Omega Summoner

Chapter 1497 The Hunt For The Snake’s Descendant III

Chapter 1497 The Hunt For The Snake’s Descendant III

"What do we have here? I was only going to get my feeds, but it seems that I also caught an interesting fish as well." The woman stated as she released an eerie aura that can make anyone puke.

Adrian's senses are screaming at him that the person on front of him is at the very peak of danger level. Even Sirius' senses are telling him to escape because the woman in front of him is not someone that they can defeat with just the two of them.

"A demigod." Adrian muttered as he prepared everything he needed to escape.

Adrian knew that he needed to get out of this area as the demigod woman said that these dead bodies are her feeds. This means that everything in this place is under her control. The stench and the fact that the dead bodies are not rotting means that she is keeping everything 'fresh'.

"Sirius!" Adrian stated as he immediately casted space mines directly at the demigod's woman face.

The explosion happened and the whole area is suddenly flooded with shadows. Adrian teleported outside of the house, but he is shocked to see that the demigod woman suddenly matching his escape speed. Adrian could only reflexively summon an armament and he chose a sword.

Adrian took out the sword armament and immediately aimed at the demigod woman's neck, but she was able to easily evade. Adrian used his immense strength to change the direction of the blade to hit the body of the woman instead, but the woman's arm suddenly turned into a flesh sword. The flesh sword deflected Adrian's sword, but it made him use that force to be pushed further away.

"Oh my! You excite me very much. As expected of the Champion of the Twin Gods!" The demigod woman stated as she licked the flesh blade.

"It seems that you know about me, but I do not know anything about you." Adrian stated as he was still looking for ways to get out, but the demigod woman has the whole area surrounded by her aura.

"Since I want to take my time and savor this moment, I will tell you, my name. It would be a shame for you to not know the person that will slice that pretty face of yours. I am the Witch of Flesh and Carnage, Edora." The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora stated as she felt a warm sensation in her body.

"I see. No wonder the whole village felt something like a place isolated under one being. Your real body is not that meat sack that is flying right now but a part of an avatar." Adrian stated as he could see a very invisible string that connects the flying body and the village below.

"As expected of a being that can see souls of the living and the dead! I shall take my time and get those for myself. Such beautiful eyes that even sparkle in different colors is what I want. It excites me so much that I want to eat you up right now!" The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora stated with great excitement.

"If you want a fight that badly then I shall oblige as well. Summon: Charon and Kanlaon!" Adrian stated as he summoned Charon and Kanlaon to fight along him with Sirius. 

"Having more meat will not change your destiny! I shall have your flesh inside of my belly!" The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora stated as she charged towards Adrian.

"Galactic Titan!" Adrian shouted as a powerful shockwave is released from his body that knocked back the Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora.action

[You have changed into the Galactic Titan.]

[All stats will be increased for the duration of the transformation.]

[Your size will increase.]

[If you drop towards 50% health then the Galactic Titan form will be undone and release the skill Galactic Burst.]

[Galactic Burst will deal 1000% of the user's total damage in the area around them.]

Adrian's form has changed into a more gigantic, armored version of him. He fashioned armor that is almost the same as what the God Abaddon wears but his is sleeker and smoother in design. The armor is not riddled with intricate details but his helm fist perfectly to his horns that protrude upwards.

Adrian looked like a demonic knight that came from the cosmos as the blade of his sword looked like it contained a galaxy inside of it. His dark flaming horns also added to his menacing look that made him look like a boss monster.

The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora saw the sudden change in Adrian's form, but she did not care because she was still more powerful than him. She is even glad that the prey that she has is now bigger than before. She relishes the idea that she will have more flesh to gather as she looks at Adrian like a meal.

The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora looks at Adrian as a meal because she refines the flesh and blood of beings. One could even say that she is related to one of the Followers of the Dark Gods called Porom. Porom, the Flesh Mage, is actually the student of the Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora.

"I thought your magic looked familiar. You are like that loser Flesh Mage Porom that cannot even handle my dragon by himself." Adrian stated in a condescending tone, and it actually affected the Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora mentally.

"That student of mine has yet to master refining an entire village like I did. Once he does so then even you will not be able to stop him. As a good master, I will share some of your flesh with him as revenge!" The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora stated as she transformed all of her fingers into flesh sickle blades that launched towards Adrian.

"Primordial Energy Wave!" Adrian stated as he spun his sword around and released a powerful burst of energy that deflected all of the flesh sickles that the Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora launched.

"Cute!" The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora stated as she laughed.

She created more sickle blades, but she now used bones on her ribs. The sickle blades came out from her back numbered in the hundreds which is why Adrian told his soulbounds to move as well. Sirius came charging towards her and is about to use his fangs and claws to cleave her, but the body of the Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora is not even alive per se.

The upper and lower half of the body of the Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora is split into two, but she was not dead. The flesh sickles still launched itself towards Adrian at even more vigor. Charon manifested behind Adrian and the sounds of chains echoed in the area as its chains met with the flesh sickles.

"Still does not change anything for your situation!" The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora stated as her whole body exploded into unknown pieces of flesh.

The thousand pieces of flesh suddenly grew blades of different lengths and sizes as they surrounded Adrian. All one thousand flesh blades launched itself towards Adrian at the speed of light that even he will be unable to perfectly dodge.

"Twin Star Form." Adrian muttered as his form immediately changed and his great sword split into two.

[You have increased speed in Twin Star Form.]

Adrian immediately released two different Primordial Energy Waves to deflect the flesh blades while he actively deflected those that the energy waves did not hit. Adrian thought that his struggles will end as long as he deflects all the blades, but the deflected blades suddenly stopped from falling. All blades that were suspended in the air launched themselves again towards Adrian.

"Kanlaon! Burn the village to the ground!" Adrian commanded but he was not the only one being pestered by the flesh blades.

Kanlaon was also being targeted by the flesh blades along with Sirius, but he knew that his master's command came first. Kanlaon flew higher in the skies as he gathered his breath attack while Charon and Sirius defended him from the flesh blades. The flesh blades that were mostly on Adrian suddenly froze as if they became afraid of something.

About half of the flesh blades redirected towards Kanlaon but he already released his dragon breath towards the village. A wall of pink matter suddenly covered the entire village before the Genesis Dragon Breath even hit. The village was left untouched, but the enraged shrill voice of a woman echoed in the whole area as a powerful wave of energy came from the village.

"I thought you were only cute before, but it seems that you really are a pest just like what my student says!" The Witch of Flesh and Carnage Edora shouted as a half humanoid body grew from the flesh dome that covered the village.

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