My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

“Cuz my uncle hasn’t gotten my grandpa’s approval yet, we’re not too close with him, so we don’t chat much.”

Turns out my uncle ain’t a big shot in the family, so it’s not likely to get any info from him.

“You’re seriously worried about this right now?” Liam glared at Celeste chatting with Mason, feeling pretty pissed off. “You’d better think about how to explain your lies when the doctor comes”

“What lies? I never said I was pregnant, that’s all their imagination. When the doc comes, I’ll just say I’ve got a bad stomach.

“You really think doctors are dumbasses?”

“If it comes to that, we’ll think about bribing him”

Liam looked at her helplessly, not knowing where she got such ideas.

Mason laughed and said, “No need to make things so complicated. The doctor’s my friend. I’ll talk to him later, and he’ll cooperate.”

Celeste smiled at Mason and said, “Mr. Fletcher, you’re such a great person.”

Liam suddenly felt itchy on his head and couldn’t help but scratch it.

Sienna was waiting with a group of people outside the resting room when the doctor came out after a short time.

Shawn asked eagerly, “Doctor, how is my daughter?”

The doctor replied, “It’s nothing serious, just a mild case of food poisoning.”

Everyone’s expression became mixed after hearing the news.

Sienna was stunned for a moment but didn’t have time to speak, as Shawn hastily asked, “Food poisoning? Not pregnancy?”

“No, she’s not pregnant. If you don’t believe me, you can have her checked again at a hospital.”

As the Fletcher family’s personal doctor, he naturally wouldn’t make mistakes on this matter.

Sienna looked disappointed but still asked with concern, “Is the food poisoning serious? Will it have any effect on her health?”

it’s pretty mild, and I’ve prescribed medicine for her. She should be fine after taking the meds on time and resting for a few days.”

Kaylee pouted, feeling let down. She had genuinely believed that Celeste was pregnant, only to find out it had been a false alarm.

Sienna sighed with disappointment in her eyes.

Skyler said, “mom, don’t be too sad. This kind of thing can’t be forced” Celeste’s health is the most important thing now, so let’s go in and have a look.”

Sienna nodded and turned to Shawn and said, “Come in and have a look.

When Shawn learned that Celeste was not pregnant, that enthusiasm had long since faded. When Sienna talking, he quickly said, “Now she may be uncomfortable and unable to speak. I’ll find her alone in a few days.”

Sienna didn’t say much either

After they went in, Helen, who had been following, appeared.

“It was not simple Your daughter has blocked the Reed family auction several times. Do you dare to say that she didn’t mean it? From the beginning, she didn’t intend to help, and even said that she could return the bracelet. I suspect that she is lying to you.”

Shawn kept serious and said nothing.

“Elder brother, I suspect that she may know something that happened before.”

Impossible” Shawn immediately vetoed it. “Everything was destroyed at that time. How could she know anything?”

1 wish she didnt know Shawn, we should take precautions and not trust her too much”

Shawn looked gloomy and hesitated for a moment before saying, “I know

Celeste was pale, lying on the sofa when everyone came in Hearing the noise, she tried to sit up

Sienna said quickly, “Don’t move, just he down”

“grandma —

Sienna asked lovingly, “How do you feel now? is it better?”

“It’s still a little queasy, but it’s much better, which worries you’


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