Reincarnated As A Mosquito

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Soul essence grade 2 acquired

Chapter 11: Soul essence grade 2 acquired

[Soul essence: low-tier armor upgraded to grade 2]

With a sense of excitement coursing through his veins, Ben marveled at the transformed armor before him. The once humble low-tier protection had now ascended to a higher grade, radiating an aura of enhanced power. He couldn't resist running his fangs along the surface, leaving shallow marks that testified to its newfound durability.

"It's not merely for show! My blood needle skill may still pierce through this formidable armor, but its impact will undoubtedly be less potent than before," Ben mused, conducting a series of experiments to test the capabilities of his upgraded purple armor.

"If only I had slain two more mutant ants, I could have forged another grade 2 armor. Combining them would propel me to grade 3," Ben ruminated, his disappointment tinged with a hint of longing.

[The host still possesses the ability to merge this armor with another soul essence of a different class, yielding a hybrid version. However, I must caution that the process carries a degree of risk,]

"Oh, I can do that? You should have mentioned it earlier," Ben replied, glancing at the sun, its fiery presence nearing its zenith.

"Why does gazing upon the sun cause such anguish? Ah, perhaps it's due to my mosquito nature. Now I understand why insects are scarce during the day compared to the night," Ben contemplated, utilizing his blood tracer ability to survey his surroundings. It was then that his attention was drawn to two figures passing by, bearing the unmistakable life signature of humans.

"From their life essence, they appear to be humans. Their blood shall replenish my vitality. Swiftly, let us move!" Ben declared, seizing the opportunity presented by the passing individuals, his blood tracer ability scrutinizing their life force as he took to the air.

"They move swiftly, as if riding upon a vehicle of sorts. But fear not, for I possess speed that rivals their own," Ben remarked, a smirk adorning his face as he soared towards the mobile target, traversing hundreds of meters in mere minutes. josei

"There they are," Ben proclaimed triumphantly, his gaze fixed upon a covered cargo wagon, reminiscent of a minibus in the modern world.

"It seems we have stumbled upon a road of sorts," Ben observed, surveying the reddish-brown path carved through the forest.

"System, what kind of road is this, bearing such an unusual hue? And why do people employ wagons in this realm? Is this world lacking in development compared to my previous one?" Ben inquired, curiosity lacing his words as he drew closer to the white-covered wagon.

[ The road possesses a distinct color due to the utilization of a material unlike asphalt. As for the second query, the explanation is complex," the system responded, its words hinting at a realm where advancements in both magic and technology shaped progress.]

"What kind of nonsensical explanation is that? How can there be disparities, with some aspects highly advanced while others remain woefully underdeveloped?" Ben exclaimed, momentarily halting his flight before resuming his approach towards the wagon.

[Host, in your previous world, progress was driven solely by scientific technology, resulting in a uniform development. However, in this realm, where magic and technology intertwine, advancements are varied,]

"Incredible! You mean to tell me that magic isn't confined to mere conjuring tricks?" Ben questioned, a flicker of doubt intermingling with his intrigue.

[ No, host. Magic is a profound and divine force, surpassing any mere human illusion. Though explaining its intricacies to you is a formidable task, I suggest you seek alternate means to comprehend its essence]

"Do you truly believe that someone would teach a lowly mosquito like me the divine art of magic?" Ben scoffed, his voice tinged with disbelief.


"Very well, I shall uncover its secrets once I arrive. For now, let us focus on sustenance," Ben resolved, his eyes fixed ahead as the wagon drew nearer. As he finally landed upon the wagon's roof, he beheld multiple energy sources within.

Two of the sources emanated from figures situated at the forefront, steering the wagon with the aid of magical beasts that resembled emaciated, green-painted T-Rexes. Meanwhile, five to six weaker sources of energy emanated from within the confines of the wagon.

"Tsk, I cannot indulge in their blood in broad daylight. I shall investigate within," Ben determined, his sharp fangs scraping against the white tent cloth covering the wagon.

"What in the name of all that is unholy?" Ben gasped, his shock palpable as he peered through a small tear he had inadvertently created.

The interior of the wagon reeked of blood and despair, the air heavy with the scent of suffering. Bound by chains adorned with mysterious purple runes, six to seven girls, aged around 11 or 12, bore the marks of torment upon their pale, exposed skin. Blindfolded by white cloth akin to that which covered the wagon's roof, they existed in a nightmarish realm of pain and captivity.

"I have stumbled upon a den of slave traders," Ben muttered, his voice laced with disgust, his attention drawn to the peculiar symbols etched upon the chains.

Yet, the peculiarity did not end there. Ben discerned that these captives, unlike ordinary humans, possessed pointed and sharply defined ears.

"System, are the inhabitants of this world similar to humans?" Ben inquired, his curiosity piqued.

[Host, what you behold are not humans, but elves. Though they share resemblances in appearance, their prolonged lifespans and innate magical abilities set them apart ]



[A/N: Apologies for the delayed and concise chapter, dear readers. A severe storm in my area caused a widespread power outage, potentially affecting my ability to post tomorrow. However, I offer you this announcement:

Powerstone targets for the week:

50 PS/week = 1 extra chapter

100 PS/week = 3 extra chapters

Note that additional chapters will only be released on Sundays. Thank you for your unwavering support.]

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