Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 214

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 214

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 214

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 214 – Touch Me Here!

“You wanna be dirty?” I bobbed my head in rage. I was already fuming at my mother, and now this has angered me even more. He shouldn’t have messed with me right now.

“Let me show it to your mother and tell her what kind of desires you have.” I tried grabbing the drawing out of his hands, but he pulled away from me in a hurry.

I began to fight for the drawing, but he kept protesting.

Title of the document

“WHY? Are you afraid now?” I was huffing and panting while trying my best to grab the paper out of his hands. He panicked and stepped back, knowing down the vase and creating noise.

His face turned pale when my bedroom door opened to reveal my mom and Pamela. They saw me leaning on him and trying to grab something from him.

“What is going on here?” Pamela rushed at me and grabbed my arm to pull me off her son.

“I was just being nice!” he started crying in a childish tone.

“Show your mother what you showed me so that she can also see how you were being nice,” I yelled at him.

He shuddered dramatically and hid in his mother’s arms.

“What do you want from my son?” Pamela broke the hug to shove her son behind her back and question me.

“Here I’m arguing with your mother to treat you right while you are attacking my son,” Pamela howled, breathing like a bull and not breaking the stare from my face. My mom steadily made her way to stand beside me.

“But he definitely did something to piss off my daughter.” Mom argued.

“Huh? So does that mean you were at fault too when she was arguing with you?” I knew Pamela would use my arguments with my mother to define my character. “Your daughter just loves drama,” Pamela muttered.

“And your son loves perversion,” I shouted after I had enough.

It’s been some time since these people around me started to portray me in whatever light they wanted to.

“What did you say? What the hell is wrong with you?” She looked surprised that I was returning her.

“He had made some lewd drawings for me, so why don’t you ask him what’s wrong with him?” I yelled at her, watching Markus hug his mother from the back and act all scared.

“Your son is drawing my daughter?’ Mom took a step ahead and glared her in the eye.

If somehow it was true and I was Elex’s daughter, then this was just purely disgusting.

“Show your mother what you drew of me,” I demanded, bobbing my head and asking her questions. She looked petrified when her son started shaking his head.

“Show her!” I yelled at him.

“Markus!” Pamela turned to him after eyeing me into silence and f*orc*ed a smile across her lips, “Sweetie! Is it true? Did you make a drawing of her?” She asked him in a maternal tone.

“Yes!” he nodded, making me scoff at his mother for accusing me instead of questioning her pervert son.

“Show me what you drew?’ She pulled her hand out for him, and he searched for it in his pocket, tossing out some tiny pencils, rough pages, and other stuff until he finally grabbed it and took it out.

I wanted to see how she would react to it since she was speaking so highly of her son, as if she knew for sure he would never do wrong.

She flattened the drawing and then raised her face to look at me in silence.

The moment she turned it around, my body felt heat rushing like a tsunami. It was a drawing of a girl playing in a field.

“You called my son a pervert because of this?” she wheezed, attacking me out of the blue. I got hit with her punch on the neck, but then my mother blocked her. How dare you f*uc*king raise your hand at my daughter?’ my mother yelled while I dropped to the ground and coughed.

The punch might have blocked the airways because all I could do was wheeze. “M~o—m! I can’t breathe,” I couldn’t even hear my own voice.

“What have you done?” My mother let her go so that she could check on me.

My vision was beginning to turn blurry at this point. Pamela looked scared as she grabbed her son’s hand and rushed him upstairs, leaving my mom to panic at my condition.

“Hold on! I’m going to call for help,” my mom mumbled, running away to the bedroom to grab her phone.

In the meantime, I crawled on the ground and noticed a crumbled paper among other stuff Markus had knocked out.

Even in the state of air hunger, I grabbed the paper and tossed it in the pocket of the baggy sweater my mom brought for me.

“Let’s go,” my mom helped me wear the sweater while I just felt like if it carried on for another minute I’ll die.

“Akin is coming to take you to the hospital.” As soon as my mom told me who she had asked for help, I began to cough louder.

I did not want him to get into trouble for me. She was rubbing my back when she had sat me down outside the house, waiting for Akin. I had very much calmed down now, but I still had a huge bruise where Pamela had hit me.

Suddenly, the tall gra*s*s moved, and out came Akin. He looked like he had made a run for the field after receiving a call from my mother.

“What the hell happened?’ His heavy and deep voice was covered in concern, making me shudder in fear and worry.

My mom didn’t interrupt us and only stepped away to give him some time with me. Before he kneeled down, I got up on my feet.

“I’m—fine now,’ I spoke with difficultly, hugging myself.

“It doesn’t seem like you are,” Akin disagreed, and then his hand touched my n*ake*d skin. It was a different kind of feeling I felt when he nuzzled his fingers on the bruise and lowered his face on my neck to inspect.

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