President, go away!

Chapter 1289

Chapter 1289

These doctors behind Rick are the best doctors in obstetrics and Gynecology, as well as the best doctors related to mental diseases.

He was already ready.

"Mr. Huo, is madam all right? Is boss in there? I called all the doctors, and madam will be fine." Rick asked angrily. Then he didn't look at Huo tingxiao, so he was ready to push the door in.

But when he was finally ready to open the door, he was stopped by Huo tingxiao.

"What do you mean, Mr. Huo?" Rick asked, frowning, puzzled.

"Don't go in. Shen Qingqing is fine. Ou Qing is with her now." Huo tingxiao said faintly, with a lonely look in his eyebrows. "What you should worry about is whether your boss can pass Shen Qingqing."

Rick was more puzzled when Huo tingxiao said this. Which song is it?!

What do you mean by that?

Is Shen Qingqing okay?

It should mean that. If Shen Qingqing has something to do, maybe Huo tingxiao won't appear outside!

I just heard Huo tingxiao say that. That means Shen Qingqing pretended to be ill and deliberately lied to the boss?!

It can't be true?!

Shen Qingqing has such a unique skill?! josei

But on second thought, Shen Qingqing is really a person who can do such a thing.

Looking at Rick's shocked face, Huo tingxiao smiled faintly and looked at him with an eyebrow. "You stay here. I have something else to do. I'll go first." he paused and said again, "Ou Qing's disease, you still have to find a way. Isn't there a doctor in the United States who can perform surgery? Then arrange for him to have surgery as soon as possible. In this way, even if it can't be completely cured, it can delay his condition."

"Mr. Huo..." Rick looked at Huo tingxiao with puzzled eyes.

They are rivals in love. If the boss leaves, won't he have a chance?

Why did he help boss?

Can you really love someone to this extent?

I don't care if I can be with her at all. I just hope she can be happy?

Boss is like this, and so is Huo tingxiao.

"I'm not for ou Qing, but for Shen Qingqing."

With that, Huo tingxiao stepped out of the corridor.

Rick stood at the same place and looked at the back of Huo tingxiao leaving. The back turned out to be so bleak, so lonely and so helpless.

After Huo tingxiao got out of the hospital, he picked up the phone and called Shi Yue, "where is it?"

"Where can I be? Where can I go except to bring the baby at home?" the fainter voice came from there, and even the cry of the baby.

Hearing this, Huo tingxiao suddenly smiled, so sad and painful.

Yes, Shi Yue wants a daughter. Su Xingchen is dying and wants to leave him hope.

And what about him?

Shen Qingqing once risked his life to leave their bones and blood, but he strangled the child himself.

I even thought the child was Huo Tingyan.

So now he is completely childless, which is probably the greatest retribution for him.

It was ah Yan who punished him and refused to forgive him.

"What's the matter, Ting Xiao? Has something happened?" Shi Yue asked hurriedly when he saw that Huo Ting Xiao had been silent.

"Nothing, just suddenly envy you!" Huo tingxiao smiled faintly and whispered, "even if Su Xingchen is gone, at least you have your daughter with you. She will be your spiritual sustenance. But I... Have nothing!"

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