Sacrifice: Time of Mine

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: Ephemeral Encounter

"Appear and disappear?" Avion thought.

In his perspective, he stopped time and had to walk on foot. While time was stopped, he was walking without anyone knowing. It was a long, long walk. If he were to estimate it, he may have used an hour walking from outside the capital to inside. Not to mention that he was still not used in that place and sometimes got lost.

But for them, he just appeared and disappeared.


Felt a little sad about this. While he doesn't know why he felt that way.

"Haven't I told you, yet?" Avion scratched his head. He was sure that whenever someone asked him, he would proudly say that he can control time.

"What?" Naron asked.

"That I-"


"My leg!"

They heard a shout at the same time they felt the ground was shaking. Looking at the source of that shout, they wanted to run too. But they couldn't as time was not on their side, only Avion.

Seeing the minotaur-like man coming out of nowhere and about to hit them, the three and the stall-owners all shrieked like a girl.


"Kuh! Kuh!" josei

Before the large man hit them, he suddenly stopped and slid, accumulating soil and dust in front of him. When he finally stopped, the soil and dust went straight to their mouth and eyes.

"Kuh! Kuh!"

The four continued to cough while Avion was sweating. Should he escape again? But glancing at the girl on the large man's shoulder, she was not as red as before.

Meanwhile, seeing Avion look at her, Mettany retracted her gaze. Her face was becoming red not because of lust but because of embarrassment.

Now that she "released it", she was no longer in heat. Remembering what she had done earlier made her bit her lips. But looking at Avion, she couldn't blame herself any longer.

When they finally reached their destination, the Guild Master just dropped Mettany from his shoulder.


He then looked at Avion and said, "Are you really Av-... Hmm... where did he go?" Guild Master Gon soon realized he was talking to air. He looked around to see that Avion was princess-carrying Mettany before helping her stand up.

'When did this lad caught her?'

This time, Mettany was not impulsive but rather, silently became bashful as she whispered, "Thanks"

Seeing this, the majority of people sighed in relief.

Miss Mettany finally came back to herself! They thought.

The three were relieved too but thinking about it, did Avion know about this? Since he's new, he should still have the idea that Miss Mettany is strong but he still catch to save her? Why?

Wait... before adding another question, how the heck is he always instantly appearing and disappearing!?

"Hmm" the Guild Master was already assessing Avion's character just from seeing this, "I heard you're Avion Teller."

Avion nodded and said, "That's me."

The others didn't hear this except for Naron, Temon, Fobo, and the stall-owner. Being in the slums, news and rumors hardly reach the three, but it was different for the stall-owner who meets different people on a daily basis.

"Avion Teller? Where have I heard of this?" the stall-owner asked himself and eventually, he realized it. He had heard that there was a coward who committed more than one treason.

He was only let go because the Royal Family of Karan was magnanimous and forgiving.

Rumors do get twisted. However, this time, it was intentional. There were people that were tasked to spread false rumors to preserve the image of the Royal Family.

But the stall-owner only knew that Avion Teller committed reasons while never knowing the context. If he were to report this man, wouldn't he be able to get a large amount of reward?

Clenching his fist that holds the three silver crens, the stall-owner decided he should keep his mouth about this.

"My name is Gon, the Guild Master of Gon Butcher Guild." Guild Master Gon proudly said, before inviting Avion to talk, "We meant no harm. I actually want to meet you since I have heard of your name. I can't believe my apprentice encountered you before I even notice. Forgive her for being rude. If you are willing we can talk in the guild right now."

Naron, Temon, and Fobo were stunned to hear this. The Guild Master is Rank Bih, almost having the same standing as the three Kings of Haliviana. It could be said that he is the King of Trading-Hills Capital. After all, strength is respected and strength rules over the land.

Normally, low people like them need to place their heads onto the ground to pay respect. Commoners need to do this, how much more about them?

However, the Guild Master doesn't like those formalities and thus, he was a special case. It is fine if you don't bow to him. Just don't mess with him or you will face doom.

That's an unwritten rule. But it doesn't change the fact that besides the Crown Council, the Guild Master is the most powerful man in the capital.

Although he doesn't like formalities, he also doesn't lower his head to other people. 

That is why Naron, Temon, and Fobo were shocked and amazed. They didn't know about the rumors about Avion Teller, but they know that Guild Master Gon is humbling himself to invite Avion in for a talk.

As they expected, Avion Teller is someone with a mysterious and deep background!

Realizing this, the three lowered their heads. Even more so when they heard Avion say; 


Although it was for a short while, they took a liking to Avion and was happy to have a friend like him. That was why they were taking care of him.

They were dejected to realize that because they were lowly people, lower than commoners, Avion would eventually leave them.

Looks like they only had an ephemeral encounter. It will pass by and the next time they will see each other again, their places were so far away from each other.

How could anyone not feel dejected after thinking about this?

Together with the quiet Mettany, Guild Master Gon led Avion to the guild.

They looked at the three figures leaving them. Their backs facing the three. The three were physically close but now, they really felt Avion would disappear.

Naron opened his mouth but couldn't say the words he, Temon, and Fobo wanted to say. He was the one who had the most self-confidence of the three, but still, words couldn't come out of his mouth. He couldn't say what the three of them wanted to say.

If Avion was about to leave them, they just wanted to say... goodbye.

However, they couldn't and made their heads even lower. They don't feel any energy for the day.

When they were about to quietly leave, they heard from away.


The three of them jerked their heads to the source of the voice and saw a man waving at them, calling them.

"Where are you going? This is the direction of the guild."

The three's eyes widened as they looked at each other. Smiles formed on their faces before they waved their hands too, shouting;


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