My Enchanting System

Chapter 341 The Public Engagement II

Chapter 341 The Public Engagement II

As Cain looked behind Marina he noticed something that made his blood boil. The faces glaring at her seemed as sharp as knives. The people of Ourals still didn’t approve of her, they did hold her in the same hand as her father.

That was to be expected, as the law of this country is that the whole family of a noble is responsible for him. That law was made so nobles can just farm the relatives and be done with all of their dirty deeds. For example, Marina’s father seems to have said that his daughter was a witch that controlled him and that she was learning witchcraft from Morana.

To his bad luck, he didn’t have a trial as Cain asked William to have him killed no matter what, and no one is going to refuse a serious order from a city-destroying monster like Cain.

“Some bad blood, it seems to linger in your hearts…” Cain stared at the crowd with a sad face.

Hearing his words the people knew instantly that he learned of their discomfort, they started to cheer and fake smiled to entertain his feeling but Cain wasn’t buying any of that.

“Shall I take them out? You hearts that I mean!” Cain’s voice instantly changed at the last sentence, as deep as a monster roar, his visage looked like an eldritch horror to them.

Even Chad and Zaleria started sweating, blood lust was proportional to the person’s MP capacity and his charisma. Cain far surpassed anyone in that church.

“You once hated the monster that is her father, he is dead. If you hated her now, you will only give birth to an even more horrible monster. Listen, kids, I can’t change people’s hearts at my will but I sure can take them out so beware, those who lay a hand on my wives are going to miss the comfort of hell.”.

Cain knew exactly what he was talking about, those random attacks that happened to Alice, Sofia, Selena, and Gracie in Ourals. There was no telling if similar things will happen to Marina in Furberg. If that were to happen and they weren’t around, Marina won’t be able to protect herself.

William looked at Cain with a smile, he knew it, being a man of power meant that people will target your weak spots. In Cain’s case, the only weak and closest person to him is Marina. Cain needs to show people that he will get violent for her cause.

“P-please stop!” Marina rushed at him, she wanted Cain to stop. She will never be able to live with the fact that Cain erased a city in her name.

Cain looked at her and smiled, she had a golden heart. Gently patting her head, Cain kissed her forehead and looked at the people watching.

“See? If you hurt her, she won’t be here to protect you from me.”

As the people watched in silence, the girls quickly handed Cain their five rings.

The rings flashed with a bright golden light and floated up (Made up by Cain since the rings are already blessed, he used [Telekinesis] [Enchanting: Light] and a sparkle of Alice’s holy magic).

“If Chauntea accepted us, which means no sinner stands between us. The man you hate is dead and life starts once again, work, eat live and care for your families as I shall do the same. I Cain Lisworth declares, Sofia Lawrence Selena Atlanta, Alice Furberg, Gracie Grey, and Marina Ourals as my lifelong wives and partners.”

The rings flew, each to its owner. One in Sofia’s hand, one in Selena’s hand, one in Alice’s hand, one on Gracie’s hand, and a last one in Marina’s hands.

“Chauntea has accepted so what will you say?” Cain looked back at the girls.

“Do you need to ask? I already accept.” Sofia smiled.

“Cain is my mate-nya!” Selena screamed with enthusiasm, she already reached the goal she set out for. Getting a mate for life, and one with a pride no less.

“She refu…” Before William could speak a woman smacked his head from behind, it was Lisa who guessed this might happen.

“I accept, let’s have a life-long fulfilling relationship, dear,” Alice said with a slight bow. Sneakily stepping on her father’s foot for trying to speak for her.

“We will have a long discussion back home about this, DEAR!” Lisa growled at William from behind.

“I do accept,” Gracie gave Cain the graceful bow she always does. He could see the faint smile on her face.

“I might not be worthy but I’m honored to be your wife.” Marina bowed deeply as she said that.

The priest then slowly approached them waving his spare holy symbol. “By the authority assigned to me from our lord and savor Chauntea, I hereby declare you husband and wives, May the land’s mother bless your marriage.”

Cain smiled as he heard those words, now the girls are officially his wives. All that remains is the papers and the marriage party which are complimentary things to this oath.

The people started to cheer as they had nothing else to do. Cain noticed that most of them had sore faces but not because of his wives. This they were holding to their sore pockets. After a few moments, Cain could see Kayden cashing out at the dealer. ‘Nice!’

When Cain looked around he noticed that Seith was about to cry, he never expected his violent, run-of-home to get married so quickly.

William had a sad face on him, Cain could understand a part of his concerns. By this time, William should be expecting to hear of a grandson coming soon. And not having that news, when it comes to nobles, only meant that the wife was going to be thrown away.

The reason William was reluctant to let Alice accept Cain as a husband was because of that, and if Cain happened to be tricking them, William won’t be able to save his daughter after this oath.

Zaleria was barely holding her smile, he could even feel her magic fluctuating. Cain was wishing she won’t suggest the dragons’ tradition to be held as that thing is a pain.

The dragons’ tradition is that when new couples get together, they fight to determine their roles for the next year. The loser will guard the eggs and the winner will be the one hunting for food.josei

Sebas was already giving Gracie lectors about how she should still act as a maid even though she was now the lord’s wife. She would have already kicked him if she didn’t agree, even Cain wouldn’t mind a wife-maid mix.

Looking to the side, Roberta was smiling as she cheered Marina. She felt nothing but proud of herself and it was apparent in that big grin. Marina herself was smiling with a blush, in her mind, she managed to marry Cain even though her competition was unmatched.

Then Cain looked at his father who was sitting in one of the church’s chairs thinking.

“What are you thinking off? You know we can talk.” Said Cain.

“Nothing, I’m just happy that I got to see my son getting married. I just can’t deal with those feeling well.” Chad replied.

Cain stared at him, noticing the clear lies. Chad was trying to not ruin Cain’s mode with what was in his head.

“It’s mother, right? I told you we can talk.”

Chad sighed at Cain’s words, “I was trying to keep the thought out of your mind… I just hope she was here with us, I bet she would have the sweetest of smiles on her face.” Chad replied with a deeply sad face.

Cain smiled, “Shall we visit her grave later, I bet she will appreciate some prayers and a light offering.”

“Yeah, she liked white flowers, let’s take some.” Chad stood with a clearer face.

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