She Is A CEO

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 332

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 332

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 332

“Nia, I really didn’t mean that…” Daphne was so anxious that she didn’t know how to explain it.

“Okay, no need to explain. You just did it.” Nia said impatiently, lowered her head and pretended to read the document, ignoring Daphne again.

Daphne looked at Nia pitifully for a long time. Seeing that she really didn’t want to care about her, she sat back in her seat, but her mood was very low. Nia peeked at Daphne who frowned, and felt that she finally revenged.

After that, Nia always ignored Daphne. Daphne thought she was still angry about her “taking credit” that day, so she tolerated everything and didn’t dare to tell Lucia. Did she go too far? Instead, Nia became more and more bossy. A lot of the work that should have been handled by her was directly pushed to Daphne, and Daphne could only bear it silently.

Lucia trusted Nia so much that she didn’t notice Nia’s attitude towards Daphne, but Eduard saw something wrong with Daphne because she’d been home lately lately.

After Daphne came home late for three consecutive days, Eduard pulled her into the living room and asked her,

“Daphne, why are you always coming home so late? It’s half past eight now.”

Daphne pursed her lips and said nothing.

“What the hell is going on?” Eduard knew Daphne had something on her mind when he saw the look on her face, so he continued to ask.

“It’s all right,” Daphne said, not daring to look Eduard in the eyes.

“I’m gonna call Lucia if you don’t tell me.” Eduard knew Daphne’s weakness best.

“Eduard, don’t call Lucia!” Daphne grabbed Eduard’s hand and stopped him from calling Lucia.

“Then tell me honestly what’s going on.” Eduard wanted to frighten Daphne, so he put down his phone and continued to ask her.

Daphne lowered her eyes and thought for a while, and then told him that Nia had pushed the work to her, “It’s all my fault. I didn’t take Nia’s mood into consideration that day, which made her unhappy. I would do a little more work. It makes up for it.”

“Why the heck you make up for it!?” Eduard immediately became furious after hearing Daphne’s words, and regardless of whether his words were vulgar, he said angrily, “When did Nia become like this? How dare she embarrass you like this behind your back?”

“Eduard,” Daphne said hurriedly when Eduard got angry, “It’s not Nia’s fault. It’s that I didn’t pay attention to the rules in the workplace. When Lucia was away, the work was shared by the two of us, and it should be two people when reporting work. I neglected it myself.”

Eduard certainly understood what Daphne meant, and he also knew what Nia cared about, but, he said,

“But she can’t take revenge on you like this. I’ll tell Lucia about it.”

“Eduard, don’t say it,” Daphne said quickly, “If you tell Lucia about this, it will be very difficult for Lucia to do it. If she blames Nia for this, Nia will only think that Lucia is partial to me, and then I will feel even more sorry for her. Our relation will only get worse by then. I see her mood is not so bad these days. This matter should be over soon.”

Eduard felt suffocated after hearing Daphne’s words. The woman he liked had to take other people’s mood into consideration, but he didn’t want to express his feelings rashly, so he could only say helplessly,

“Then you can observe it for a few more days. If Nia goes too far, tell me, I’ll fix it!”

“Okay.” Daphne breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Eduard was finally no longer angry.

Lucia went back to Fragranerde Hall with Arthur to see Juliana and Kane after three days of business, and formally invited Kane to serve as the head of the legal affairs department of Webbex Group. Kane was flattered after hearing that. During this time he indeed did a lot for Lucia’s business, but that was what he should make up for. He never thought about what Lucia would give him in return.

“Lucia, I am willing to do things for you. You don’t need to give me any reward.” Kane said sincerely to Lucia.

“I’m not giving you reward. I fancy your professional knowledge and ability. You have the strength to take the position.”

Lucia said with a smile. In fact, she didn’t tell Kane her real intentions. Since the public knew that Kane also participated in Jacob and Poppy’s conspiracy to frame her, there had been unfavorable rumors about Kane. It was impossible for him to not work for the rest of his life. There were very few people willing to hire him now, and Lucia wanted to give him a chance.

“Kane, just accept it. Lucia is giving you a chance,” Kane didn’t understand Lucia’s thoughts, but Juliana, who had been listening to their conversation, understood, so she said to Kane,

“Lucia is afraid that you will be rebuffed when you go to work elsewhere, so she asks you to work in her company.”

Was that so?

Kane looked at Lucia in surprise and asked her with his eyes.

Lucia didn’t expect Juliana to express her thoughts so directly, so she could only smile and answer, “Julia is right, but now Webbex Group really needs talents, especially in legal affairs. I need a professional lawyer for advice.”

Kane was moved. He looked at Lucia and said with guilt, “Lucia, you really don’t need … The outside world’s evaluation of me is not wrong. I am willing to accept punishment.”

Just as Lucia was about to say something, Juliana took the lead, “Kane, do you know why I persuaded you to agree?”

Kane shook his head, and Juliana continued, “Because then you can make up for Lucia better. You go to Webbex Group and do legal work for Lucia. Isn’t that better than you go to work in other companies later?”

After listening to Juliana’s words, Kane suddenly realized that working for Lucia was the best way to make up for it.

Lucia couldn’t help laughing when she heard Juliana’s words. She really didn’t mean it, and she didn’t want her invitation to Kane to be his way of making up for her.

“Julia, let’s not overcomplicate things. I just want Kane to settle down. That’s all,” Lucia explained.

“It doesn’t matter,” Juliana said “willfully”, “We did things to hurt you before. Even if you can forgive us generously, we can’t get over this in our hearts. You can let us make up for you.”

Looking at the sincere eyes of Juliana and Kane, Lucia found that she had nothing to refute, and finally she could only smile and nod, and joked generously,

“Okay, then treat it like you are making up for me.”

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