Refining the Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 1750(2) – B – Exposing His Identity

Chapter 1750(2) – B – Exposing His Identity

Chapter 1750(2) – B – Exposing His Identity

The clan leader put his hands together, “According to the agreement, from today on, Zhou Huan, you are our clan’s Exalted One for three hundred years. During this time, please work with me to protect our clan.”

Qin Yu put his hands together, “Leader, please wait!” He fell silent for a while before saying slowly, “I did get the Great Dao from Sky Falling Mountain but I can’t become a True King from this. So, I am afraid that I will not be able to fulfil the agreement.”

The leader of that clan frowned as he looked icily, “Zhou Huan, are you breaking the agreement? Let me remind you to consider carefully!”


True King Qiongji took a step forwards, “Zhou Huan is my savior.”

When it was time to step out, he had to be decisive.

Buttering up. I, Qiongji, am also good at it!

But this time, the clan leader did not back off just because Qiongji stood up.

He remained expressionless as he spoke calmly, “True King Qiongji, you know what circumstance my clan is in. Are you sure you want to interfere? This involved the clan’s future survival. I will really go crazy and I don’t think any of you would like to see it.”

Qiongji’s pupils shrank!

At this moment, there was a strong threatening aura emitting from the leader of that clan.

It was horrifying like an abyss of destruction.

Qin Yu spoke up in time, “Clan Leader, please do not be rash. If I were to really break off the agreement, I would not have come here.”

He looked at Qiongji, “Wait by the side for me.”

Qiongji breathed a sigh of relief as he quickly nodded, “Okay.”

He turned and left.

He really did not wish to fight the leader of that clan. It would be best if they did not need to fight.

Otherwise he might actually be beaten to death.

He was definitely hiding his full potential!

White Iris hesitated before gritting her teeth and turning to follow him. She had to find out what was going on.

Because not long ago, her connection with the lady had been cut off.

The eyes of the clan leader lit up as he lifted his hand, “You leave too.”

The elder respectfully obliged as he looked at Qin Yu in surprise.

Because earlier on, a single sentence from Qin Yu was enough to chase True King Qiongji away.

If he had not seen it for himself, he would have found it difficult to believe.

After all, he was a True King from the Thirteenth Floor. He had always been known to be violent and unruly!

But it seemed like the leader had already known this as he looked calm.

After the elder left, the leader of that clan said, “Zhou Huan, what are you trying to do?”

Qin Yu thought quickly as he ran through the plan in his mind once more. After ensuring that there were no gaps, he let out a breath.

“I am not called Zhou Huan.”

With this, the leader of the clan frowned even harder.

This was unexpected.

With an intention, all the disguises that he had on disappeared and a new face appeared in front of the leader of that clan. With a ‘pit pat pit pat’ sound, his flesh tore and stretched as he seemed to grow taller by a bit.

“Opening Heavens Sword Sect, Qin Yu!”

The clan leader spoke slowly and the air seemed to freeze. He looked extremely calm, but internally, he was like a volcano ready to explode and destroy everything in an instant.

His eyes were extremely icy as he awaited the explanation.

Qin Yu put his hands together, “That’s right. It is me.” He put his hands together, “Before I entered Sky Falling Mountain, in order to avoid clashing with you, I had to hide my identity. I hope you will not blame me.”

The clan leader did not say anything as he looked even colder.

Don’t blame?


Qin Yu replied, “Today, I am revealing my identity to express my sincerity. The resentment and hatred we had is all in the past. As surviving people, we need to look forward.”

He was lying.

The reason was simple. Rourou was gone and the little blue lamp was hiding. Qin Yu now had no way of maintaining the disguise. Even if he did not expose himself, it would get revealed sooner or later.

So being honest with his identity was a decision he had made.

Of course, his relationship with that clan would not be found out because of this – the Boundary Ring was Rourou’s way of escape. It was also because of this that they were able to take the treasure from Qiongji.

The clan leader spoke even more icily, “How can I believe you?” Back then, when the Opening Heavens Sword Sect faced a huge catastrophe and was destroyed, it had been the work of that clan.

The resentment between the two sects was as deep as the ocean and he could not believe him easily.

Qin Yu replied, “Though I am the sect master of the Opening Heavens Sword Sect, it is not what I want ultimately. I want to become like you and be a peak existence in the world.

“It is easy to make you believe it. I am willing to swear on my Great Dao that I will never pursue the grudge between the Opening Heavens Sword Sect and that clan. If I go against it, I will be destroyed!”

This vow was heavy.

More importantly, the clan leader had confirmed that Qin Yu had obtained the Great Dao of Sky Falling Mountain.

This also meant that he was worthy of swearing on his Great Dao.

Now, the vow was confirmed! josei

If Qin Yu ever went against what he swore, he would face the backlash of his Great Dao.

The expression of the leader softened. He waved his sleeve and the outside world was blocked out.

“Sect Master Qin, please have a seat.”

Qin Yu breathed a sigh of relief. This most likely meant that he had passed. He had been worried that the clan leader would request for him to give a more severe vow.

For example, never becoming an enemy of that clan. If that were the case, he would not have been able to continue with the storyline and would have to fight right now. They would fight according to their abilities.

Though it would have felt good, it would not have been beneficial in the long term…Qin Yu did not need a moment of happiness, he needed the complete destruction of that clan!

This point did not change even after discovering Number 327’s existence.

But with regard to Number 327, Qin Yu had to investigate properly.

The status of Exalted One could really help him better understand the internal situation of that clan.

He placed Number 327, who was still in a daze, in the shade.

The two of them sat and silence filled the air. The clan leader spoke slowly, “Sect Master Qin, you are extremely wise to be able to let go of past grudges. If not, with all the challenges my clan is facing now, we would take measures to destroy the Opening Heavens Sword Sect as a deterrence to everyone else. But now it seems like that will not happen.”

He looked up and stared at Qin Yu as if trying to see through him, “But I would like to know what you meant just now. And…if possible, I would like to know what happened in the Bounded Void Space. True King Qiongji’s attitude towards you does not seem normal.”

Qin Yu tapped his fingers, “I will answer your first question first. Like I said, though I have obtained the Great Dao of Sky Falling Mountain, there have been some issues and I am unable to use it to directly become a True King. This involves Number 327, and that is why I am unwilling to hand her over to you.”

He seemed to hesitate before chuckling bitterly, “Since I am already here, I will just say it. I had indeed thought of exploiting the loophole in the contract and leaving without exposing my identity and the fact that I had gotten the Sky Falling Mountain Great Dao. I know your clan’s circumstance very well. To become an Exalted One while not being a True King can easily lead to death!”

The leader spoke calmly, “I can understand.”

Qin Yu nodded, “But in the end, before I could leave, Qiongji and Heavenlifting colluded against me. At this point, I can answer your second question. The reason why True King Qiongji treats me like this is not because I saved him but because he is controlled by me and he has no choice. As for the reason, it is my sect’s secret and I cannot tell you.”

The leader’s eyes flashed!

When Qin Yu admitted that he was the one that got Sky Falling Mountain’s Great Dao and did not hide it from Qiongji, he had guessed that something was off.

To control a True King…he must have another trick. How strong was this control?

“Sect Master Qin, thank you for your explanation, but you have not told me what you intend to do.” The clan leader remained calm, “You know my clan’s situation and you would know that we cannot do without an Exalted One.”

Qin Yu replied, “I am willing to become the Exalted One of your clan, but you have to agree to my conditions.”

“Please speak.”

“Number one, I want to unite Swallow Mountain and make the Opening Heavens Sword Sect become the number one sword sect!”

“Number two…I want Bull Dingtian’s granddaughter, Bull Bean!”

There was no choice. He had to say it for the whole story to play out.

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