President, go away!

Chapter 811

Chapter 811

In the Su family, her breakfast is always porridge, soybean milk and steamed bread, which are relatively light.

I didn't expect that the more she ate, the more she would be scolded. She could only embarrass herself.

The more I looked at her, I didn't say anything. I just put down the dishes and chopsticks in my hand, took out a paper towel from one side of the carton and wiped the corners of my mouth at will. Even such a simple action is extremely elegant.

"What would you like to eat? I'll go out and buy it for you," he said, picking up the coat on the hanger.

Seeing that Shi Yue really wanted to go out, Su Xingchen quickly got up and grabbed him, "Shi Yue."

Her little hand clung to his arm and looked a little pinched. "No, your cooked noodles are delicious, but you don't want to put chili oil on me."

It was just a simple sentence, but she said something haltingly.

The more I looked down at her, the more I pulled a faint smile from the corners of my mouth, "don't say if you can't lie. It's awkward for me."

Su Xingchen gave him an uncomfortable stare, loosened his arm and sat back at the table.

She really couldn't eat it. She didn't want him to buy a pile of it. Then she couldn't eat it and had to be scolded.

The more I saw her careful thinking, I no longer insisted. I didn't say anything. I just threw my coat on the sofa and began to clean up the dishes and chopsticks.

Su Xingchen wanted to reach out, but he stopped him. "Go and sit on the sofa for a while. I'll come by myself."

Su Xingchen blinked her eyes in amazement. She felt that when Shi Yue said this, she looked like coaxing a child.

If she remembered correctly, the man was still very fierce to her yesterday. Why did this suddenly change the painting style and make her really uncomfortable.

This all says that men are fickle. Why doesn't it apply to him?

The kitchen was busy again. Su Xingchen didn't know what he was doing inside and didn't dare to ask anything. He just sat quietly on the sofa and waited for him to come out.

After a long time, I saw him come out of the kitchen. His white shirt had wrinkled and didn't look very good, but he had a bowl of porridge on his hand.

"Shi Yue, how many times have you been in the kitchen?" Su Xingchen took the porridge and looked at the dry porridge. She was a little suspicious, so when she looked up, she asked more seriously, "you don't hire a servant for such a big villa? You don't need this money?" josei

As soon as the voice fell, Su Xingchen saw that Shi Yue's look changed slightly. Before she spoke, her cold voice came into her ears, "I'm not used to strangers at home."

Although Su Xingchen was speechless, he also closed his mouth very knowingly, didn't continue to ask, and ate with the bowl of dry porridge.

Shi Yue sat down beside her. He took the financial magazine and looked at it casually.

For a long time, they were silent and didn't speak.

"Shi Yue, Wang Jia..." Su Xingchen put the bowl on the table and looked at the man reading the magazine. She thought for a long time before breaking the silence, but she wanted to talk and stopped. Her hands crossed in front of her, which seemed a little too nervous.

Shi Yue didn't look up, and the magazine in his hand was turned to clatter.

"The Wang family treated you so well, why did you help them?" he asked very casually.

Su Xingchen sighed softly, "I told you that the Wang family is really nothing to me, but Ke'er is my best friend and even relatives. I don't want her to experience the same thing as me."

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