more fearless than I expected; it's spectacular.

I had thought that 500 was a small amount, but once I saw them all lined up that was no longer the case.

With this many it feels like we could do it.

No, with an opponent 10 times larger, I wonder if this even amounts to anything.

On the dais Zanoba was standing with his suspicious looking face.

Everyone's moral is low.

Standing before them is a member of the royal family so there is a lot of whispering and chatting between the men.

"I am Shirone kingdom's third prince, Zanoba Shirone."

"Your Highness Zanoba! Every man present is honored by the chance to fight with you!"

The commanding officer standing in the front sticks out his chest as he compliments Zanoba.

He does this even though I do not think he feels like welcoming Zanoba himself.

His face is asking Zanoba why he is even here.


Zanoba looks down on the soldiers while nodding in an exaggerated fashion.

Perhaps because of his full body armor or the club I had made for him, but Zanoba had become something else entirely.

"First, explain the situation!"

"Yes Sir! Currently skirmishes with the enemy side are continuing. It has become clear from questioning captives that we will soon be facing a large offensive."

"I see, then we don't have much time to prepare."

Zanoba nodded with an [Umu].

The commanding officer's face looked a little uneasy.

You can tell a lot from his face.

Zanoba, from deep in his chest, raises his voice.

"First of all, gentlemen, allow me to introduce your reinforcements."

Just hearing the word reinforcements caused the soldiers faces to lighten a bit.

It is easy to understand how quickly morale increased in that moment.

However, just where could those reinforcements be?

At least, there has been nothing from Pax.

Just when I'm thinking of this Zanoba looks our way.

Roxy and I go up on the stage when prompted.

"Hey there."

"Up front… another."

"But surely…"

The soldiers began to murmur.

I feel like some people are looking mainly toward Roxy.

There are few women on the battlefield and I wonder if she is rousing the beast in them.

Yes fellows I know that Roxy is awe-inspiring and beautiful and cute but…

There are female soldiers looking at Roxy too.

Hold on, men and women, you are all looking at a living person like an object.

It's all people in their 30s and 40s.


There are many enemies but few allies.

We also are expecting a large offense from the other side.

Everyone surely is feeling anxiety.

However from the magic city Sharia now,

I have called up some very powerful reinforcements."

Zanoba gave a wink.

Certainly, we are those reinforcements.

That's right, Saint rank or higher is a match for a thousand.

Roxy and I together are 2000 men in power.


Taking off her hat, Roxy greeted them.

The men's commotion increases.

"I thought so! That was the court magician…"

"The king ranked magician - "

"The one who developed some of the basics we use in drills…"

While making that dogai face, Zanoba starts to explain about Roxy.

"This is Roxy Migurdia.

She is a person who was at one time the court magician to our Shirone kingdom.

Although I think many of you know this, she is also the person who developed the foundations of our modern paired magical training.

And this is Rudeus Greyrat, her disciple.

These two are both resourceful magicians of King class or higher."

The place came alive with oohs and ahhs.

I see.

At one time Roxy was the court magician for this country.

Among these soldiers there will be those who had been around in those days.

But that's not like you Zanoba.

Right now Roxy is Roxy Greyrat, not Migurdia.

Just how did you make such a blunder?

Well perhaps Migurdia is required to evoke her reputation.

"I'm sure you will have heard the story that Saint class magicians power is worth 1000 men.

In that case King class magic could be any kind of thing… !

Not many people know this, but in fact there is also a story from the Laplace campaign in the distant past where a single King class magician successfully repelled an army 100,000 strong!"

The entire place fell silent.

100,000 is probably too much of an exaggeration.

I have never heard such a story…

But there are some guys looking at me with yearning in their eyes. Apparently they believe it.

"In addition to these two people with King class or higher magic, myself, with the nickname Head Ripping Prince and a miko, will be leading from the front lines!"

After hearing that he is a miko and also the Head Ripping Prince the soldiers expectations soar.

In Shirone kingdom there is a miko called the Head Ripping Prince and even though he has a detestable nickname, when you put him on the battlefield he becomes reliable.

"Gentlemen, I will promise victory to you."

As soon as Zanoba said this he raised his fist into the air.

The soldiers also raised their fists and yelled out loudly.


Their morale is excellent.

By no means was it a bad speech.

Surprisingly I wonder if Zanoba has the necessary talents for leadership.

I had never once thought such a thing, even just a bit, until now.

Talent isn't enough to become a king, but it might be enough to make someone a general.

So, in addition to this fort that seems hard to attack, we have two king class magicians.

To attack from here might not work, but defending it should be easy.

Zanoba is full of confidence and the soldier are cheering for him, it's that kind of story.

As I watched those soldiers saluting my anxiety faded.

I've trained myself properly.

I will do my best.

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