My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 970

Chapter 970

Chapter 970

Chapter 970

Shawn tried to persuade her, but Bart stepped in, stemnly saying. “Look at her. She’s gone through hell and back and never once said a bad word about you. How much more do you want her to bear?”

Shawn was lost for words.

Bart said calmly, “I’ll hire the best lawyer to fight for her. We’ve decided to fight for custody of Jacques and Angel. You’d better get your lawyer ready

At this, Shawn started to sweat bullets

Bant’s situation was now completely different from before. Joining the Fletcher family was definitely a game–changer if he and Helen got divorced, he didn’t really fancy his chances of keeping their past secrets under wmps.

That was a seriously big problem

With that in mind, he didn’t give a hoot about anything else. He humed up to Helen and said softly, “I know I messed up Don’t be mad I was just acting on impulse. my mind was all over the place”

“You’ve been with me since you were seventeen, silently supporting me all these years. I didn’t even give you a proper wedding, and now I’ve put you through all this I really owe you”

Helen’s eyes welled up with tears. Enough with the sweet talk. I know I’m old and cant compete with those young chicks in their twenties. This is my karma for wrecking someone’s family. I accept it. Let’s just end this mamage with some dignity, okay?

Shawn sounded mournful “What are you talking about? I won’t divorce you. Angel, Jacques, you and the baby, no one is going anywhem. Just focus on your pregnancy and stop thinking about giving up

this baby This baby coming into our lives is fate Whether it’s a boy or a girl, I’ll love it. As for Lucilla, I’ll give her some money for the operation and I won’t see her again

Helen asked softly. You’re not just feeding me a line, are you?”

Shawn said “Tligo to her now and arrange for the operation.”

Helen snorted inwardly but on the outside she played as a fragile woman. Just make sure you clear things up with her and don’t create a scène. It’ll tamish your image at the office. She’s just a fresh grad looking to climb the social ladder. Just give her what she wants

Shawn nodded, holding her hand gently “You rest. I’ll sort this out.”

Helen said. Try to handle it peacefully”

As soon as Shawn left. Helen’s face turned cold. She said sterly, “Go and see if he’s trying to play me for a fool.”

Bart nodded and followed Shawn out.

Just as Shawn walked out of the room, he saw Lucilla on the phone in the corridor

Seeing him, she froze, then tumed and walked away.

Shawn quickly caught up and grabbed her arm. “Didn’t the doctor say you have to stay for more tests? Where are you off to?”

Lucilla dodged his hand, her lips quivering it took her a moment to say, “Did she ask me to have an abortion?”

Shawn was taken aback and couldn’t find words to respond

Seeing his reaction, Lucilla’s expression turned sorrowful. After a few seconds, she whispered, “Can you wait a couple of days before I do it?”

Shawn felt a pang of sympathy but thinking of Helen, he hardened his heart. The sooner, the better.”


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