My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 934

Chapter 934

Chapter 934

Chapter 934

She suddenly missed attending these parties with Liam. Liam was like a walking iceberg, especially when dealing with strangers. Even though many people greeted him, he always remained aloof, and people would awkwardly walk away after saying hi. This saved her a lot of socializing

She used to think Liam’s coldness made him hard to approach, but now she realized that his aloofness saved her from much pointless socializing.

The wedding venue was set up very romantically, and all the flowers were real, which made it quite luxurious.

At her wedding to Liam, they also used real flowers. Even the wedding favors were a pair of delicate bracelets, each custom–made and costing a few hundred bucks.

In theory, wedding favors should be prepared by the bride and groom together, but Liam was busy with work, Skyler Reed wasn’t interested in their wedding, and the grandmother was too old to overwork. So the Reed family gave a high bride price with the intention that the bride’s family would prepare the wedding favors

Shawn Campbell was more than happy. The favors he prepared were just some candies and chocolates. The only slightly more expensive items were two boxes of cigars

It wasn’t until the day before the wedding, when she and Liam went to rehearse at the venue, that they found out what Shawn had prepared as wedding favors. Sienna Reed didn’t say anything, but her expression revealed her dissatisfaction.

Shawn was still trying to promote how much thought he put into the wedding favors. Celeste felt incredibly awkward stuck in the middle, as she had no say in the Campbell family matters.

Sienna asked Liam for his opinion, to which Liam replied, “Whatever” The next day, he had the wedding favors re–prepared without informing Shawn Shawn’s face was grim on the wedding day when he saw the wedding favors prepared by the Reed family

At the time, she just thought Liam was too concerned about appearances, but now she realized that a man who wouldn’t even celebrate his own birthday in a big way wouldn’t care about these things. What he gave was just to maintain her good reputation.

Perhaps Liam didn’t like her back then, but he gave her the respect and dignity she deserved in public.

She always said she liked Liam’s face, but his thoughts and beliefs truly moved her.

Of course, his face was also important. And his physique. His voice too. Except for his sharp tongue

“Celeste… ahem, Selena, sit here”

Mason called her, Celeste snapped back to reality, acknowledged him, walked past his chair, and sat beside him.

Soon, Simon and his wife also arrived, taking the seats opposite them.

Mason and Simon were chatting casually, and guests were slowly arriving

Nicolas popped in pretty quickly, and his eyes lit up when he saw Mason with a girl. “You, you finally got yourself a chick?”

Celeste was sipping her water, avoiding any eye contact with him.

Nicolas was too slick for his own good. She was worried he’d recognize her and stir up some trouble here.

Mason just gave a cool smile and didn’t continue the conversation.

“Are you going to introduce her?”

Nicolas nodded, “What’s the lady’s name?”

Mason answered, “She’s Ms Colton.”

“Ms. Colton?” Nicolas seemed amused, “I know another Ms. Colton. You two aren’t from the same clan, are you?”

Celeste gave a small smile.

She and Trisha indeed lived under the same roof.

Chapter 935

Mason explained to her, “Probably not; she’s local. I remember Trisha isn’t.”

“Oh.” Nicolas glanced at Celeste again, feeling like she looked familiar. A thought popped into his head, “Wait, aren’t you….”

Before he could finish his sentence, Jace Ledford’s voice came from behind, “Is this spot taken?”

Nicolas turned around to see Jace and Trisha behind him.

Trisha had put on makeup today and was wearing a pretty dress. Her eyes were naturally big, and she looked youthful and energetic, completely different from her usual tomboyish demeanor.

Nicolas was surprised, but his expression changed when he saw her holding Jace’s hand.

He glanced at Jace and then at Trisha, “Why are you here? Do you know Lyman Rowley?”

Trisha obviously didn’t know him. The people she knew were the bride, a friend from high school. She came because she received a wedding invitation And she ran into Jace in the lobby

Trisha glanced at him. “If you can be here, why can’t I?”

For some reason, she felt irritated whenever she saw Nicolas these days.

He didn’t do anything, but just looking at his face annoyed her.

She was actually quite pleased when she ran into Dr. Ledford downstairs, but her mood instantly changed when she saw him.

Nicolas frowned, “You don’t even know the groom. Are you just here for the food?”

Trisha immediately got angry, “Who are you calling a freeloader? I brought a gift, okay? Who told you I don’t know anyone? Do I have to report to you who I know? So annoying!

She then pulled Jace and said, “Let’s sit over there.”

Jace said, “Those are the bride’s relatives over there. We don’t know them. Let’s just sit here, it will be less awkward.”

Trisha pouted and muttered, 1 can’t eat with Nicolas around.”

Jace chuckled, That’s just how Nicolas is, he’s just messing with you.”

Trisha didn’t say anything and sat next to the Simons, with Jace blocking Nicolas‘ view of her.

Nicolas felt uncomfortable and troubled.

Trisha had been cold to him lately, and he was no fool. How could he not notice?

She agreed to cook for him in return for his help, but she said she didn’t need it the next day because she still had some work to hand over at the company, and her resignation process was not yet completed

He waited for two whole weeks, and during that time, he definitely felt that Trisha was not as close to him as before.

Before, she would ask him to play games at night. But now, whenever he invited her to play online, she always declined, saying she had other things to do. She was clearly jobless; what could she possibly be busy with?

If all this was just him being overly sensitive, then her avoiding him when she went out for a walk confirmed his suspicions.

Even if they bumped into each other in the elevator, she would just nod and leave before he could even open his mouth, as if she had encountered something terrifying

This made Nicolas very uncomfortable

This feeling had been going on for a while, and it reached its peak when he saw her all dolled up and showing up with Jace today

She never dressed up like this for him. Was he not worth it?

Nicolas was filled with questions and decided not to talk to her anymore in anger

And he had completely forgotten what he was about to say to Selena.

Celeste breathed a sigh of relief. Neither of them recognized her, which gave her more confidence

She picked up her glass and was about to take a sip when a familiar male voice came from behind, “Sorry, I’m not late, am I?”


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