Mushoku Tensei

Volume 23 2 — What They Were Searching for

Volume 23 2 — What They Were Searching for

Volume 23 Chapter 2 - What They Were Searching for

Part 1

Biheiril Kingdom.

To the east of the Central Continent, the country is surrounded by mountains, sea and forest.

It’s not a very powerful country, and it only has 3 major cities.

They are:

In the centre, the capital Biheiril.

To the south, the second largest city bordering the forest, Ilel.

To the east, facing the sea is the third largest city, Heilelul.

Those are their locations.

It doesn’t have any special features worth talking about.

I guess the one thing worth mentioning is how large it is.

Despite not having the same level of combat power as the neighboring countries, it covers twice as much land.

It’s connected to two other countries by highway.

However, the Biheiril Kingdom doesn’t get attacked.

In the east of this northern land is the continuation of a powerful Era.

This kingdom lacking in fighting force, for some reason, isn’t attacked.

The reason behind this is the existence of the ogre tribe.

The Biheiril Kingdom has close ties with ogre tribe living on the lone island of Onigashima.

Long ago.

Although I say that, the Biheiril Kingdom was only formed after the Laplace war, so it’s 50~100 years ago at most.

At that time, the ogre tribe living on Onigashima, and the humans living on the northern peak of the continent didn’t cooperate.

Although there may have been small exchanges with those living in the sea, at the very least, the ogre tribe members in human cities didn’t selfishly swagger around.

At that time, the ogre tribe had a problem.

The ogre tribe living on the island were being invaded by the ocean race living in the sea.

The ogre tribe fought. And although they were a combat race, the ocean race’s fighting power was too much.

At that rate they would have been wiped out, their only choice that of becoming the slaves of the ocean race.

In front of the ogre race, a human adventurer party appeared.

The adventures, hearing rumors of gold and silver, came to the island.

Where they came from and who they were, the ogre race did not know.

It was most likely a party of 4, no doubt comprised of a group of swordsman, dog, monkey, and pheasant-faced people.

The adventures dreaming of treasure and battle.

What they saw was an impoverished ogre tribe.

The wounded ogre tribe soldiers, numbers reduced through fighting.

The women, living in fear.

The smileless children of the ogre tribe…

The adventurers who saw it, stood up.

It lit the fires of justice.

They swore to save the ogre tribe, and it was then that they conspired with the Ogre God.

Together with the ogres, they infiltrated the labyrinth that was the Ocean race’s base.

After a fierce battle, they managed to kidnap the chieftain of the ocean race.

But the price for that was great.

The human adventurers’ party had been wiped out except for the swordsman leading it.

Looking at his appearance, the indebted Ogre God swore to be his lifelong friend and offered any help the ogre race could give.

And the shocking truth.

He was the prince of an emerging country on the other side of the sea.

The prince returned to his country, and when he became king, he and the demon tribe took an oath of mutual protection.

To this day, the humans and ogre tribe live in peace together.

Well, that’s roughly the story behind the foundation of the Biheiril Kingdom.

I don’t really know how much of it is true.

In any case, the Biheiril Kingdom is protected by the ogre tribe, a large combat force. So despite its fertile land, it isn’t invaded by neighboring countries,

It is being protected.

The Biheiril Kingdom is that kind of place.

Part 2

As a group, we are heading towards the second largest city of Irel.

There are 3 members.

Claiming to be a knight of Ariel, the man in sand-coloured armour: Shandor.

His subordinate in grey armour: Doga.

And me.

Using their magic tool I changed my face, and on top of the magic armour [MK II], I had on another set of armour.

In addition, mounted on the back of the MK II are magic tools that Roxy developed.

If the button near the waist is pressed while pouring magic power into it, the scroll in the corresponding slot automatically activates.

With 5 by each hand, there are 10 types of scrolls in total.

Because you don’t have to take out each scroll, it’s extremely convenient.

But to carry all those folded scrolls ready for activation, it’s become like a rather bulky backpack.

Because it looked somehow steampunk, I decided to call it [Scroll Vernier].

Along with the gatling gun, it is the second Roxy Machine.

Magic armor, scroll vernier, and armor.

I, wearing all those and a mantle on top of it all, was a more than 2 meters tall, and looked like a walking suit of armor.

It’s the perfect disguise.

While working as bodyguards, practitioners of the North God Style are all over the place, but in this area, for no particular reason, you get people coming here and thinking, “Is there anybody strong around here?”

Visually, it should seem like Shandor is the leader, and we followed him here.

By the way, I’m going by the name “Clay” here.

We’re getting around by carriage.

Currently, I’m one of three armored knights, travelling by rumbling cart.

The number of armored knights is three.

Although we do stand out, in this world, it’s not too rare a sight.

In the Magic City Sharia, you wouldn’t see too many armored adventures, but in the Biheiril Kingdom, you’ll see all kinds of people like that.

So, while moving towards our location, allow me to provide a simple introduction for my 2 companions.

Shandor von Grandeur.

Asura Kingdom’s golden knight leader.

He was originally a mercenary with no affiliation.

He spent a lot of time in the strife zone, but at the time of Ariel’s coronation, headed towards the Asura Kingdom.

He liked the look about Ariel and attempted to serve under her, but during the time he spent trying various methods to work for her, he caught Ariel’s eye and she asked him to appeal to her. It was then that he rose to his position.

When I heard the story, it made it seem like all he was good at was kissing ass, but Ariel wouldn’t make someone whose only skill is sucking up the knight leader.

In any case, something about him must have stood out.

When I asked Ariel for information on him, there was nothing shady, and the reply I got was that he was a man worthy of trust.

However, she didn’t tell me anything regarding his identity. “I don’t know~, ufufu~, then it’s a secret~” I got the feeling she was messing with me.

But Ariel’s knight didn’t seem fishy, so I let it slide.

The Golden Knights.

Contrary to the name, the armor isn’t all that sparkly.

Even if you change the light, you still can’t see any gold. Although, if you polished it, it might shine.

And it’s not gold; it’s more of a yellow.

The Yellow Knights.

Oh, that sounds kinda strong it its own right. Like the yellow 14.

“Does the Asura Kingdom even have Golden Knights?”

I’d heard of the black knights and the white knights, but I have a feeling there were never any gold.

“It is a band of knights created by her majesty after she was crowned. Their official duty is that of protecting Queen Ariel, but if it be by her majesty’s order, wherever it may be, we will complete our mission. Through the use of forbidden teleportation magic circles if necessary.”

In other words, Ariel’s own private army.

“Originally, it was founded for “Helping the Cooperators."”


So it was established for us.

She is indeed loyal.

And scary.

What will Ariel request in the future?

Although if Orsted says to return…

“Although since it has just been established, its numbers are but an elite few. I may not look it, but I am a practitioner of the North God Style.”

Although he said that while laughing, Shandor did not have a sword.

“Even though you don’t possess a sword?”

“I think this is far stronger than a sword.”

He said while spinning around a metal rod.

He seems to fight with a polearm.

A polearm user, this is my first time seeing it in this world.

Originally, in this world, because of the impact of the Supard race, pole-like weapons aren’t looked upon very well, and as a result, only swordplay was developed.

That said, whatever weapon the Sword God himself used, it wouldn’t be odd.

Although he’s most likely no longer a swordsman, the North God is probably something closer to a ninja.

“The long reach gives it an advantage.”

“Ah. So that’s how it is.

With the Sword God Style, it’s possible to make someone go flying at an unimaginable distance.

In the Water God Style, no matter what direction the attack comes from, it can be deflected.

Which is why it’s strong. By not using a sword, you can use a longer weapon from the beginning.”

It's a simple theory.

In my previous world, such thinking was commonplace, and weapon range kept extending.

But it was different here.

Following that thinking, swordsman wouldn’t be considered special.

The strength of swordsmen is the fact that their wounds can be healed in an instant with healing magic. Because the people in this world possess such high vitality, enemies must be taken out in a single hit.

So, unfortunately, Shandor’s polearm technique is on the losing side.

He may be able to overpower a human opponent, but against something with a high recovery ability, it would be a bad mad matchup.

“Doga over here is also a member of the Golden Knights.”



He doesn’t have a last name.

He was born in the Donati Providence of the Asura Kingdom.

Originally, he was a soldier of the Asura Kingdom.

He was a gatekeeper for the Imperial Capital.

But when Shandor was appointed, he saw excellence in him and he was scouted.

“I’m also scouting.”

“Creating the ideal knight band is the job of the captain, after all. From here on out, it is my intention to continue to recruit strong forces.”

Job of the captain, huh?

Now that I think about it, Therese, the captain of the Miko’s guard squad was the weakest of them all.

In an organization, the leader doesn’t always have to be the strongest.

The important thing is their commanding ability.

“But Doga-san, contrary to the name ‘Golden Knights’, your armor isn’t remotely gold?"

“Hah, besides formal occasions, only an idiot would wear such conspicuous armor.”

Reasonable point.

Which means, Shandor would usually wear much flashier armour.

“Aah! I get it now. That’s why when I showed you the letter, you gave me a suspicious face. If it was going to be like this, I would have worn my formal armor.”

“I can tell you it wasn’t like that.”

With Shandor laughing cheerfully.

It’s impossible to see him as a bad guy.

But Hitogami’s apostles are neither good nor bad.

Orsted and Ariel both said it was okay, but I alone will remain vigilant.

“Anyhow, there’s very little snow around here.”

As Shandor said that, I surveyed the surroundings.

The plain around us is lightly decorated with snow.

However, it’s not enough to interfere with the carriage.

Originally, it was too much for farming.

The ground was barren and chapped, and the fields wouldn’t grow anything.

Even far away, the ground here is known to be lifeless.

Speaking of the ground around here, at this time of year it’s usually buried in snow.

But the Biheiril Kingdom has less snow than I thought.

Although the wind is cold and dry, there is simply very little snow.

“I wonder if it’s because of the mountain.”

“What does the mountain have to do with this?”

“Because the mountain to the west compresses the clouds, I was thinking that’s what was stopping the snow.”

“Oh… As expected of Rudeus-dono, you’re quite knowledgeable.”

“I don’t know if I’m right.”

The weather of this world may not follow the common sense of my previous one.

After all, in the Great Forest, it rains for 3 months straight, or a fertile continent can become a desert.

Unrelated to the mountain, it’s a perfectly reasonable possibility that the magic power coming from the forest slightly to the west could be the reason for the lack of snow.

“My uncle was also interested in such things.”

“Oh, was he some kind of researcher?”

“Where did clouds come from? Where did they go? How are people born? Why do they die? He spent every day looking at the sky, pondering such things.”

I wonder if he was a philosopher.


I, in my old age, might spend my days like that.

As a 60-something year old man, sitting with Sylphy and Roxy spending our days as grandmas and grandpa…

Ah… no, Sylphy is of the mixed blood Long-Eared Race, and Roxy is from the Migurd race, so they would still be young.

Eris, even as a grandmother would give off an energetic vibe.

I would be the only old-seeming one.

“That’s another philosophical thought.”


“Philosophy is… Hmm, a magical thing.”

“Leave it to me.”

On the way, we were attacked by something demonic.

It wouldn’t be wrong to say this country has a lot of forests. The highway we were on ran right next to one.

As we were attacked, it gave them a chance to demonstrate their abilities. “The Asura Kingdom is the greatest”, is often said, and these men definitely had the ability to support it.

The excellent Shandor with pace and finesse, and Doga, defeating enemies in a single hit with his giant axe.

Is what I saw, or it more accurately, is all I could see.

That said, even the worst of swordsman would understand the situation.

Although it wouldn’t even be a fight against a world power, at the very least they would be considered more than a slight nuisance.

As I realized that, we had arrived at the second largest city, Irel.

Part 3

Second city, Irel

As far as I can see, it’s a nondescript city.

It’s completely surrounded by walls and street vendors are lined near the entrance.

It’s this world’s most popular structure.

Even more so than Magic City Sharia, the number of wooden buildings would be a feature if I had to call it that.

A wooden building with an extremely tilted roof is distanced from its neighbors.

Being surrounded by forest, it’s only natural that they’d have a lot of wood.

Leaving the horse and carriage at a stable, we walked to the inn.

It was then that I noticed that the number of street vendors began to drop.

It was somewhat quiet.

Because there aren’t many customers, the number of vendors is just as small… is the reasoning you would expect, but contrary to that logic, there is a large number of adventures.

Since earlier, we’ve been passing lot of armor-clad warriors and magicians wrapped in robes.

The number of adventures and street vendors don’t match.

There has to be a reason for this, or maybe the problem isn’t so clear-cut.


While I was looking around, I had bumped into someone on the road.


They were a large person.

Standing at about 2.5 meters.

Even in my armor, I have to look up.

If there was a Half-Giant race, they would have this kind of feeling.

His skin was reddish brown, and hair, dark red.

Covered in muscles, his arms, legs and neck were all thick.

Most notable was his head.

It was huge.

His jaw was even bigger, sticking out.

And peeking through the mouth were fangs.

Coming from the lower jaw were two fangs protruding upwards.

And on top of that, from the messy dark red hair, two horns were standing out.

It’s an ogre.

“Careful now.”

The ogre I had bumped into took one look at me and continued down the street.

On his back was a massive pack that he was carrying like it was nothing.

That was my first time seeing an ogre up close; it was very intimidating.

Here in the Biheiril Kingdom, ogres walk around like it’s a natural thing.

The humans here also accept it as a matter of course.

Seeing a multitude of races living together would be a rare sight in other countries.

“Clay, don’t look around too much, you aren’t some country hick.”

“What? Oh, Ahh…”

Sharp words from Shandor.

It’s a completely different tone from during the journey, for the purpose of disguise.

“There wouldn’t be anybody strong around here anyways, looking around would be a waste.”


That’s right, we’re practitioners of the North God Style.

I should look like I don’t have any interest in anything that isn’t strong.

Otherwise it would be a waste of the disguise.

“First we have to find an inn. Right, Clay, Doga?”



The coachman-like Doga is the same as ever, but Shandor is completely opposite; he’s doing a great job in his role.

Shandor is moving as the leader in order to hide my presence.

I’m Shandor’s little brother Clay. Job: Warrior.


“Shandor. Arrival celebrations. After the inn is decided, wanna hit up a tavern?”

“Haa, You’re pretty stupid sometimes, but every now and then you have a good idea. Doga, take note.”


After that, we headed to the inn.

Part 4

The moment we entered the tavern, there was a somewhat uncomfortable atmosphere.


It’s different from any tavern I’ve been in before.

That said, it looks perfectly normal

There are plenty of adventurers. There are also a couple of villagers.

1-2% of the customers are ogres, but I can’t say that they’re the source of the discomfort.

A crowded tavern with many races is not all that uncommon.

I wonder what it is.

There’s nothing special to draw everyone’s gazes.

There’s nobody particularly odd around.

There’s nothing particularly odd around.

But something is off.

“What’s up, Clay?”

“Doesn’t something seem off about this tavern?”

He takes a look around.

But it seemed like I was imagining it.

“…I don’t understand. Do you want to leave?”

Shandor suggests that in a low voice.

“No, I want to know where the feeling is coming from.”


As Shandor said that, we walked into the tavern with an unsuspecting gait, and headed towards an empty table.

Behind Doga, I followed suit.

As Doga sat down, the chair creaked under his weight.

The chairs of this tavern are unusually sturdy.

While wearing the magic armor, I usually have to keep note not to sit in a chair, but here, sitting normally should be fine.

I wonder if this was causing the feeling.

No, it couldn’t be.

“Bring us some food, booze, and introduce us to someone who’s knowledgeable about the area. Make it quick, I’m exhausted from the journey. Ahh, put this guy on a different bill. You’re a guy that focuses on fruit aren’t ya? If you don’t have any milk, water will do ya.”

While I was focused on the chair, Shandor had already handed the attendant 4 copper coins.

“Thank you for your patronage.”

The attendant was also an ogre. A female ogre.

Maybe because she was a woman, she was a lot slimmer than the male ogres.

She had a wide frame and huge breasts… But overall, she looked quite human.

She might be half human.

She’s probably not the source of the discomfort.

“Like. I. Said. I told you to stop peekin’ ‘round like that.”

“Ma bad.”

Shandor wacked me over the head.

“But ya didn’t needa hit me.”

“Haa? You wanna go me brah?”

His words may be rough, but the look in his eye says that he doesn’t intend to hurt me.

Simply, I should take note that my current actions are suspicious, is what he’s saying. josei

“Nah, it ain’t like that… It’s just I’s a little fidgety is all.”

“Fidgety? You got a bad feelin’?”

“No… It doesn’t seem bad.”

The feeling isn’t unpleasant.

It feels like something I’ve been searching for, for a long time.

It doesn’t seem possible, but it could be that Gisu or Ruijerd is here.

I want to quickly confirm the origin of this feeling.

When I think that, it causes me to look around.

The inside of the tavern is rather busy.

It’s the kind of tavern you can find anywhere.

With laughter and noise, people eating and drinking.

Even the food is normal. It’s the kind of river fish you can find anywhere.

But something is still causing this sense of discomfort.

Something that other taverns don’t have that this one does.

“You guys want some information?”

As I was looking around, a man came to our table.

A human.

He had a sly rat-like look to his face.

“Are you the informant?”

“Yep, I know everything about this city. The number of adventurer parties, the peddlers’ routes, even the blacksmith’s mistress.”

“K then, I’ll have you teach me a bunch o’ things. We just got here, so we’d like to avoid any trouble.”

As he said that, he handed the man a couple of copper coins.

“Won’t be a problem.”

“I don’t need to know anything major right now. I understand that you’re an informant with a wide range, so can I leave finding work up to you?”

Along with Shandor’s shaking question, I gave a fearless smile.

Right now my face is from one of the Rudo mercenary guild, so it should be rather intimidating.

“Jeez that’s scary.”

The Informant shrugged at my smile and turned to Shandor.

“So what is it you want to know?”

“What I want to know is what’s common sense in this city, people’s turf, the geography, anybody we shouldn’t make an enemy of… Aah, and if any work that seems doable comes up, could you let us know?”


It’s not like we’ll suddenly hear of Gisu.

I can’t get greedy

We are only warriors. Mercenary-like ruffians. We do not carry any demon trinkets.

“Common sense… Quite the request.

The country upholds the laws, and in turn cities can exist.

Aah… But there are a lot of ogres, so take note of that during your travel.

The people of this country live closely with the ogres. Even if you're devout Millis believers, keep any ill will towards the ogres to yourselves.

“What happens if I don’t?”

“Nobody will sell you anything and the inns will refuse you.

Even this bar is owned by an ogre. You’d be thrown out and be forced to eat garbage.”

Ogres are good neighbors.

Therefore, speaking ill of them will, more so than ogres, make the humans angry.

Sharia also has many races, but there is still discrimination.

They do not live as harmoniously as here.

“The geography… Roughly speaking, if you head north you’ll reach the capital, and in the south is a single village.

It’s a small village with nothing important; there are a few woodcutters and there’s an ambassador, so it’s well protected.

There’s a labyrinth to the southeast. Information on that will be extra.”

“Tell me.”

Shandor handed him a couple more copper coins.

For the location of the labyrinth.

We don’t have any intention of going, but it wouldn’t hurt to know.

After learning about the labyrinth, the conversation will continue.

“People you shouldn’t make enemies of, like I said before, ogres.

In this country, ogres and humans receive the same treatment.

Next is… Ahh, that’s right.

This isn’t someone you shouldn’t cross, but there’s a place you should stay away from.

The valley of the Earth Dragon.”

The valley of the Earth Dragon.

It seems like a few important words have been skipped over.

The place where Ruijerd was discovered was also in a village near it.

“The valley is behind a large forest… But that forest is called the ‘Forest of No Return.’

Since ages past, the forest has been haunted by invisible demons, so entry is forbidden."

“Invisible demons?”

“Well… Invisible demons are more like childish superstition.

The Valley of the Earth Dragon, like the name says, is home to earth dragons.

Some budding adventures entered the forest and messed up their lair.

An angry herd of earth dragons couldn’t be defeated by the country, and so it was made off-limits.”

The man then furrowed his brow as if he was trying to remember something.

“But recently… Since about a year ago, there have been rumors of demons coming out of the Forest of No Return.”


“The town’s lord created an investigation corps to investigate inside the forest

But even after a couple of days passed, they didn’t return.

The invisible demons probably got them, or they fell into the earth dragon nest or, perish the thought, they were taken out by a single magic beast.

Although it wasn’t as if they were wiped out.

After giving up on the survival of the first investigation corps, the lord organized a second investigation corps.

One person came back.”

That’s when he bent down and looked me right in the eye.

The atmosphere’s a little like a horror film.

Not at me, but looking at Shandor.

“But he’d gone insane.

He had exceptionally scary eyes.

When the lord asked what happened, he simply muttered, “The demons are here, the demons…” with a vacant look in his eyes.

After witnessing that, the lord became quite frightened and ceased the investigation effort.

‘Killed by earth dragons’ was the official cause of death announced, and because of this incident, the other word used was forbidden…

The truth is hidden, and has been processed as another unsolved case.

This was… about half a year ago.”


“When you think about it, it was a good thing.

Recently the story has reached the palace in the capital.

The king said “Even though there is a village so close, we cannot leave it alone while we know nothing!”

And so, the King has organized a punitive force.

So currently, members are being gathered in the capital for the force.”

The man looked up.

“And so. For the identity and location of the demon, there’s a special bounty; we’re talking 10 Biheilil gold coins. It seems like the kind of work you can do?”

I see.

Invisible Demons…

It’s a little different from the information I heard about Ruijerd’s location.

I wonder if it’s that kind of thing?

Originally, Ruijerd went to the village without any purpose, and he heard about the demon.

“A demon came out of the Forest of No Return.”

And then, “There are invisible demons in the Forest of No Return.”

“Invisible demons came out from the forest,” would be the information he received.

Hearing things left and right, the information would get mixed up.

The information from the mercenary corps also passed through a lot of hands.

That’s why we have to search to pinpoint our opponent.

Although it might be the opposite.

It could have gone: “An invisible demon really came out.” → “The demon is a Supard.” → “Come to think of it, I think I saw someone with green hair.”

No wait, but I have no idea where any of this information came from.

Well, no matter what rumors spread, it wouldn’t be odd.

Although with Ruijerd, he wouldn’t show mercy to an opponent; it’s possible he wiped out the investigation team.

Why would he go into the forest?

Did he go into the forest because it would be a problem if others saw and knew about him?


“Ahh, That’s great. I got it… Seems interesting. Clay? Don’t you think so too?”

“Hmmm, a demon huh… It does seem interesting. The 10 gold bounty is also appealing.”

Although an appropriate answer, my head is full of other things.

In any case, we’ll have to go to the forest.

With this much information, I can’t think that Ruijerd is uninvolved.

“But with the bounty, it’s first come first served.

You’ll probably need to form a party to participate.

I’m not an adventurer, so if I were to participate, it would be as support.”

Shandor winked at me.

I get it.

“That’s right, we should get looking.”

“Alright. Informant. Additional charge.”

Shandor handed him several more copper coins.

“Find us a thief.

The condition is that it be someone that can do a lot as an adventurer and be good at information collecting.

It’d be good if his combat ability is low. We’ll do all the fighting.

About the reward… What to do? It’s a pain, so when you find our guy, send him to us to negotiate.”


“It would be good if it was before the punitive force sets out. But that’s still far away, isn’t it?”

“They set out in a month.”

“Well then, for the time being, how about we meet again in this tavern in 10 days?”

“Sure, leave it to me.”

The man took the coins and hurriedly put them in his pouch.

And when we stood up, the noise of the tavern disappeared in an instant.

Impressive, Shandor.

With the information on the forest, the search for Gisu has advanced a step.

Although we didn’t hear anything about the North God, the conversation didn’t head in that direction so it couldn’t be helped.

Although I wanted to see a little more of that ability.

“We did it.”

“My wife is good at these kinds of things. Seeing it up close, I picked it up.”

So he’s married.

All the more reason we have to return home safely.

Although he said it rather regrettably.

“Ahem. So, what do you want to do now?”

"While we wait for the informant, we have nothing to do for 10 days… We could take a look around. Doga, is there anywhere you want to go?”

“…I want to see a woodcutter.”

“Then a little reconnaissance, We can go take a look at the village in the south.”

Although the conversation made it seem like we decided, we had already planned to go to the village in the south since the beginning.

10 days.

From the conversation before, the village is at most a day away.

Tomorrow morning, I’ll install a magic communication lithograph and head to the village.

Tomorrow afternoon we’ll enter the forest and spend 5-6 days searching the inside.

After that, we’ll return and hear the informant’s information on Gisu and conduct a progress report over the lithograph.

That is what the schedule looks like.

“Yes, sorry for the wait!”

While I was thinking, the food arrived.

Boiled fish and beer.

Doga had a dark liquid placed in front of him.

It’s probably some kind of juice. I’ll have him let me try it later.

Alright, in this situation I have no intention of getting drunk.

But not drinking in a tavern would stand out.

Just one.

“Then, to our success.”



Cup in hand, we drank.

When the drink entered my mouth, it was warm down my throat.

The aftertaste was—.


Doga spat out his black drink.

“Cough… Cough…”


While the surrounding people were looking to see what was going on, Doga was coughing with his head down.

I put my hand on his back and chanted detoxification magic.

But Doga was facing the ground open-mouthed, drooling.

“Oi, get a hold of yourself!”

Dammit, what did he drink!?


This was that feeling!

I thought something seemed off!

And I still don’t know where the feeling is coming from!

Is the detoxification working?

Calm down, at times like this, you have to stay calm.

First, if I knew the poison in this drink.

“You! What’s your excuse!”

“Ahh! I’m sorry!”

Shandor yells at the nearest person. I have to be calm; I reach for the cup Doga was drinking from.

I hold it up to confirm the smell.


This smell, could it be…

“He was human… I thought because of his size, he was an ogre; I made a mistake.”

“Like I said! What did you give him to drink!”

I dip my finger in the liquid and try it.

This taste, I’m sure.

“Umm, it’s a drink made from beans, It’s a favorite of the ogre-tribe, but it’s too strong for humans, so it usually is diluted… I’m terribly sorry!”

“You sure it’s not poison!?”

“Umm, it can be if you drink too much… About a mouthful.”

“Dammit! Oi Doga! You OK?! OI!”

While Shandor was panicking, I had regained composure.

Now that I think of it, I could smell this ever since I entered the tavern.

It was most likely mixed in with the smell of cooked fish.

The identity of the feeling…

And at the same time I figured out the identity of this drink.

It’s true that if you drink too much it’s poisonous, but Doga spat most of it out.

He’ll probably feel a little sick, but it’s nothing too serious.


I dipped my finger into it one more time and licked it.


So it was this.

No doubt.

I cannot be mistaken.

This is soy sauce.

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