Secretly The Billionaire Boss

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 103

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 103

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Dusted Jason’s heart skipped a thousand beats. “What did you just say? Who am I speaking with?” Grey released a sigh.” Why will I lie about my identity?”

“I_I’m not saying you are lying,” Jason stuttered.” Why would I say that? I was just bothered,” he took a deep sigh.” I mean skeptical. I didn’t know you had a relationship with SU world.”

“I own a lot of companies. How are you supposed to keep track of all of my companies? What are you? A spy?” He muttered.

“No!” Jason said quickly.” I mean, I didn’t mean it like that,” he stammered, almost out of air.” I was just surprised. I mean, it’s a pleasure speaking with you. Are you really the owner of SU world?”

Grey laughed.” Do you want to know the names of all my companies? Then, we could arrange a meeting.”

Jason laughed anxiously.” I didn’t mean it like that but I will be glad if you meet with me. I’ve always wanted to meet with you,” he revealed.

Grey cleared his throat meaningfully. “One of my workers told me you needed to speak with me. I’m hearing something about Grey, my manager,” he smiled at this.” What was it about again?”

Jason coughed.” |_we_nothing! I mean I only wanted to speak with you and let you know how hard- working Grey is.” Grey chuckled softly.” Seriously?” “Yes, sir!” He affirmed in a deep voice.” I mean why else. But can I really get to meet you? I would be pleased if that happens.” Grey went silent for a moment.” You can depend on how you get along with the SU world. It’s the smallest company of mine and Grey is one of my trusted men.” “Seriously? Does it mean that Grey has seen you?” Grey laughed again. “Of course. If you want to meet with Hercules, move closer to Grey. When you see Grey, you’ve seen me,” and he hung up. His phone started ringing almost immediately. It was Jane. “Hi, Hercules. I’ve succeeded in setting a conference call with three investors. It’s by 2. Is that fine by you?”

Grey thought about it quickly. He had a meeting by 2 but since it was just a conference call. It wouldn’t take much of his time.

“Fine, it’s ok.”

“So,” she trailed off. “Will you be coming to the company for it?”

“No, I will do it here. I will merge calls on my phone. Just send me the conference attendees’ phone numbers,” he decided.

“Alright Boss. I will do just that.”

Grey nodded and hung up.

“I know what you did, Avery!” Smith yelled in anger.” I know what you did exactly. And you must think you can get away from it!”

Avery regarded him for a moment.” Just calm down, Smith. I don’t even know what you are talking about,” she responded calmly. Smith couldn’t stop thinking about the embarrassment he got at Protos Pubblicita. He had never got embarrassed so much except on Lucy’s birthday when Don betrayed him. He didn’t want to think of that anyways since it was Grey and he couldn’t fight against him.

But Avery was using the same tactic that he was using against her. Perhaps, she knew the truth about Grey and she was trying to get revenge.

Smith scoffed. “You seemed so calm, for someone whose brother was disgraced in such a way.” That’s it! Avery seemed to have had enough. She was trying to talk it amicably with him but Smith was proving too stubborn.

“So what? You are not even my brother, so stop giving me that bullshit! You were embarrassed, so how is that my fault?” She retaliated.

” You think I didn’t know what you did?” Smith didn’t want to have it.” I know you bribed Jane to take me out of the project,” he said.

Avery’s eyes went wide with shock and she felt a stab of annoyance at his accusation.” What? Do you think I’m like you? Do you think I would stoop so low for something like that? If you were disgraced, it could be because of something you did. Why blame it on me?” She yelled angrily. “Exactly! I knew you would show it soon enough, Avery. It’s exactly who you are

and you are going to regret it!” He walked out of the office without waiting for Avery to respond

He suddenly thought of Seth again and wondered why he hadn’t been able to reach him all day.

He got off work and decided to see Seth at the office. They needed to talk anyway and he also wanted to ask about what he had decided concerning Hercules’s offer, He had been so occupied with Lucy’s birthday that he didn’t have time for Seth.

He pulled up in front of KK corporation and tried to calm down. Perhaps he might be able to cook up another plan to get Avery to back off He entered the lobby and moved to the receptionist.

“Hi Paulina, how are you doing?”

Paulina looked up and smiled. “Hi, sir. How may I help you?”

“Is Seth inside?” He inquired.

Pauline observed him for a moment.” He’s not in. He’s never going to be in.”

Smith raised skeptical brows at her.” What do you mean?”

“Seth doesn’t own this company any more,” Linda said suddenly, stepping closer to him.

Smith turned to look at Linda with a confused look. He still didn’t get what was really happening “What?”

Linda turned to Pauline. “Let me know when Mr. Jake comes in.”

Pauline nodded once. “Alright.”

Linda looked at Smith. ” Let’s talk outside.”

“Sure,” Smith nodded.” We could go inside my car,” he offered and moved out of the company, while Linda followed.

Before Linda would get inside, Smith tried Seth’s line again but it wasn’t reachable. He sighed, disturbed. Something was really wrong somewhere, especially with the fact that he missed Seth’s calls. Linda entered the car. “Have you called Seth, Smith?”

Smith shook his head.” I’ve been trying but I couldn’t reach him.”

Linda sighed. “Seth sold the company already.” Smith’s eyes went wide with shock. “He did what?”

Linda nodded briefly. “Yes, we only discovered it this morning. Even Nora was here and it looks like she knew who the new CEO was.”

Smith regarded her for a moment. “What’s the name of the CEO?”

“Well, I don’t know his last name but he’s Grey.” Smith went into shock immediately.” Grey is the new owner of the company?”

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