My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 721

Chapter 721: Key Target to Raise

Lou Mu Yan cracked the arrays and restriction circles on the tenth floor of the Array Pagoda little by little, comprehending what was shown on the videos.

Time passed bit by bit, and based on her judgement, it took about a hundred years before she cracked the last circle of light.

[BOOM!] As soon as she stepped out of the last circle of light, a colourful beam of light suddenly enveloped the Array Pagoda from the sky.

Seven-coloured stars entered into Lou Mu Yan’s entire body. She closed her eyes and immersed herself in a vast ocean of elements.

When she woke up again, about ten years later, she felt that the strength in her entire body hadn’t changed, but there was a seven-coloured energy floating on the other side of the green fog in her dan’tian.

The fire attribute elemental energy and earth attribute elemental energy also broke through from Great Achievement to Perfection Realm in one fell swoop.

After Lou Mu Yan rested for a bit, she left the Array Pagoda and went to the Talisman Pagoda.

Arrays and talismans were closely connected. To carve high-quality talismans, one needed to use a large number of arrays and restrictions to establish an outline, and had the same origins.

“She actually broke through the tenth floor in one fell swoop and was rewarded by the Array Pagoda Spirit, the first person in ten thousand years!” The Alliance Master of the Array Alliance couldn’t resist sighing.

Others were also quite surprised. Those who entered the tenth floor and could break through half of it were already considered super geniuses. They didn’t know how to describe someone who could directly pass the challenge like this.

After Lou Mu Yan entered the Talisman Pagoda, she quickly comprehended to the eight floor. Time passed, and a hundred years later, she successfully broke through the tenth floor and was baptised by the ocean of elements again.

The water attribute elemental energy and wind attribute elemental energy also broke through from Great Achievement to Perfection Realm.

Then she went to the Alchemy Pagoda, and it took around the same time to finish breaking through the tenth floor. The wood attribute elemental energy broke through to the Perfection Realm.

When she stepped into the Smithing Pagoda, there weren’t many other pupils left in the five Pagodas within this space. All that were left were those who had broken through to the ninth floor and were still comprehending.

Lou Mu Yan spent twice as long in the Smithing Pagoda compared to the other three Pagodas. Stumbling through while facing the challenges, she still eventually broke through the tenth floor, and her metal attribute elemental energy and lightning attribute elemental energy entered the Perfection Realm naturally.

When she finally entered the Taming Pagoda, all the pupils had already left the barrier.

In fact, her research on taming wasn’t that deep. After all, her Ancient Contract Skill was more advanced.

It was also because she had cultivated the Ancient Contract Skill to Great Achievement that after entering the Taming Pagoda, she felt it was extremely easy.

After reaching the eighth floor, ferocious or cunning demonic beasts would appear at regular intervals before her. She needed to successfully contract them one by one to pass each level.

Of course, the contract was just a test, and it wouldn’t bring these spirit pets to the outside world.

The speed of Lou Mu Yan’s contracting was very fast. What she used was a beast control skill that combined the Ancient Contract Skill, equivalent to taking advantage of a loophole in understanding the rules of the Pagoda, and it only took a few years to breakthrough to the tenth floor.

Although she took advantage of a loophole, but she still obtained the same reward, and her ice attribute also successfully reached the Perfection Realm.

After all the eight types of elemental energy attributes had broken through to Perfection Realm, she felt that she could vaguely touch the threshold of domains.

“Heavens! This girl is definitely the most talented person since the appearance the Pagodas of Enlightenment.” The Alliance Master of the Array Alliance couldn’t help but exclaim.

“This kind of talent is hard to find even in ten thousand years. Not only proficient in five specialisations, but also broke through to the final floor of all Pagodas of Enlightenment and obtained the final reward of elemental comprehension.”

The Array Pagoda’s Pagoda Master sighed: “She definitely has hope of becoming the legendary five specialisation grade 10 master.”

“That plan can be implemented.” The eyes of the Mercenary Union’s Ancestor were filled with brilliance.

Lou Mu Yan was currently a piece of rough jade that, with good polishing, would definitely become a piece of beautiful jade that would shine brightly and shock the entire Guang’ling World.

“Mm, bring Lou Mu Yan to see us after she returns.” The Ancestor of the Array Alliance looked at Union Leader Wu and said.

“Yes.” Union Leader Wu restrained the shock in his eyes.

Lou Mu Yan walked out of the Taming Pagoda, and she felt as if the elemental energy suppressed in her body had to break through.

After she stepped out of the spatial barrier of the five Pagodas of Enlightenment, she saw the several Deputy Hall Masters present looking at her with fright and astonishment.

She guessed that these people knew that she broke through the tenth floor of all five pagodas.

She guessed right. In fact, not only were the superiors of the five major forces watching the situation in the Pagodas of Enlightenment, but the Deputy Hall Masters of the several parties were also checking with a crystal ball. After all, in case something happened, they’d be able to control the situation in the first moment.

It was just that they didn’t expect that their hearts would constantly tighten since the moment Lou Mu Yan entered the Pagodas of Enlightenment. It was the first time they felt such thrill.

In the end, the Deputy Hall Master of the Mercenary Union had numerous eyes of envy cast towards him by the other Deputy Hall Masters of the four major forces.

One must know that each floor one stepped onto in the Pagodas of Enlightenment generally represented the person’s future achievements in the specialisations.

With Lou Mu Yan’s current age and cultivation base, she could already breakthrough the tenth floor of all five Pagodas of Enlightenment, which may also mean that she may step into grade 10 of all five specialisations.

However, the five of them tacitly kept this matter as a secret in their hearts, otherwise it might not be a good thing if Lou Mu Yan’s achievements were known by other outside forces with impure intentions.

She was still too young, and although her cultivation base could be considered at genius level at this age, but it was still easy to be secretly nipped in the bud of development by advanced-level powerhouses.

Lou Mu Yan was the last one to come out, more than one month later than the others. Although the other pupils didn’t know about her achievements in the Pagodas of Enlightenment, but they still looked at her with curious and complex gazes.

“Alright, Lou Mu Yan from the Mercenary Union has already come out, this trip to the Pagodas of Enlightenment is over.

“Don’t reveal anything about the past half a year. After you return, you should go fully comprehend what you learnt in the Pagodas of Enlightenment.” The elderly man in white from the Alchemy Pagoda regained his composure and ordered the pupils faintly.


The sixteen people, including Lou Mu Yan, also returned together with Deputy Hall Master Wan.

Although the other pupils were rather curious about how far Lou Mu Yan had reached in the Pagodas of Enlightenment, but it wasn’t something that could simply be asked.josei

Along the way, everyone repeatedly recalled the insights in the Pagodas of Enlightenment to seek a breakthrough.

As soon as Lou Mu Yan hopped on the large Golden Roc bird, the spiritual energy in her body felt as if it was unable to be suppressed any longer, so she sat in a corner and began to break through to Heaven Elemental Realm.

Such a move also stunned the other pupils. It was the first time they saw someone advance and make a breakthrough without fear in front of so many people.

Deputy Hall Master Wan also revealed surprise but remembering Lou Mu Yan’s astonishing achievements in the Pagodas of Enlightenment, he also guessed that it might be because she was unable to suppress her realm.

So with a big wave of his arm, a defensive magic tool that isolated auras landed above Lou Mu Yan and the defensive energy spread far and wide—all to allow her to advance safety.

With Lou Mu Yan’s performance in the Pagodas of Enlightenment, she would definitely be a highly important key target to raise. He dared not allow anything to happen to her on the way back.

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