Secretly The Billionaire Boss

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 157

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 157

Secretly The Billionaire Boss By Debbie Chocolate Chapter 157

Chapter 157: Meeting the enemy Chris told Avery that he wouldn’t press charges. Actually, it was all a plan to get Grey. Smith and Chris had discussed it thoroughly and had come up with several plans to make Grey fail and to make Avery actually continue to request for a divorce. If she would, Smith would support her this time. So, there was no way Lucy wouldn’t agree to it. So, he planned to provoke Grey and make him attack him, which he did. He faked it with the doctor to bring out fake issues concerning his health.

And somehow, the plan was working as Avery was starting to see Grey as the bad guy.

And the other plan about disrupting Grey’s production was actually brought up by Grey.

Chris’ phone rang suddenly, jerking him out of his thoughts. Avery just left his place to see how he was doing and he pretended to be sick. He had the doctor’s report to show for it.

That aside, he had to lie to Avery that Grey had injured him earlier that day and even threatened to deal with him if he didn’t stop seeing Avery. And funnily, Avery informed him that she would check up on him after she left work.

“Hello, Smith. How was your plan?”

Smith let out a sigh. “Failed. Grey was in the company and he dealt with every one of them. In fact, they are in police custody as I speak with you,” he revealed.

“What? I hope they are not going to mention names?”

“No, they wouldn’t. They would blame it on themselves. It’s what I paid them for,”Smith explained.

Chris sighed again. “Who the fuck was his master? How is he so good?” He was still skeptical as the punches he gave him the day before really drew out a lot of blood.

“What should we do now then?”

“Nevermind, I got another piece of information about his open sale. I have the address already. So, I will just make sure the sale doesn’t happen. This time, it would be more painful.” Chris smiled. “Good. That should happen. My plan with Avery is really working. I only need you to be supportive.”

Smith chuckled.” Why would I be? I’ve taken you as my brother-in-law already. I have everything under control,” he assured.

After the security came to the company, Grey left. He had breakfast and returned to Protos Pubblicita.

He intentionally broadcasted the location of the open sale, even though they were yet to select a perfect place. Though, he spread the news about the open sale and made sure it was happening at the same time and the same day as the planned one. If Smith got to find out that it was a piece of wrong information, it would be too late for him to back off. By the time he would be able to get the exact location, they would have been done.

So, hence his decisions. The open sale was happening on Saturday and far away from the location, he broadcasted.

Grey’s phone rang suddenly. It was Jimmy. He darted at his wristwatch and discovered it was almost three o’clock. He didn’t pick up immediately as he knew why he was calling. The phone stopped ringing and started again as Grey entered the car.

“Yes, where are you, Jimmy?” “I thought you could pick me up on the way or should I come over?”

Grey thought for a moment.” Send me your address. I will pick you up.”

He hung up. A message came in immediately and it was from Jimmy.

Grey sped up.

If Hattie really poisoned his mother because of a cream company, Grey would make her lose it.

But the first rule of going on a battle was to learn more about the opposition which was what he was on about.

Grey pulled up suddenly and watched Jimmy round the car to get in. “Good afternoon boss,” he smiled.

“Morning. How is your son?” He asked as he pulled out into the street again.

“Fine, thank you.” “So, you have another job already,” he informed him. “I need a website for Victoria Skincare. You can do that right?” “Very much. I will design the best website for you. I will just need some details and information,” he mentioned.

“Sure, I will text Linda to provide you with your office. You will be very comfortable doing it. And you can also ask her whatever you need,” he declared.

“Wow! Thank you so much, boss. I’m so glad!” He was so happy. Well, it was the first time he would be getting a decent job that came with an office. He felt very happy that he could fly.

And well, it all became possible with Hercules. He had sworn allegiance to him and he didn’t even think there was anyone that would make him betray Grey.

“Have you been to the auction hall?” Grey asked suddenly, pulling him out of his thoughts.

Jimmy looked up at Grey.” No. Audrey goes to Auction once in a while but he has special people that go with him,” he explained.

“Watch closely, you might get a job on it later on,” he hinted.

Jimmy smiled and nodded briefly.” Alright, boss.” Grey pulled up at the parking space. The auction wasn’t like any other place. It was a quiet place outside and noisy inside, especially whenever the

bidders were getting involved too deeply. Well, that was what Grey planned to do that afternoon.

The hall was almost filled up. So. Grey and Jimmy found their seat at the back of the hall. They

didn’t even know if Hattie was around as the place was too clouded. Grey wondered if any special antiques were getting displayed that afternoon. “Knoll Platner modern design chair sold for $3,000!” The auctioneer announced. There was murmuring but it soon died down as the camera focused on FOLLOWER OF LEONARDO DA VINCI, a picture of Monalisa.

“This opening bid will begin at $50,000. Who is going for it?” The auctioneer raised. There were soft murmurs and then, three men stood up suddenly. They spoke silently for a while but it looked like they were angry, with their facial expressions. They walked out of the room. “$50,000 to Mr. Philip!” The auctioneer announced and waited. There was a sudden bang.” Sold to Mr. Philip.”

“Do you recognize Hattie?” Grey asked Jimmy. Jimmy nodded briefly.” I do. I’ve seen her several times, including Giovanni.”

Grey nodded briefly. “Behold, GIOVANNI ANTONIO CANAL, CALLED CANALETTO,” the auctioneer announced suddenly. He actually seemed excited. Grey’s mouth twisted as he pronounced the name again. What a coincidence? Giovanni would be feeling on top of himself. “Going for 6 million dollars.” “Oh, I forgot to tell you, boss,” Jimmy craned his neck to look at Grey.” Hattie doesn’t buy cheap things.” A tag went up suddenly. “6.5 million dollars,” a feminine voice said.

“6.5 million dollars for Miss Hattie.”

Grey eyes narrowed.” That’s Hattie?”

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