She Is A CEO

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 334

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 334

She Is A Ceo Novel By George Chapman -Chapter 334

“Lucia, let’s go. Let’s go send Poppy off.” Kane endured the pain in his heart and said to Lucia first. Lucia glanced at Kane, and then took a step.

In the farewell hall, a glass coffin surrounded by flowers was quietly placed in the center. Next to it was a wreath of yellow chrysanthemums with Poppy’s name written on it. Lucia couldn’t move as soon as she got close to her. She slowly approached. Poppy’s pale and colorless face slowly came into view.

Lucia had only said goodbye to her father in her life. When her father left, he was ill with pain, and his posture was not serene, but that made Lucia understand that her father died of cancer in accordance with the development of pathology. But now that Poppy was seen, the expression was peaceful incomparably, which revealed that she was murdered in her sleep. This serenity revealed a strange sense of unwillingness to life, making Lucia cold all over.

Between Poppy’s eyebrows, there was a unique color. Because she was sniped between the eyebrows, the beautician had no choice but to choose another way to cover it up. That was, to decorate the bullet hole with a bright ruby, which was submitted by Kane in advance.

Now it seemed that this method did not have the expected effect. The gem was placed between eyebrows, but it magnified the unwillingness of Poppy when she died. At least, Lucia thought so.

Arthur had been watching Lucia worriedly. He thought she would break down and cry, but after walking into the farewell hall, he found that Lucia was just staring at Poppy’s remains with a pale face, no tears in her eyes. The more she had no response, the more worried Arthur became.

“Lucia, if you can’t take it anymore, let’s get out of here, okay?” Arthur asked Lucia.

Lucia raised her eyes, looked at Arthur and asked, “Arthur, you see Poppy’s expression so peaceful. When the bullet penetrated, do you think she could still feel the pain?”

Lucia’s eyes were soaked with a layer of dim light. When people were in pain, they often gave up on themselves to aggravate the pain. Now she was asking this question.

“Lucia…” Arthur held her hand in distress and called out her name softly. There was no other way to relieve her grief.

“It’s okay. I’m really uncomfortable right now. I can’t breathe, for Poppy, and for myself, but I won’t break down. If I’m broken, who will punish Jacob!” Lucia’s eyes burst into a dazzling beam and she said so word by word.

Arthur knew that Lucia was strong, but this strength was tempered by countless injuries. He wished she could be weaker and rely on him.

“Tomorrow I’ll take Poppy back home,” Kane said aside.

“I’ll go with you.” Lucia said immediately, looking away from Poppy’s remains.

“Lucia, don’t go. The company needs you now. Besides, I have to see my parents when I go back. It will only delay your time. We will go together next year.” Kane declined.

Lucia lowered her eyes and thought for a while, and finally nodded her head. She had already accumulated a lot of works after returning from a vacation in the USA. Webbex Group was hit hard by the Jacob case, and a thousand things waited to be done. She had the responsibility to appease all the people.

Arthur was a little relieved when he saw Lucia nodding. He didn’t really want Lucia to follow Kane to bury Poppy, not because he didn’t value their friendship, but because he didn’t want to see Lucia so tired.

After speaking, the three fell silent. Lucia had to turn her eyes back to Poppy’s remains. She didn’t dare to look at it for a long time. The target was Jacob, but he escaped, so she couldn’t relieve at all.

Arthur seemed to sense Lucia’s emotion. He walked over to her and gently wrapped around her waist, but raised his head and said to Kane,

“Kane, let’s bury Poppy sooner rather than later…”

Kane turned his head and saw the worry in Arthur’s eyes. He nodded and said with a low sigh, “Poppy, we’ve sent you off for the last time. If there is an afterlife, I hope you can always keep your original intention and won’t be confused by power and money. You must remember that only sincerity is immutable.”

Listening to Kane’s words, Lucia felt sad. She looked at Poppy with determination, and said silently in her heart: Poppy, in the next life, keep being a simple girl.

When the farewell ceremony was over, Kane motioned to the staff to push Poppy away. Arthur quickly circled Lucia and walked out. Lucia followed Arthur’s footsteps in a daze, but turned her head to the direction Poppy was pushed away. As soon as the side door opened, she saw another one room was an incinerator. Poppy was pushed to that cold place by the staff.

“Poppy…” With a call, Lucia’s tears finally fell. Arthur quickly reached out to cover her eyes, comforting softly,

“Lucia, don’t let Poppy go uneasy at the end.”

“I know…” Her eyes were covered, but tears were running down Arthur’s fingers. Lucia choked out,

“She just disappeared… I really can’t accept it…”

Arthur’s eyes looked in Poppy’s direction until he saw her being pushed into the incinerator by the staff. When the door was closed, he put down his hand and gently wiped Lucia’s tears, while he kissed her on the forehead and murmured softly,

“It’s okay. At least Poppy finished her regret for you before she left. If there is still unfinished business, let’s do it for her.”

Lucia buried her head between Arthur’s neck, letting the tears flow.

Kane was not feeling well. He couldn’t stay any longer, so he went straight out. Arthur saw that and walked out with Lucia to the vestibule of the funeral home. When he looked up, he could see that the smoke in the chimney of the incinerator was rising. Arthur’s heart sank at the steady stream of green smoke.

Sure enough, after seeing those green smoke, Lucia’s tears fell even harder.

She could imagine that Poppy was burning in the extreme fire now, and a complete body gradually withered away, turning into only a few bones and a puff of green smoke.

Seeing Lucia’s tears falling like rain, Arthur turned his side to block her sight. When Lucia struggled to keep looking, he tightly wrapped her body and said softly,

“Lucia, don’t look at it. Don’t make yourself too uncomfortable.”

Lucia looked up at Arthur through tears and frowned stubbornly. Arthur lowered his head, kissed her forehead softly, and said,

“Be good. Don’t look at it.”

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