My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054

Chapter 1054

“I just saw the news of his death yesterday. Seems like he slipped and hit his head in the bathtub and got knocked out. Then drowned in the bathtub.” Nicolas said.

Trisha became even more restless. She was not afraid of anything, except for the dead, especially those who drowned.

When she was a kid, she and her mother attended a relative’s funeral. The relative had a heart attack while fishing and fell into the river. After four or five days of searching, the body was found.

She was young then and went to watch out of curiosity. She saw a group of people put a body that had swollen nearly twice its size into a coffin That scene gave her nightmares for a whole year. In her dreams, the swollen relative kept dripping water, inviting her to play Now hearing that the neighbor downstairs drowned, she immediately didn’t dare to go home.

Nicolas saw her strange expression and asked softly, “What’s wrong?”

Trisha snapped back to reality and immediately said, “I think it’s too early to sleep, let’s play a bit more?”

Seeing her expression, Nicolas seemed to understand something. He smirked and said softly. “The game is updating. Can’t play till 7 o’clock tomorrow morning, remember?”

Trisha was taken aback.

Seeing her trying to find an excuse, Nicolas said, “How about we watch a movie? There is a new one that I haven’t watched yet, wanna watch it together?”

Trisha accepted his suggestion and immediately said, “I think that’s a good idea.”

As the opening credits rolled, Trisha, hugging a pillow, asked Nicolas, “What movie is this?”

Nicolas handed her a blanket, “Supposedly a romance.”

Trisha nodded and put the blanket over her legs.

But as the plot went on, the style of the movie started to feel off. It wasn’t until the female lead was tied up by the male lead on the bed that Trisha finally realized what kind of “romance” this was. She wanted Nicolas to change the movie, but when she turned to look at him, he was engrossed in the film.

She didn’t want to seem overly sensitive, so she kept silent.

The sex scenes in the movie were shot very subtly, but the sexual tension between the two was too strong, overflowing with hormones, overly


After an awkward three minutes, the movie finally moved on to the next plot. One moment it was in the bathroom, the next on a cruise ship. The plot was no longer important, all she could see was the swaying waist of the male lead.

Trisha couldn’t take it anymore, and she sneaked off to the bathroom. Nicolas watched the direction she left in and smiled contentedly.

Trisha stayed in the bathroom for about forty minutes, guessing that the movie should be over, and then came out.

The TV was off and Nicolas was sitting on the sofa playing with his phone.

Seeing Trisha appear, he asked, “You were gone for so long, are you not feeling well?”

Trisha’s face turned red, she tried to appear calm, “I’m on my period. My tummy hurts a bit.”

Nicolas raised an eyebrow and said slowly. “I thought you left because you were shy.”

Trisha immediately responded, “There’s nothing to be shy about. I actually think it’s too conservative”

“Really?” Nicolas looked up. “I have some more daring movies here, how about we watch another one? You didn’t get enough, did you?”

Trisha grinned and said, “Maybe next time, my eyes are tired from staring so long

As she reached for her phone, she accidentally tripped over the carpet and went hurtling towards Nicolas.


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