Online In Another World

Chapter 364 Never Looking Back

Chapter 364 Never Looking Back

The King of Spades' eyes moved over to where the platinum-haired spirit was, across the chamber as he pointed his halberd to her, "I will deal with you first, little witch."

Hextrice didn't shy away from the threat, unfolding her arms that were crossed over her chest as astral flowers bloomed around her, "Hollow threats are just that–hollow. Come, then–I will dismantle you and send you to a place further than death."

Though just as the King of Spades took a single step, the guardian's instincts kicked in just as the dormant lines of water suddenly activated, whipping around and forcing the halberd-wielding royal to dodge, yet the whips of aqua did not attack him.

"What're you planning…?" The King of Spades questioned.

It was just then that the guardian noticed what the tendrils of liquid were targeting: the pillars surrounding the spot where the royal stood.

"You–!" The King of Spades realized.

"Heh," Emilio quietly let out while still pinned by gravity.

The roof above crumbled as the pillars collapsed, causing a rainfall of heavy debris, forcing the King of Spades to protect himself with a word: "Shield!"

Though the overwhelming gravity relinquished its hold on the Dragonheart, the debris came close to crushing him as he began to pick himself up. Before any such objects could fall upon him, a chain grabbed his ankle and forcibly flung him back towards the other end of the chamber.

​ It was certainly not a soft landing this time as he slid across the marble, landing beside the proud spirit.

"Thanks for the save–though I would appreciate a bit more of a gentle landing next time," he said, picking himself up.

"Hmph, cover your own landing," Hextrice said.

"Well…I'm going to get crazy, so stay back," he warned, wiping the sweat from his chin before allowing the draconic helm to reform itself.

Hextrice was silent for a moment before responding, "Worry about yourself."

It was clear the debris was only a way to bide time as the collapse of the roof ended, leaving the King of Spades untouched, though noticeably perturbed by the further destruction of his own keep.

"Such barbarism," the King of Spades remarked.

"There's more where that came from."

As Emilio responded, he summoned the massive reservoirs of heat within the depths of his being, pulling out bountiful reserves of fire as the temperature in the room amplified greatly. A colossal spiral of azure flames birthed itself around him, weaving through the air and penetrating the ceiling above.

"The heat doesn't bother you?" Emilio asked the spirit beside him.

Hextrice folded her arms over her chest, "I am an astral spirit; such concepts do not apply to me. As I said–worry about yourself."

"Yeah, yeah, I hear ya!" He called out, expanding the azure flames further as fireballs began to scatter around the room in a completely chaotic fashion.

The King of Spades began sweating from the rise in temperature, "Thoughtless attacks will only fall to my authority–Extinguish!"

Though the order of "Extinguish" boomed from the lips of the powerful entity, only a few of the flung fireballs that poured from the cyclone of fire were put out, leaving the majority of the roaring flames still swaying.

"What?" The King of Spades squinted at the futility of his command.

Emilio smirked, "You're not some sort of "God", so there are bound to be a few weaknesses to that power of yours–one of them being the limit of its reach. I realized it when your words could be stopped from directly affecting my body if I didn't hear them…They aren't omnipotent; there are limits. So, when I just pour out all of this fire…You can't handle all of it, can you?!"

That draconic pride flowing throughout the heated blood of the Dragonheart showed itself as he spread his bright-blue flames through the chamber, sending endless, dozens of fireballs outward that continued inflicting inferno to every corner of the castle.

Hextrice remained there, untouched by her Master's heat, "It took you long enough to realize. You get a passing grade."

The King of Spades did not back down, stomping down, "It's by the will of the Primordials that I cannot allow you to pass, Emilio Dragonheart! That has not changed! It will not change!...Be crushed!"

Just before the commanding word left the figure's lips, Emilio increased the ferocity of the far-reaching fire, causing it to roar out and crackle loud enough to completely block the sound of his enemy's words.

"Sometimes, all you need is overwhelming power to win…Yeah, you told me to drop my "paltry tricks" and "deceptions", right, Mr. King? Well, here you go!" Emilio shouted.

It was an attack that paved the way towards his escape from the realm beyond life, creating a grand torrent of flames that completely encompassed the width of the royal chamber and swallowed it in a spiraling, azure blaze.

"Ngh…! Shield!" The King of Spades' first instinct was to protect himself from the heat.

"Find out what fate lies beyond death and get the hell out of my way!" Emilio yelled.

[Dragonheart: Blazing Torrent of Tomorrow]

The rotational force was akin to being trapped within an ungodly storm, amplified by the unmatched heat of the draconic flames as they tore through the King of Spades' protective barrier.

"I can't…fail! No…! No!" The King of Spades howled in agony.

As the fire reached the man's bleached skin, it was burnt away, turning him to a fine crisp before his physical form was entirely dismantled by the ruthless torrent of heat, reducing him to nothing but ash within moments.

Allowing the ultimate attack to calm down, Emilio breathed out, relinquishing his Dragonheart armor, "...It's done."

"If you're finished, I'll take my leave now," Hextrice said.

"Yeah. Thanks a bunch for the help," he said thankfully.

Hextrice looked at him for a moment before disappearing back to the Astral Realm with one, last "Hmph".

Left without any obstacles, Emilio turned around, standing in the desecrated, burnt chamber as his eyes laid upon the large, circular gate forged of steel that shifted color from moment-to-moment; altering from an aquatic blue, to a blood red, and even to a toxic green.

'The Quandary Gate–I made it,' he thought.

Though he reached his destination, he waited by the gates, sitting on the empty throne as his companions returned one-by-one.

"...Phew…" Joel sighed.

Walking with his arm slung around Asher's shoulder, Joel entered the chamber, reuniting with Emilio along with Vandread and Blimpo, who made it back through the whole in the side of the room.

"You all made it," Emilio said with a smile.

"Somehow or another," Vandread responded.

It was a quiet moment between all of them as the goal of the journey had been reached; the sublime, mystical gate sat there, closed only by a single, circular handle that kept it shut.

"This is it, huh?" Joel said, "You can return to Arcadius now…You'll be gone."

"It's not like we'll never see each other again. Someday, hopefully not soon, I'll bite the dust," Emilio said.

"That's not the type of reassurance you think it is," Joel raised an eyebrow.

Blimpo stepped forward, "I had an idea, 'Milio. On how we can all stay in contact…in some way, anyhow."


The idea explained by the elf was one that made sense: a contract between Emilio and Blimpo, one similar to a binding agreement with a spirit. A seal that resembled a simple, smiling face was inscribed on the metallic hand of the Dragonheart, made to act as the conduit for the contract.

"Through this seal, I can send ya the stuff I make. Ya can send stuff back, too," Blimpo explained.

"That's pretty awesome, actually," Joel watched.

Emilio looked at the seal in awe, nodding, "So, like we can exchange letters?"

"Mhm!" Blimpo nodded.

Joel seemed excited, "You better tell me how Melisande is doing! I want updates–once a month!"

"Sure, sure," Emilio chuckled.

Unfortunately, there was little time for chit-chat as Emilio could feel the state of his partial soul slipping away, forcing him to have to leave sooner than he planned, begrudgingly calling his time with his lost companions to an end.

"This is it," Emilio said, "I'll be going now. Thank you–all of you. Really. I wouldn't have made it without your help."

"This isn't goodbye, ya hear?" Blimpo said.

"Yeah! Don't you dare forget to write to us!" Joel said.

Asher stepped closer, patting his shoulder as he issued guiding words, "When you get the chance, find a man named "Excelsor" in my homeland–Ennage. He'll have answers for you, like he did for me, I'm sure."

"Huh? Okay," Emilio nodded.


There wasn't much else Asher had to say to him, but not much needed to be spoken as Asher was a quiet soul, but he felt a kindred bond with the man.

Vandread approached him before he opened the Quandary Gate, looking at him before bringing him into a surprising embrace.

For a moment, Emilio didn't know how to respond before returning the hug, wrapping his arms around the man who stood as his mentor for important moments in his life.

"I'm proud of who you've grown into in the short time I've known you, Emilio. You're strong–that much is undeniable. Julius raised a good kid, and will be proud of the man that returns to him," Vandread said, "I will never regret saving your life that day, Emilio. Remember that."

"Thank you. I will," Emilio nodded, fighting the tears.

With that, it was time to enter the mystical gateway as he waved to the others, finding himself saddened yet fulfilled by the precious time he got to spend with them again.

"Bye-bye!" Blimpo waved.

"I better not see you pop up back here for another fifty years, at least! Or Melisande!" Joel waved as well.

"Be safe," Asher said.

"Don't make your parents worry too much," Vandread said.

Emilio nodded, "Goodbye, for now."

Grasping the handle, he turned it, opening the ominous gateway as what was revealed beyond it was a portal filled with a humming light that swayed, swirling with silhouettes of concepts unknown.

'Here goes–I'm taking back my life and returning to Arcadius,' he resolved.

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