My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 445

Chapter 445

Chapter 445

Chapter 445

Celeste pursed her lips, “I don’t know. My mother–in–law got someone to prescribe this for me. She said it would increase the chances of getting pregnant after intercourse.”

The doctor adjusted his glasses, “Young lady, this prescription is not for promoting conception.”

Celeste asked nervously, “Then what is this?”

“Although there are many restoratives in this prescription, some ingredients are very dangerous. Pregnant women should not take them, and even contact should be avoided. You’ve been taking them for a long time, no wonder you have premature ovarian failure at such a young age.”

Celeste’s face turned paler and paler as if she was surrounded by cold blood.

She had been taking this medicine without any suspicion!

Suddenly, she remembered what Wesley had said to her at the company. He asked her, “Haven’t you ever wondered why you can’t get pregnant?” At that time, she thought Wesley was just joking, but now it seemed that he must have known something.

Since Wesley knew, what about Liam?

She recalled her time with Liam.

When they were intimate, Liam never took any precautions. Although he would avoid the dangerous period, there was still a risk.

Liam couldn’t possibly be unaware of this, so why was he so sure that she won’t get pregnant?

Liam… did he know about this too?

Or did he always accept it?

He didn’t want children in the first place, right?

Celeste’s hands began to tremble uncontrollably, and she felt trapped in a huge conspiracy. Everyone around her was calculating her, even the person beside her pillow was her enemy.

The doctors didn’t notice Celeste’s changing expression, and continued, “These tonics can make you look very healthy. But the reason you fainted might be not only due to overwork but also because you stopped taking the medicine. The previous drug lost its effect, and your body’s deficiency was revealed.” The doctor sighed, “You must never take this medicine again. It’s too harmful for you.”

Celeste clenched her hands to attempt to calm herself down.

“Doctor, with my condition, is there any chance of recovery?”

“Premature ovarian failure is irreversible, but luckily you discovered it early enough. As long as you cooperate with the treatment, you can at least prevent the condition from getting worse.”

“What about… getting pregnant?”

Celeste’s voice was very soft.

The doctor remained silent for a moment, “First, prevent the condition from getting worse. Everything else can be tried slowly.”

Celeste was silent again.

At Skyler’s residence.

Kaylee’s wound had finally healed. When he was going downstairs for a glass of water, he accidentally overheard Skyler’s phone call with Celeste and was shocked.

After Skyler hung up, Kaylee asked, “Mom, if we do this, will my brother blame us when he comes back?”

Skyler replied coldly, “Your brother knows I’m his mother. What can he do to me? Have you forgotten who hurt your face?”

How could Kaylee forget? Every time she thought about that night, her body shivered uncontrollably.

However, unlike Skyler, Kaylee was more afraid of Liam.

Last time, she just locked Celeste in the bathroom, and Liam locked her in the bathroom for the whole night.

Now, the Campbell family is in chaos. If they interfere again, and if something happens to Celeste, her brother might mind.

“Mom, why don’t we let it go for now? There are still plenty of chances in the future, so why do we have to take revenge on Celeste now?”

“You’re such a scaredy–cat!” Skyler glared at her. “You’re usually so arrogant. Would Celeste really beat you that easily?”

“Mom, what are you saying?” Kaylee said unhappily. “Whatever, you go ahead. Just don’t blame me for not warning you when my brother comes back and gets mad.”


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