Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

Chapter 391 Chapter-391

Chapter 391 Chapter-391

As soon as Gin heard the word 'Hunt,' his primal instincts awakened, and he leaped off Anon's shoulder, reverting to his original form.


Gin immediately lunged at one of the soldiers, clamping his jaws around the man's leg and tearing it off.

"Huh...? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" The soldier initially watched in confusion, but when the pain hit him, and he comprehended the gruesome reality of his situation, he screamed in agony.

The other soldiers, startled, backed away from Anon and Gin. "He's dangerous... maintain your distance, soldiers," one of them warned, brandishing his spear at Anon. The rest followed suit, aiming their weapons at Anon.

"He's hostile... save me-" the soldier who was being devoured cried out one last time before Gin ripped his head off.


Gin then shifted his attention toward another elf soldier. "Oi, help me. Help me..." The panicked elf soldier pleaded as he saw Gin approaching.

Observing this scene, the inner guards dispatched their informant inside the house to alert everyone about the situation at the outer gate. They rushed toward the outer guards to provide backup.

"Soldiers, kill them at once," one of the guards shouted, charging at Anon with his spear. The other soldiers followed suit, brandishing their spears menacingly.







"No, I have kids... Ahhhhhhhh"

Before any of them could reach Anon, Gin had eliminated all of them in less than three seconds. He tore their bodies apart and decapitated them, showing no mercy. Gin's ruthlessness mirrored Anon's, and Anon couldn't have been prouder.

"Oi, what's going on here- ?!" one of the inner guards demanded, but upon witnessing the gruesome scene of his friends being devoured by a hell hound, he quickly realized that Anon was a deadly threat and immediately raised his spear against him. The other guards, arriving from behind, observed the situation carefully.

"Guards, keep your distance from him. He's hostile," the first guard warned, and the others pointed their spears at Anon.

🎵 This man just got to go declare his enemies, but the ladies begged, don't you try to do it, please. 🎵

Anon sang with a grin as he looked at them.

"What's he saying?" one of the guards asked, perplexed.

"I don't know, but if he or his dog takes even one step from their position, we'll kill them immediately," the first guard declared.

"Sir, the reinforcements are coming," the informer guard reported from behind.


"Hah... it looks like it's time to end the slow play. Gin, kill them, boy," Anon commanded.


Gin leaped at the guards.

"Kill them...." the guard leader shouted.

Gin dispatched them with his razor-sharp teeth one by one. They attempted to fend him off with their frail spears, but nothing could penetrate his rock-hard skin. Some tried to escape, while others put up a fight. In the end, they all met a grisly demise.


After eliminating everyone, Gin returned to Anon's side.

"Good work, boy. I'd pat you, but your head is covered in blood, and I'd rather not dirty my hands with blood, at least not this soon," Anon complimented Gin with a smile.

"Let's head in..." Anon said as he advanced toward the mansion's main gate.

Gin followed, using his supersonic sound to gauge how many soldiers were waiting inside the house to confront them when they entered.


"Hmm... 30? That's no big deal. You can handle them alone," Anon remarked.I think you should take a look at


"Yeah, yeah, don't get too excited," Anon replied.

As Anon approached the gate, he sensed numerous arrays had been cast around it, designed to seal it like a rock.

"Hmmm.... indeed a good Array, but you're using it on the wrong person," Anon said as he grabbed both gate doors with his hands and ripped them off their hinges.

"Mages, fire now," a voice from inside commanded as soon as Anon tore off the gates.





Suddenly, multiple spells were unleashed at Anon from various mages positioned behind the door.

"Melee warriors, he must be weakened now, attack," their captain ordered.

Following his orders, the melee warriors charged into the cloud of smoke formed by multiple simultaneous spellcasts.

As they entered the smoke, the clattering of metal rang out.

"Come on, boys, we have to kill him quickly. We don't have much time. Just take him out and retreat-" the team captain spoke, a grin on his face. However, he suddenly realized that all sounds coming from the smoke had ceased.

"Soldiers, what's happening? What's going on in there? Did you take him out?" the team captain demanded, but there was no response from the other side.

Finally, a sound emerged from the dissipating smoke...

🎵 No doubt this Rasputin had lots of hidden charms. Though he was a brute, they just fell into his arms. 🎵

Anon's voice sang the Ballad of Irina, revealing his deadly presence.

The smoke cleared, revealing Anon sitting amidst the dead bodies of the soldiers who had entered the smoke cloud.

"Do you have anything else?" Anon asked with a grin as he began walking toward the commanding officer.

"Mages, hit him with your most potent spell," the commander ordered.

The mages started chanting their spells, but before they could complete their incantations, Gin severed their hands.

"Ahhhhhh-... my hand."

"I'm bleeding, please save me."

"Ahhhhhhhhhh.... fuckkk."

The mages screamed in pain, looking at their severed arms and blood flowing out of them non-stop.

Suddenly Gin jumped over and ripped off their heads as well.





The corpses fell on the ground lifeless.

The backline was completely destroyed.

"Melee Soldiers... kill that dog at once," the commander shouted, but nothing happened.

"What melee are you talking about? These guys ?" Anon inquired.

The commander suddenly turned his gaze toward Anon, completely shocked. Anon had already eliminated every melee soldier and was now seated atop an even larger pile of corpses.

'This is impossible, how can an Elf move so swiftly and kill so silently ? He isn't even using weapons. Who is this monster ?' The commander wondered as he looked at Anon with a shocked expression and realised that he is the only one standing in the room right now.

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