Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 400

Chapter 400: Murder Weapon in the Mortal World!

Chapter 400: Murder Weapon in the Mortal World!

When they saw Meng Chao and the heavy metal murder weapon in the mortal world, everyone sucked in sharp breaths.

“Th-That Type 45 AA machine gun’s liquid absorber is damaged,” someone stuttered.

Usually, a muzzle with a diameter of 20mm was the dividing line between anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns.

Guns with muzzles of more than 20mm in diameter were already artillery guns.

This anti-aircraft machine gun had a diameter of 19.5mm and was a gun with the strongest power developed over the course of the past half a century by the Red Dragon Army. Not only could it be used against targets in the air, even if it was used to shoot in a straight, horizontal line, it could still reduce heavy-armored monsters into shreds, which was something the army often did.

However, the price for this terrifying muzzle and fierce attack power were high recoil and vibration.

To reduce the recoil as much as possible and ensure the gun’s precision and the shooter’s ability to control it, this murder weapon was installed with the newest liquid absorber.

Its dynamic emplacement, including its action, was entirely enveloped by oil polymers extracted from monsters.

This unique oil-based buffer was not just like thousands of fine springs that could maximize the reduction of vibrations and recoil when it was fired, it even had a certain cooling effect that could extend the lifespan of the gun barrel.

The Type 44 AA machine gun in the armory had lost all of its oil-based buffer because of a flaw in the gun.

With its buffer gone, this fierce murder weapon would not just lose its precision in shooting, but neither normal soldiers nor low-grade superhumans could use it.

If it were used at full strength, in at most five seconds, the muzzle would blast upwards or the recoil would shred the user’s organs and he would cough up blood.

That was why it was placed in the maintenance room. It was waiting for its parts to be changed and a new oil-based buffer to be added to it.

The survivors had long since noticed the weapon, but no one could use it.

If the muzzle was really blasted upward, it would be a minor thing if it did not hit the monsters. The problem lay in that the bullets would hit the wall and ricochet off it all over the armory. It was highly likely that in just a few seconds, they would kill all the survivors.

“M-Meng Chao...” one of the men stuttered to remind him of the might of the Type 45 AA machine gun.

But Meng Chao had already opened the carbon fiber reinforced polymer tripod and placed it on the floor.

His eyes, shoulders, arms, and palms shone with a faint metallic hue. In an instant, the lights intersected with each other to form beautiful spirit tattoos, and as if they gained life, they stretched to the Type 45 AA machine gun. They covered the murder weapon and fused the metal monster and Meng Chao’s physical body together.

The Frankenstein monster outside was now less than five meters away from them.

The survivors could even smell the stench from its acid and poison.

And it could also smell the fresh scent of human flesh. The eight deformed mouthpieces on its body opened at the same time, and they were like eight eager mouths waiting to be fed.

“I know.” Meng Chao grinned at the Frankenstein monster.

Before his voice faded away, he had already pulled the trigger.

As deafening metallic roars rang through the air, the survivors’ vision turned black. It was as if the world had been robbed of all color. Only the Type 45 AA machine gun’s muzzle and the sparks from the gun that were gushing out beautifully like a volcano eruption were left.

Two lines of fire that were like fire dragons extending their claws shot through the gap that was around one meter wide. In an instant, hundreds of shots were fired. Not a single bullet was left. All of them went into the Frankenstein monster.

The term “undead” for undead creatures only applied for cold weapons, pistols, and semi-automatic rifles.

In the face of the Type 45 AA machine gun that could blast open a light armored vehicle from a distance of 1,000m, even the demons of hell would have to tremble. The undead would then have to die without a grave!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Amid the crazed shots, the Frankenstein monster was swiftly reduced to bits. The countless undead, zombies, and monsters behind it were also shot full of holes. The hot bullets reduced them to shreds, burned them, evaporated them, and turned them to dust.

In just slightly over ten seconds, the entire corridor was covered in blood and corpses. There was no longer a single living being in sight.

Meng Chao spread his arms wide. As he fired each bullet, his branch meridians had to guide his muscle fibers and make micro adjustments to the gun’s direction and his own posture to make sure that the bullet trajectory would remain stable and accurate. He swept through the bodies in the corridor three times like a farmer ploughing land before he finally stopped in satisfaction.

He flung the dense beads of blood that had seeped out of the pores on his arms before he exhaled. With a refreshed look, he looked at his “work of art”.

After a moment, he turned his head around. Then, he frowned. “Why are you still here?”


The crowd really wanted to say “If we have a ruthless person like you who can treat his own arms as a meat buffer and kill all of the undead, zombies, and monsters, is there even a need for us to leave?” josei

“We have limited ammunition, and the gun will get damaged really quickly. The monsters won’t keep charging at us head-on like idiots either,” Meng Chao explained. “Big Sis Ya, seize the moment and take everyone out of this place!”

He exercised his arms, which were now numb and suffering from hyperemia. He then sucked in a deep breath and sensed the sharp pain in his chest.

He felt that he could smoothly fire the gun three or five more times without trouble.

The problem was the bullets.

The Type 45 AA machine gun was good at everything except that it wasted bullets at a terrifying speed.

In just slightly over ten seconds, he had finished the entire ammunition belt.

He only had two magazines left.

Besides, while he was able to handle the howling recoil from this undead grinder, it did not mean that the gun components in the gun itself could last that long without an oil-based buffer and cooling liquid.

More undead were rushing over while stepping over the sea of corpses. Meng Chao estimated that he could only last for at most half a minute.

The survivors snapped out of their daze and also noticed the problem of the lack of ammunition.

Under Lu Siya’s lead, they opened up the ammunition transportation channel from the armory to the anti-aircraft base on the roof. Then, they climbed up one by one.

The Type 45 AA machine gun was supposed to be a gun that required a two-man shooting pair so that one could change the ammunition belt and magazine while the other fired the gun.

But Meng Chao managed to complete the entire process with familiar motions.

When the second wave of undead arrived around eight meters away from the armory, the murder weapon howled again.

There was no monster that could not be killed by a magazine full of 19.5 mm tungsten shells which were thicker than drumsticks.

If there was, then Meng Chao would just empty another magazine on it.


Meng Chao ignored the feeling of his arms being torn and his blood flowing down along the lines of his spirit tattoos. He also ignored the feeling of his heart feeling as if it was being beaten repeatedly by a warhammer.

He just controlled the Type 45 AA machine gun with a steady hand and locked down the entire corridor.

Not a single undead was able to last for more than three seconds while he roared and fired the machine gun.

When Meng Chao reached the last magazine, he tilted his shooting angle slightly and started firing madly at the floor.

Just like most of the buildings in Dragon City, the floors between Noble Descent Hotel were all made of reinforced concrete that was nearly one meter thick.

But even if it was twice as sturdy as it was now, it could not stand being tormented by the Type 45 AA machine gun.

The ceiling, walls, and floor were also incredibly brittle because of Meng Chao firing at them earlier.

Now, he dealt another heavy blow, and they were finally unable to last. Soon, they were full of holes, and the entire corridor collapsed.

Countless undead had just rushed out when they fell down a floor. Then, they were hit by the reinforced concrete Meng Chao sent down in his frenzy. In an instant, insect juices flew everywhere while they screeched.

At that moment, the last survivor had already climbed into the channel that went up.

Meng Chao fired his last bullet.

He caressed the burning barrel, as if he could not bear to part with it. Then, he climbed into the channel as well and did everything he could to climb up.

After he took a few steps up, undead rushed into the armory.

When they noticed that the humans were fleeing upward, they jumped up eagerly and tried to climb into the channel.

But the channel was really narrow, and at most, it could only accommodate two living beings in it at a time.

Meng Chao was above them, but he only needed to face one or two undead at a time.

As long as he was careful not to be bound by the red threads from the Blood Flower, he could handle them easily.

The survivors had all fled to the roof by then.

Meng Chao kicked hard and forced one undead back into the armory before he jumped and reached the roof as well.

The moment he appeared, Lu Siya tossed a crystal bomb bundle in his direction.

Meng Chao grabbed it in the air and threw it into the channel while he dived for the floor.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The crystal bombs landed in the armory, and the chain explosions tore most of the undead into shreds. They turned into colorful flames that gushed out of the channel.

The threat beneath them was temporarily gone.

Meng Chao looked around and noticed that there were hundreds of survivors gathered on the roof.

Most of them had the emblem “transmigration technology conference” on their chests. He also saw some familiar Blue Home members, along with Noble Descent Hotel staff members.

While the monsters wreaked havoc underneath, the roof became their only shelter.

“Why didn’t you jump down?” Meng Chao could not help but ask with a frown. He knew that the monsters and undead would not need a lot of time to rush to the roof.

The bottom floors of Noble Descent Hotel were swallowed by the underground cave. This meant that the height difference between the roof and ground had been reduced. The height of just a few floors was something that could be easily handled by not just superhumans, but also normal people, as long as they were young, strong, and worked hard to train themselves.

“There are monsters everywhere.”

Lu Siya pointed at the edge of the roof.

Countless monsters were on the outer walls of Noble Descent Hotel and were climbing up to reach the roof.

Even though the weapons in the anti-aircraft bases positioned at the four corners of the roof could be lowered and fired at a horizontal line, the field of fire could not cover the entire roof. There were also too many monsters, so even if one monster was reduced to shreds, more monsters would surge up.

Besides, the smoke, dust, and poisonous fog released by dead monsters would gush upwards. The roof would become a disaster area. Not only would it affect everyone’s line of sight, it would also cause the survivors to have difficulty breathing. It would be difficult for them to fight this way.

They had been fighting just now, so the ammunition was spent very quickly, and multiple Type 45 AA machine guns had jammed.

Yet more monsters climbed up to the roof and formed squirming walls that surrounded the survivors.

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