My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060 Unveiled Deceptions

Chloe looked at Ashlyn stiffly, her face revealing a pretentious gentleness.

“Ms. Berry, you are still young. I think someone might have deceived you.” Ashlyn was astonished by Chloe's blatant lie. Ashlyn had seen thick-skinned people before, but never one as shameless as this.

Moreover, she didn't miss the fleeting glimpse of greed in Chloe's eyes. She couldn't help but laugh in frustration, “This is the medicine I sent out. Why would you want to take it for analysis and testing? Are you waiting for the results so you can mass-produce it?”

Everyone's eyes widened. They were astonished. Many thoughts ran across their minds.

She's awesome! Incredible! She's just too d*mn incredible. Did she just argue with Chloe in her face? Wow, she said no to Chloe's attempt to take that medicine for analysis and testing!

Nowadays, no one would dare not to hold Chloe in high esteem and treat her with respect and politeness. After all, there was Chloe's status, abilities, authority, and reputation to consider. No one would dare to criticize Chloe like this blatantly, let alone speak harshly to her in normal times. She has always been held in high esteem, always respected and admired. In addition, she was an authority in medicine. However, on this day, she was being scolded by a young woman in her early twenties.

Chloe's vision went black, and she almost fainted.

How many years has it been? How many years since someone has had the audacity to speak to me like this? Only a handful of people in the capital city dared to speak to me like that. Who does she think she is, talking to me like that?

Chloe's face turned red with anger.

“You... You! Do you think I need your pills? Do I need to covet them? You... You really judge others by your own petty standards!”

However, it was true that Ashlyn had hit the nail on the head; that was precisely what Chloe was thinking. But the latter would never admit it, even if it killed her.

“Professor Yeatman wants to take it for testing because she cherishes you and is afraid you might be deceived. But look at you. You're turning it around on her.”

Brianna supported Chloe, whose chest was heaving with anger.

“Professor Yeatman, ignore her. She doesn't appreciate your kindness,” Brianna added.

Ashlyn looked at them, the pair of pretentious master and disciple, indifferently.

“The authenticity of Rulent 133 doesn't lie in its composition but in the fact that every pill contains the precious rukkeadamon. This kind of thing is not something that ordinary people can cultivate. As for the medicines you've been researching, I've heard a little about them, but... what you're missing is the rukkeadamon.”

“What... What did you say?” Chloe's face suddenly turned pale. “Rukkeadamon?” She had never even heard of such a thing.

What's a rukkeadamon?

“Yes, rukkeadamon.” Ashlyn put away all the information she had just received on her phone. It was about Chloe's entire life. Ashlyn had asked Quiet Forest to help her look into it. Quiet Forest was incredibly fast, and within just a few minutes, they had sent the information she was looking for. Chloe Yeatman was a renowned professor of surgery who had a private lab funded by many prominent

investors. She had been researching a drug to delay aging, but the results have never been particularly noteworthy.

That was why Chloe was extremely anxious and under tremendous pressure lately. The big shots who invested had yet to see any results would undoubtedly hold her accountable. Quiet Forest also sent Ashlyn the information on the ingredients of the drug that Chloe had researched. She noticed the missing ingredients and Chloe's predicament with just one glance.

“What is rukkeadamon? We have never heard of such a medicine; I only know about the strychnine tree,” Brianna said to Ashlyn rudely, her tone extremely blunt.

Everyone was dissatisfied and disdainful toward Ashlyn. The people around were also puzzled.

Rukkeadamon, huh? What a strange name.

“Sorry, but you can't simply buy rukkeadamon just because you want to.” Ashlyn laughed.

“It's a traditional herbal medicine that looks like a coin, but it's actually a plant.” She suddenly took a step toward Chloe, and Chloe couldn't help but take a step back in response. After taking a step back, Chloe suddenly came to her senses. Why am I intimidated by Ashlyn? She's just a woman in her early twenties.

Why am I showing her any weakness?

But as Chloe looked up, she met Ashlyn's deep, bottomless black eyes. Her long, feathery lashes covered them like a crow's feathers, making her appear like a bewitching enchantress.

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