Otherworldly Merchant

Chapter 330

Chapter 330: The Villain Showing Up

Seeing the scene, I hurried to retreat. 

However, the seven fiends had already seen us. Their incomplete bodies looked very scary, and their wounds reeked of the smell of blood.

When I turned to check on the others, I saw that they were also petrified.

“Sure enough, this aura is really familiar,” sniggered one of the fiends. 

“Do you guys think so too?” 

“I remember! He’s the one that sealed us!” 

“Even if it’s not him, it’s his relative!” 

“Haha, it’s time to take revenge. It’s been dozens of years, and we’ve all been waiting for this day, haven’t we?” 

“Let’s kill him! We must make him suffer everything we’ve suffered a thousand times more!”

My heart shivered as I didn’t expect that things would turn out like this. We were in big trouble this time. If even my grandfather was afraid of them, how could I possibly fight them?

“You guys should go first,” I muttered. “They are targeting me. They won’t trouble the rest of you.” 

Li Mazi said with a heavy tone, “We will advance and retreat together. I’m not leaving. Gold-toothed, take Miss Qin with you and run!” 

Gold-toothed said, “Miss Qin, come with me. You must believe in him. He can solve this.”

However, Qin Sisi gritted her teeth and said, “No, he’s in this situation because of my family. I can’t just run away. The more people there are, the more hands that can help.”

I was a little touched as I didn’t expect Qin Sisi to be this righteous. My impression of her had changed again. 

However, right now wasn’t the time to play the hero. We were nothing but cannon fodder, so it didn’t matter how many of us there were.

“Miss Qin, you should go. I don’t want you to make a meaningless sacrifice.”

Qin Sisi was very stubborn. No matter how hard I tried to talk her out of it, she didn’t want to leave. 

Gold-toothed also tried to change Qin Sisi’s mind, but it was useless. 

In the end, he cursed, “Screw it. I’m not going, either. Although I want to keep my life, I still have my principles. If I leave now, people will curse me for being an ungrateful little bastard.”

Gold-toothed’s performance went beyond my expectations. I smiled at him. “Gold-toothed, you’re nobler than I thought.” 

Gold-toothed shrugged and looked at me. “It’s not like I have a choice.”

I laughed and said to the group, “Stay here and try to buy time. I’ll find a solution to deal with the seven fiends.”

Then, I hurried to the window while the three of them proactively formed a wall behind me. 

The moment I turned around, I saw the seven fiends plunge toward us. The three behind me didn’t hesitate and immediately threw the soybeans they had prepared toward the seven fiends.

I heard popping noises and saw a flash. With the howling and roaring of the ghosts, the luxurious building had turned into a haunted house.

I opened the window, craned my neck outside, and roared, “Seven Fiend Soul Locking Formation, ACTIVATE!” 

After my roar, I saw a small tornado rising from the place where that expert was drawing in the morning. A discernible blue light also flashed. It encircled around the tornado.  

I was really happy as my theory was proven correct. That expert hadn’t activated his own formation because he was still unsure if I was setting up the Seven Fiend Soul Locking Formation. 

However, after hearing my roar and seeing the paranormal activities in the house, he was convinced. I guessed he didn’t know what would happen once the Seven Fiend Soul Locking Formation was activated, which made him think that the seven fiends wreaking havoc were part of the activation process!

After the other person activated his formation, the tornado with blue flashes turned into hundreds of waves of air that rushed toward the manor, hitting the seven fiends.

The waves of air were fast, and they were so strong that they smashed all the windows. It seemed the waves of air didn’t only affect the souls but tangible bodies as well. 

I realized that the expert didn’t only want to break my Seven Fiend Soul Locking Formation. He wanted to kill us all.

I jerked back and shielded Qin Sisi under my body. Then I thundered, “Guys, get down!”

Having worked together in numerous cases, Li Mazi and I understood each other very well. As soon as I screamed, he knew what I meant. As for Gold-toothed, this fellow valued his life more than anything. As soon as I shouted, he laid on his stomach even faster than Li Mazi.

The moment we laid down, I felt a strong blast of air above my head, which made my scalp go numb.

The seven fiends were swallowed up by the waves of air, and they tried their best not to be dragged away. Their already mutilated bodies were damaged even further in the process.  

In the end, they couldn’t endure it anymore. The formidable air current dragged them away, making them fall to the ground.

Before they could catch their breaths, another wave of energy from the magic formations swept over, aiming at the seven fiends again. The seven fiends were sent flying further away.

I took a deep breath. This formation was really powerful. It had struck the seven fiends and gave them no time to counterattack. Just how strong was our opponent?! To him, killing us would be as easy as flipping his hand.

After the attack, the seven fiends became a little translucent, just as if they would evaporate in the next second. 

I heard one of the seven fiends roar angrily, “Who did that?” 

“Who cares. Kill him first.” 

The seven fiends were enraged. After just a moment, they turned and lunged toward the magic formation.

I exhaled in relief. Our plan was finally going on the right track. The seven fiends were now going to fight the expert behind all of this. We just had to wait. 

I strongly believed that my opponent and the seven fiends would strike each other furiously and that both sides would suffer. When that time came, we would just need to deliver the final blow and defeat them. josei

A voice arose from the formation. “H-How is this possible? The Seven Find Soul Locking Formation... Shoot, we fell into a trap!” 

Right after that, I saw a group of security guys running wildly outside the manor. It seemed the helpers were trying to run away. However, the seven fiends were enraged, and they quickly entered a security guard’s body. 

The running guard halted instantly. He turned his stiff neck and gazed evilly at a short man sitting outside the fence of the manor. 

This man was wearing a black Daoist priest robe with an embroidered tiger on it. He stood arrogantly as he faced the enemy. 

“Hmph, you ghosts dare to wreak havoc in front of me?!” He snorted. “Do you think I can’t shred your soul to pieces?” 

The guard that the seven fiends possessed replied through gritted teeth, “With your little skills? Come and taste our power!”

Then, he stormed toward Shorty.

Shorty wasn’t afraid. He used a set of footwork and started chanting. He controlled the formation to deal with the seven fiends.

I observed quietly. “It seems we have to go there and help them…” 

Gold-toothed cussed, “What?! That shorty wanted to kill us. He deserves to die.” 

I shook my head. “I mean we have to help the seven fiends.”

Then, I ran downstairs.

Shorty had arranged a very powerful formation, and I was afraid that the seven fiends wouldn’t be able to bear the attacks from his formation. If that happened, our efforts would go in vain.

I could see that Shorty was an expert when it came to formations. If we destroyed his formation, he and the seven fiends would be even, and they would both suffer.

When I approached the yard, the possessed guard was fighting against the short man. The short man retreated and activated his formation.

I glanced over and immediately saw through his plan. He wanted to lure the seven fiends into the eye of his formation!

Do you think I’ll let you do that? I won’t just watch you kill the seven fiends and then come to deal with us!

I had to destroy that formation before the seven fiends entered it.

However, breaking a magic formation was no easy task. I had to find the magic tools used to set up the formation.

I called the seven fiends, “You seven fools, listen up! That shorty wants to lure you into the formation’s eye, where he can kill you easily. Don’t let him trick you! You should keep him occupied while I destroy his formation. Afterward, we can settle the grudge between us, okay?” 

“Hmph, young man, you’d better hurry,” snorted the seven fiends. “We don’t have time to waste here.” 

“Okay!” I smiled and agreed. It seemed the seven fiends had agreed to cooperate with me.

The agreement immediately enraged Shorty. “You bastards…”

I didn’t mind him and asked Gold-toothed, “Gold-toothed, when he sneakily set up his formation, you were here. You should know where he set it up, right?” 

Gold-toothed nodded then brought me to a flower bed. He pointed at it and said, “I saw him pluck some grass over there.”

I observed and found some blades of grass that smelled strange. I took a closer look and recognized they were Corpse Scent Grass. Corpse Scent Grass could connect the two worlds, so it was often used to arrange formations to summon ghosts.

No wonder there were so many ghosts in the manor and the surrounding area tonight. It was because of this formation. 

I didn’t hesitate and was prepared to pluck all of the Corpse Scent Grass. If I did that, the formation would lose its power.

“Stop!” Shorty screamed in fright. 

“You’ve harmed me over and over again,” I scoffed. “Do you think that I am so easy to bully?” 

Then, I moved toward the flower bed.

“Stop!” This time, it was another voice. It was Mr. Qin’s voice, to be exact.

I straightened myself and was surprised to see Mr. Qin holding Qin Tiantian hostage, his wicked, red eyes gazing at me. It seemed he had lost his calm.

“Help me!” Qin Tiantian’s face paled in fear as she screamed for help. 

My cold eyes gazed at Mr. Qin. “Mr. Qin, what do you mean by this?” 

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