My Servant System

Chapter 740 739

Chapter 740 739: Arx Impius (5)


Chapter 740 739: Arx Impius (5)

Jahi PoV

Dinner was a strained affair at best, and after Belian confirmed the birth of both my half sisters, the meal was becoming slightly unpalatable, only because of how much of a sore subject that seemed to be.

Which made sense, honestly, since Demons have such a low reproductive rate to begin with; hearing that Miss Julie had brought two different lives into the world at the same time from two separate races that had low reproductive rates likely made those inside the hall who were currently trying for a child rather glum about it.

Though, I didn't miss the way Lady Hathor reacted, the yellow skinned woman staring at me with a slightly wistful expression, one that was obvious in its meaning ever since she had muttered the words 'half sister'.

She was thinking about seeing if Mom wanted to give her another chance now, since it was clear that Mom was no longer single mindedly pursuing only Mother now and was open to the idea of bringing in another woman to be her wife; it was something that had made me feel... odd recently, since I knew Mom wasn't as against the idea as she stated she was, while Mother was rather adamant on 'owning' Mom in her entirety.

I doubt anything would come of it, but seeing the woman in front of me who had the potential to become an Aunt to me was odd... even more so when I thought about the complications and benefits that such a matching would provide.

That was also what made me wonder just how Lakshmi would grow up, and with whom she might find herself attracted to and eventually with; considering she had less social pressure and more freedoms then I ever would have, it was a peculiar problem, and it was one that made me look towards Ammit and Satanya with a slight frown, meeting the Ritual Circle eyes and scarlet eyes of the two women who were - presumably - around my age.

Satanya glared at me, the Beliali woman still clearly disliking the earlier confrontation between the two of us, and thoughts about my little sister finding herself with such a spiteful woman made me glare back at her, a terrible taste permeating my mouth at the mere thought of it.

Which left the air headed Ammit off to the side, who was still staring at me curiously, though her eyes trailed over to Kat occasionally as she checked out my Dogkin fiancee, and I held back a low growl at her obvious interest in my woman.

It was... infuriating, to say the least, especially when I knew that the woman wasn't the most socially adept to realize she was doing something wrong.

"Then might I ask about the plans for the land itself then? Belian suggested that the entire Kingdom was going to be converted into a new agricultural center of the Empire..?"

Lady Hathor snapped out of her miniature trance as she narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at me for a moment before Madam Tabitha answered "Yes, most likely the majority of the land will be utilized as another breadbasket of the Empire, so that we might sustain this sudden expansion of our borders. But, Lady Jahi, please do remember that whilst we are excited and appreciative of your visitation and seeming interest in the Clans, you are... still an outsider, and you will continue to be an outsider unless you return to the fold. I'm not trying to be rude, Lady Jahi, but it is just the truth."

The Goatkin woman was giving me a serious stare, while Belian wore his usual smirk, though the lack of any 'aid' for myself was very apparent... not that I blamed him for it; I understood that I was unlikely to get an answer.

So, I just shrugged and looked towards Satanya instead, shifting the conversation and deciding that it'd be best to get this out of the way first before it festers into something worse later on; something that might legitimately cause a rift between myself and these 'long lost' members of my family.

"Satanya, are we going to go about this diplomatic mission on friendly, professional terms, or are you going to make this into something that would make the journey unbearable and otherwise annoying for us both?"

With the topic shifted away from the more sensitive prying that I had done, the mood lightened as everyone returned to normal, though now the air was filled with anticipation as all eyes turned towards the red skinned woman, who tilted her head to the side and sneered as she replied "Oh, I dunno... Can't say I care for the attitude around the four of you; so stiff and serious. Even going so far as to threaten little ole me~? Yeah, I dunno about our ability to work together... though, I certainly wouldn't be opposed to a good tussle in bed~!"

Her forked tongue slid over her lips as she smirked at me, and I felt my lip curl into a sneer while goosebumps rippled through my arms, the red Demoness continuing to piss me off at every opportunity she got.

"Satanya! Must you be so crude?! Even at a dinner table?!"

Madam Tabitha turned and glared at the young Demoness, while Lady Hathor frowned, her unique eyes flashing with power for a moment.

"Should we settle this with a fight then, Satanya? 'Cause if you keep saying things like that, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from hitting you... and if you try to touch me again, I'll break you."

The hall was silent once more, though I could tell that - despite me clearly threatening someone who was important to these clans - everyone was leaning forwards in their seats, excitement filling the air.

Even Ammit had a giddy smile as she looked between Satanya and I, the air headed woman staring at us with excitement and a giggle as she watched Satanya stand up, the Demoness grinning at me with a malicious gleam in her eye.

"Oh~? You think you could hit me, brat?! Break me?! Let's see if you can... or if you'll be sent crying back to your Mother's tit!"

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