Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 319

Chapter 319: The Beautiful Sisters of the Qin Family

“You must go,” I ordered. “Although this business has nothing to do with the Zhang family, it does with you.”

The gold-toothed man was frightened. “C-Can I not go?”

I shook my head. “No, you must.”

The gold-toothed man looked as if he would cry in the next second. “Young Master, please stop kidding. I don’t have time, and I have a family. I have to take care of my old parents and children…”

Li Mazi said nothing and grabbed the gold-toothed man, dragging him forward. “Behave. If you don’t, we will cook you with fried meat and bamboo shoots.”

The gold-toothed man was mad, but he couldn’t do anything else. When we got in the car, he kept his head turned to one side and didn’t look at us. Li Mazi was puzzled and asked me, “Why do we need to drag Gold-toothed with us?”

“I have a plan. When the time comes, he might save us.” I smiled.

Li Mazi was more bewildered. He scanned the gold-toothed man from head to toe.

“This dude is such a coward, and he doesn’t look competent at all. How could he save us? Oh, is the plan to let him die in our stead?”

When the gold-toothed man heard this, his face turned tense. He gazed at me.

I shook my head. “Of course not. You guys have to be smart when the time comes. I think there’s a problem with Mr. Qin.”

The other two were perplexed. “What kind of problem?”

I just smiled mysteriously. “There’s no need to ask. You’ll know shortly.”

They looked pensive but gave me a nod.

Soon after, we arrived at the Qin family’s house. It was a massive European-style manor with gardens, swimming pools, gyms, and other facilities. It was hard not to notice the western-style building in the middle. I could only imagine how lavish this family’s living standard was!

The gold-toothed man’s servile sickness resurfaced. He began to praise how luxurious and high-end this place was and that only the people like Mr. Qin could live in this place.

Although Mr. Qin ignored the gold-toothed man, it didn’t affect the number of flattering comments he made. I felt somewhat ashamed.

After we entered the manor, an old man wearing a black tuxedo approached us. Mr. Qin referred to him as his housekeeper.

The first thing the housekeeper did was report Qin Minghao’s situation to Mr. Qin. Qin Minghao had woken up only once today. He ate something, then returned to sleep.

Mr. Qin asked indifferently, “Did Qin Minghao hurt himself again?”

The housekeeper answered, “No, he did not. We have him tied tightly.”

Mr. Qin nodded. “That’s good, then.”

The housekeeper was surprised when he saw Li Mazi and I. “Sir, who are they?”

The gold-toothed man came closer and said, “Uncle Lin, let me introduce them to you. They are two formidable otherworldly merchants. They are top experts, even for the Zhang family’s standard.”

The housekeeper gave us a sheepish smile. Apparently, he didn’t buy it. He didn’t even greet us.

The old man clearly disdained us!

At the same time, I disliked the gold-toothed man even more. This time, he didn’t introduce us as members of the Zhang family. He just made a comparison and put some distance between the Zhang family and us.

The gold-toothed man was really cunning. It seemed we had to be very careful when we worked with him later.

Housekeeper Lin didn’t look at the gold-toothed man. He continued his report. “Today, the Oldest Young Lady and the Second Young Lady were taking care of him. The Second Lady is really filial. She cried a lot and I couldn’t comfort her.”

“I understand,” said Mr. Qin. “I’ll comfort her.”

We then reached the house. The bright and sparkling decorations in the corridor almost blinded me. Although I had seen some rich people’s houses on TV, when we finally stepped into one, I felt shocked by how lavish the place was.

Inside the luxurious building were two gorgeously dressed girls, who added depth to the lavish interior. The girls looked like they were in their twenties. They let their hair down and looked as beautiful as flowers. Their auras were noble, and they looked like typical ladies from a rich, noble family.

One of them gave me a deeper impression. She wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses. Her face was small but round, and her eyes were big. When we entered the living room, we saw her crying. I guessed she was the Second Young Lady.

The other girl was very different from her. She looked mature with hints of being a ‘bad girl’ and had an ample bosom. Her head was lowered, and she played with her phone the entire time. She didn’t look at us when we entered the room.

Mr. Qin faked a cough. The Oldest Young Lady reacted. She lifted her head to look at us. Then, she took her sister and came toward us.

She walked directly to Mr. Qin and acted as if she didn’t see us.

“Second Uncle, you’re finally home. I’ve been waiting here all day. It was so boring.”

Mr. Qin frowned. Given her position and what she had just said, Mr. Qin felt embarrassed. No matter what, the person they were taking care of was their father.

But Mr. Qin didn’t comment on it. He nodded silently then turned to me. “Let me introduce you. These are my brother’s daughters. She’s the eldest, Qin Tiantian. This is his second daughter, Qin Sisi.”

Qin Tiantian looked at us and gave us a short ‘Hello’ as a greeting.

Qin Sisi looked at us and pleaded, “You two are otherworldly merchants, right? Please save my father. He’s not doing well!”

Qin Tiantian, on the other hand, sounded arrogant. “They don’t look much older than me. Have you ever dealt with any otherworldly item before?”

Li Mazi was enraged. I thought that if there were no guards in this room, he would have slapped the girl already.

The girl mocked us for being young and not having experience in dealing with otherworldly items, which made me furious as well. I decided to ignore her.

It was the most frustrated I had felt during my career as an otherworldly merchant!

But the Second Lady, Qin Sisi, did not give me a bad impression. That was why I decided to make Qin Tiantian jealous.josei

I smiled at Qin Sisi and said, “Don’t worry. I’ll do my best.”

Qin Sisi nodded.

Li Mazi understood what I meant. His silver-tongue entered into action. “I had heard that the Second Young Lady of the Qin family was beautiful and that she’s really, really kind-hearted. She’s the most noble lady in Anhui. Now that we have finally met, I can say that it’s most definitely true.”

Li Mazi praised Qin Sisi nonstop, which made the girl feel embarrassed.

Qin Tiantian was so angry that she started fuming. As we had praised only Qin Sisi, she became jealous. She gritted her teeth and eventually fumed at Li Mazi, “Are you here to work or to flirt? I’m telling you, don’t even think about picking up my younger sister! We’re a rich, noble family. If we didn’t need your help, you guys would have never had the chance to set your foot into such a lavish villa! You better have some self-knowledge.”

Li Mazi immediately sniggered. “Oh, I’m sorry! Please forgive me. It’s just that when I saw the Second Young Lady’s beauty, my heart started racing, and I couldn’t refrain myself from giving her nice compliments.”

He had successfully angered Qin Tiantian, making her jump in rage.

This war ended with us being victorious.

I thought to myself, Poor little girl, you’re just a little goblin while Li Mazi is a great demon. You have no chance against him!

Mr. Qin seemed to sense the tense atmosphere. “That’s enough. Mr. Zhang, I’m taking you to see my brother.”

Qin Sisi blurted, “Right, right. We should see my father first. That’s more important.”

Then, she walked in front of us to show us the way to the room.

Qin Tiantian shot us a hostile look. She ignored us and continued playing with her phone.

I also ignored her and followed the others to the room.

Several security guards stood in front of the room. They all wore sunglasses and held walkie-talkies. One of them opened the door for us and said that Qin Minghao was sleeping. Then, he reported Qin Minghao’s situation to Mr. Qin.

Mr. Qin nodded to him, then took us into the room.

The room was quite clean. However, there was a big hole in the middle with a lot of mud and dirt around it. It didn’t match the otherwise lavishly decorated room. A filthy, unshaved man sat on a leather couch. He was tied with several ropes.

I frowned. “Qin Minghao isn’t dangerous now. Why did you tie him?”

Mr. Qin explained, “We don’t know when my brother’s sickness will resurface again. If we tie him, at least, he won’t be able to hurt others or himself.”

Qin Sisi agreed. “It’s true, greatmaster. When my father gets sick, he’s super strong. Four or five strong men can’t hold him down.”

I looked pensive and gave a nod. “Mr. Qin, is this the pit where he got the long sword?”

Mr. Qin nodded.

I immediately jumped into the pit and looked around. The edges of the pit weren’t even, and I could see bloodstains on the cement.

I walked to Qin Minghao and lifted his hands to observe them. I couldn’t help but take in a deep breath. “He dug this pit with his bare hands?”

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