Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 506

Chapter 506: These Eyes... There Must Be Some Secret!

Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer Chapter 506 These Eyes... There Must Be Some Secret!

After giving the jar with Sekai's Sharingan to Black Zetsu, Aoba immediately used Hiraishin no Jutsu(Flying Thunder God Technique) and left the underground cave.

Inside the cave.

Only Black Zetsu was left behind holding a pair of Sharingan.

"What is he trying to do?"

Black Zetsu was confused by Aoba's operation. There was a lot of question marks in his head. He simply couldn't imagine what value this pair of Sharingan had for him to collect.

This was an extremely ordinary pair of three tomoe Sharingan.

With the death of its owner, it had already lost the qualifications to evolve into a Mangekyo Sharingan. Almost any Uchiha clansman has this kind of eyes.


Black Zetsu also felt that this pair of eyes was not ordinary.

After all, the so-called "uncle" claimed to be a member of the Otsutsuki Clan and also had Rinnegan. Whether it was the information he had or the power he possessed, he had never seen such a person in his life.

Such a person.

He would not do anything meaningless!

This pair of eyes...

There must be some secret!

Black Zetsu's golden eyes focused all his attention on this pair of Sharingan. He had no idea what the so-called "uncle" would use these eyes for.

Of course.

Black Zetsu did not know.

The meaning of these eyes was not only to cause a dispute between Fugaku and Orochimaru.

There was also a very important role!

That was to limit Black Zetsu himself in this dark cave.

Of course.

Black Zetsu might never have thought of this function in his life.

Aoba doesn't necessarily have to transfer the Sharingan. Even if it is placed directly on the lid of Uchiha Madara's coffin, no one will go there at all.

Even if someone would go...

That could only be Black Zetsu.

And Black Zetsu never liked this kind of thing!

The main reason why Aoba threw this pair of Sharingan to Black Zetsu was to use this matter to freeze Black Zetsu.

At this stage, Black Zetsu has lost Uchiha Madara, the source of motivation that made him work hard to save his mother.

Then Black Zetsu in this situation was undoubtedly very dangerous.

For a person carrying a goal.

What was the most important?


Madara's death meant that Black Zetsu had completely lost the hope in this period of hard work. This era's Indra chakra reincarnation ended in failure, so everything in the world was unimportant.

It was like Obito losing Rin.

It was just that Black Zetsu was not as extreme as Obito because he was not completely desperate. He could wait for the next Indra chakra to reincarnate, and he could consume it indefinitely. He just did not have any expectations for this world's current era.

In such a situation, Black Zetsu, who had no hope in this current era, could do anything.

You should know...

Black Zetsu was very intelligent.

If Black Zetsu threw away the jar and made something that was relatively better not everyone in the current ninja world would be able to withstand it.

Most importantly, Black Zetsu was more skilled in backstabbing.

Aoba had just successfully completed the third part of the layout of the Third Ninja World War. Next, it had to enter a peaceful development time. He absolutely could not let a time bomb like Black Zetsu ruin his plan.

During this period of time, Aoba had been thinking about how to deal with Black Zetsu's problem..

It was definitely inappropriate to keep Black Zetsu by his side. With Black Zetsu's intelligence, he might be able to discover his secret and cause some problems.

However, if Black Zetsu were to be in a place where he could not see, it would be another huge hidden danger.


Aoba thought of such a method.

By letting Black Zetsu take care of that Sharingan, Black Zetsu was fixed in this cave.

When Aoba came to the cave and did not see Black Zetsu, then Black Zetsu's mother would not be saved.

This was like a rivet to Black Zetsu.

Aoba did not promise that he would save Black Zetsu's mother. Of course, even if he made a promise, Black Zetsu would not completely believe it. Using the excuse of rescuing Black Zetsu's mother would not make Black Zetsu obedient.

But it works the other way around.

If you don't listen...

Don't even think about saving your mother!

The Rinnegan that Aoba displayed just happened to be able to prove this point. He could take away and control the Gedo Statue at any time. This way, even if Black Zetsu thought of other ways to collect Bijuu, he would still end up empty-handed in the end.

In this way.

Black Zetsu would definitely throw himself into the trap.

He could only fall into the trap that Aoba had set up for him.


Black Zetsu didn't know that this was Aoba's arrangement. He thought that this pair of Sharingan in his hand contained some secret, and he was about to put a limited amount of energy into Sharingan research.

"This pair of Sharingan..."

"What is so special about it?"

"I am curious!"

"It's quite ordinary!"

Black Zetsu was puzzled. His eyes were solemn and doubtful. The more he thought about it, the more he could not see the problem. But the more he thought about it, the more he could not help but continue to explore.

"That person will definitely not do something meaningless!"

"This pair of Sharingan is definitely not simple!"

"There is a problem!"

"There is definitely a problem!"

"It's just that I have not discovered it yet!"

Black Zetsu muttered to himself. According to his judgment, he felt that the things that a person with the surname Otsutuki would do were all meaningful. For example, the Infinite Tsukuyomi that his mother had used should have some uses, but he didn't understand the reason behind it.


After Aoba left the cave, he came to a forest in the territory of the Country of Fire. He did not directly choose to return to Konohagakure because he had another thing to do.

His current location was relatively close to the intersection of the three countries.

Looking at the terrain.

This was indeed a place to be fought over.

It was a complete strategic fortress.

The intersection of the Country of Fire, the Country of Wind, and the Country of Eart was another country.

The Country of Rain.

In this country that is constantly raining all year round, the flame that burns the ninja world was born.

A single spark could start a prairie fire!josei

Aoba was now going to touch those flames that had yet to officially evolve.

This time.

There was no Obito.

There was no Danzo.

Everything was completely different from the original trajectory.

The development of the story would inevitably flow toward another story.

Swish Swish Swish...

Aoba's figure quickly shuttled through the forest. His body was like a phantom. Coupled with his black mask without any pattern, he looked like an elf in the forest, dashing like a ghostly figure.

After an unknown period of time.

The terrain in front of Aoba began to change.

There were fewer trees.

There was a feeling of encountering a lake on the edge of the woods.

Another period of time passed.

A boundless lake appeared in front of Aoba.

Ripples continuously appeared on the surface of the lake. It was the continuous rain from the sky that completely broke the silence on the surface of the lake.

"This is the Country of Rain."

Aoba looked at the continuous rain in front of him. After entering this rain would be the Country of Rain.

He had been to the Country of Rain before.

At that time, he disguised himself as Danzo's subordinate and came to the Country of Rain to discuss some plans with Hanzo.

Now he came here again.

It did not make him feel too familiar.

This place.

Or rather, this Country of Rain.

It had to be said that...

Aoba did not have a good impression of this place. It was no wonder that the people of this country often wanted to change their activity areas by launching wars.

"If you want to change the situation here..."

"We will have to start with Hanzo!"

"The current Akatsuki should just be in its infancy."

"Too tender."

"There won't be a problem if you let them go for a while longer."

"As long as you take down Hanzo, you can completely control the Country of Rain, which is equivalent to controlling the Akatsuki."

Aoba was quickly thinking about the next plan in his head. Now he had a general idea of how to deal with the matter, and the rest was to take action.

"There are so many arrangements during this period of time!"

"It's like I'm farming now."

"Getting a little tired is nothing."

"I'll be comfortable when I have a good harvest!"

Aoba sighed and muttered to himself. All his plans were to achieve a life that he could live quietly and this kind of thing that changes the world is very fulfilling.

It was easy to conquer the world, but difficult to rule the world!

This was what Aoba was thinking right now.

If he used brute force to suppress it, it would soon become boring, and he would also suffer the resistance of almost the whole world, just like Madara. It looked very glorious, but it was not what Aoba wanted.

Aoba wanted to change the world bit by bit.

He looked unremarkable.

Just like an ordinary citizen.

He was just drifting with the tide of change in the ninja world.

But no one knew.

Behind the ninja world, there were traces of Aoba everywhere, but no one knew what Aoba had done.

When it was over, brush off your clothes and go away, hiding your merit and fame!

Aoba did not know when he had fallen in love with this feeling. He did not need to be so flamboyant, but what he had done was what he wanted to do.


Aoba took a step forward and directly stepped on the surface of the lake, causing ripples to appear. He did not use any method like flying, he simply walked over.

At the same time.

The pieces of paper on Aoba's body flew up and down, and in an instant, a great change occurred. His entire body began to grow taller, and he seemed to have turned into a tall and buff man wearing a mask.

Aoba soon passed through the lake and entered the Country of Rain. He walked toward the place where Hanzo lived.

As Aoba entered Country of Rain.

Many people saw him along the way.

It immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Country of Rain was a xenophobic country. Normally, only people from the Country of Rain would come in and out. Like Amegakure inside the Country of Rain, they did not have much interaction with other ninja villages.

According to logic.

This kind of country, which was similar to a self-proclaimed country, would not have much progress and would be easily swallowed up by the surrounding countries.


The Country of Rain was different.

The Country of Rain had a ninja known as "Demigod".

Hanzo of the Salamander.

This person could be said to have caused the people of the Country of Rain to love and hate him. What they loved was his strength, making it so that the Country of Rain was not so easy to be bullied. What they hated was also his strength. Strength represented ambition. The Country of Rain had been in chaos for many years, and it was all caused by Hanzo. Therefore, many people of the Country of Rain had different pains in their hearts.

This was also a knot in the Country of Rain's development.

Everyone in the Country of Rain knew that Hanzo was not the most suitable person for the Country of Rain, but they also understood that there was no one more suitable than Hanzo.

Not long after.

Under the gazes of everyone, Aoba disappeared into the drizzling rain, leaving behind a mysterious figure.

The people of the Country of Rain had long been accustomed to this kind of indifference.

They would not go up and interrogate anyone just because of some strange person who had entered their country. They would only look at him with strange eyes. As for what that person would become in the end, it had nothing to do with them. Their leader would take care of everything.

After Aoba quickly disappeared.

The people in the Country of Rain continued to live their lives as usual, and there was no change at all because of Aoba's appearance.


Half an hour later.

A majestic mansion sank into the dark night, and lights began to light up around the mansion.

The owner of each light was a guard.

Aoba had been here before and knew that Hanzo was a suspicious person by nature. Even if he had stood at the top of the ninja world in name, and was known as a "Demigod", he still arranged many guards around his mansion, making his mansion heavily guarded. He would not allow any accidents to happen.

"The dignified demigod hired a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps as guards. I don't know why you feel so safe like this."

Aoba muttered lightly. After that, he flashed and took advantage of the guard's blind spots to sneak into the mansion without making a sound.

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